1. Applicant Information

Organization Name ______

Mailing Address ______

Website ______

Contact Person and Title ______

Email ______

Telephone ______Fax ______

  1. Agriculture Awareness Project
  1. Project Name
  2. Project Lead Person (if different from applicant)
  3. Lead Person Qualifications (limited to 250 words)
  4. Describe your organization, year founded, its mandate and list any similar projects completed to date (limited to 250 words)
  5. Are you a non profit organization in good standing?
  6. Briefly describe the project and its objectives (limited to 250 words)
  7. Is this a new project or an expansion of an existing initiative?
  8. Who is the target audience for the project?
  9. What municipalities will be impacted by the project?
  10. Describe any partnerships or collaboration that is essential to implementing the project (limited to 250 words)
  1. Project Schedule and Deliverables
  1. Project Start date: ______Project End date: ______
  2. What is the proposed timetable for the project?
  3. What is the deliverable(s) for the project?
  4. What are the anticipatedbenefits of this project to the region? (limited to 250 words)
  5. How will you determine whether the project has been successful?
  1. Project Budget
  1. Total Project Budget
  2. Total Lead Organization Contribution
  3. Total Partner Contributions
  4. Grant Request from Metro Vancouver

Budget Details

  1. List of Expenses and Amount
  2. Sources of Revenue and Amount (indicate if confirmed)
  3. List In-kind Contributions and Estimate Value
  1. Conditions
  1. All grant recipients must provide Metro Vancouver a brief report on the results of the project by no later than February 6,2016. The report should include how the funds were used, the results of the agriculture awareness activity and whether the objectives were met.
  2. Grant recipients must acknowledge the support of Metro Vancouver on all promotional materials related to the funded project.
  3. Organizations making significant changes to the scope, schedule or budget provided in this application are requested to inform Metro Vancouver staff about the changes.
  4. If the project proposed in this application is not completed; and there remains regional funds on hand; or if the project is completed without requiring the full use of regional funds, the outstanding funds should be returned to Metro Vancouver through the Finance Department.
  5. Information provided in this application may be subject to disclosure under the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.
  1. Deadline for Submission

The 2015 Application Form can be filled out and submitted online or completed and set toagri-awareness@metrovancouver


Fax to: 604-432-6296


Mail to

Metro Vancouver Agriculture Awareness Grants

Metropolitan Planning, Environment and Parks

4330 Kingsway, 6th Floor

Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8