CCGPS 7th Grade Life Science Syllabus (IB MYP Year 2014-2015)

CAMPBELL MIDDLE SCHOOL, An International Baccalaureate World School



Instructor(s): Ms.Susan Aughey

Ms. Hood (6th)


This course will focus on life science. The format of this course promotes student engagement through exploration of concepts and making natural connections between units of study and how different concepts integrate into the global community. These connections will personalize student learning and promote habits of the mind that support the IB learner profile. Throughout the year, we will use “real-life” applications and encourage students to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, risk takers, balanced, caring, and reflective in their learning.

By the end of this course, students will understand the interdepence of life, cells and genetics, and evolution. An emphasis will be placed on holistic learning, communication, and intercultural awareness.

Our study of these topics will be:

·  Holistic – focusing on each student as an individual

·  Intercultural – emphasizing learning outside our classroom and appreciating others in the world

·  Focused on communication – focusing on collaboration through group work, cooperative learning, presentations, written reports, and lab partners. Utilizing the computer, iPods, iPads, and Smartphones as an APPROPRIATE technology tool to collaborate with classmates, communicate with teachers and parents and to document the learning from our class.


Units have been developed around the IB MYP criteria:

We will address MYP objectives through the state standards.

·  S7L1 - Students will investigate the diversity of living organisms and how they can be compared scientifically.

·  S7L2 - Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

·  S7L3 - Students will recognize how biological traits are passed on to successive generations.

·  S7L4 - Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments.

·  S7L5 - Students will examine the evolution of living organisms through inherited characteristics that promote survival of organisms and the survival of successive generations of their offspring.

Units of Study / MYP Criteria (not in any order) / Common Core GA Performance Standards
Interdependence of Life / One World / S7L4
Energy Flow and Nutrient Cyclinig / Communication in Science / S7L4
Structure and Funtion of Cells / Knowledge and understanding of science / S7L1
Human Body Systems / Scientific Inquiry / S7L2
Genetics and Heredity / Empathy and awareness for others / S7L3
Evidence of Evolution / Attitudes in science / S7L4, S7L5
Classification / Processing Data / S7L5, S7L2


During the course, we will use the areas of interaction to build connections between students’ knowledge and experience related to the real world. For example, students will develop approaches to learning that help them become problem solvers and critical thinkers. In relation to human ingenuity, we will explore the systems of life and how those systems interact with each other and the environment. Students will incorporate community and service into their study of science which will encourage responsible citizenship as they deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.


Holt Science and Technology: Life Science textbook. All students have received the username and password for the online textbook. Hard cover books can be checked out if necessary.

Online textbook website:,

username – aughey; password - science

Gizmo’s website:

Virtual Class Room: user name: student lunch number, password science (some students have changed their password.


In the MYP, teachers work together to develop a variety of opportunities for learning focusing on the approaches to learning, especially critical thinking and reflection. Individual and collaborative active learning are at the heart of the classroom instruction. Real world connections and opportunities to investigate and solve problems will help students become world citizens who understand contemporary issues with a depth and wisdom drawn from experience and future trends.


A balance of formative and summative assessments will be used to assess student learning. Rubrics and checklists will provide students with assignment expectations. Rubrics, guide sheets, student reflections and checklist are ways to help the student to focus on the directions, self check that all requirements have been fulfilled with the highest degree of quality and rigor for the student’s abilities.


Numerical grades will be issued to indicate academic performance. Class averages will be determined using the following weighted averages for content to be covered. Parents may access Synergy (the free online grade book) to view your student’s grades, missing assignments, and attendance. In addition, at least two assignments per semester will be assessed using the IB MYP learning criteria: These assignments may be chosen at random or through students submitting a pre/post student sample so the teacher and the student can monitor progress and improvement.

Students’ grades are based on a variety of assessments. The percentages are broken down below. It is extremely important that students hand in their assignments on time and complete.

·  Tests and projects—30%

·  Classwork and Quizzes—30%

·  Labs and Warm Ups—30%

·  Homework—10%


Homework will count for ten percent (10%) of the final grade. Daily assignments and homework can be found on my blog at


Late work/Redo option – Students are given a one week grace period for all missing/late work. After this time, 10% points are deducted for every subsequent week the assignment is late. Additionally, students will not be permitted to make up work during the last week of the grading period. The redo option can be denied at the teacher’s discretion due to character issues such as honesty, integrity, etc. Moreover, the teacher reserves the right to change the format for all late work.


Students must follow the CMS Student Behavior Expectations Plan as outlined in the Student Agenda. The agenda must be with students at all times and will serve as their hall pass. In addition, students are expected to abide by ALL classroom procedures and expectations. Conduct grades will be determined using the number of classroom infractions earned by a student during the grading period. Additionally, the teacher’s assessment of the student’s overall behavior in his/her class will be considered in assigning conduct grades.



Your child was given a student agenda at the beginning of the school year or upon enrollment. We encourage you to regularly check this agenda for important dates and reminders, as well as for your child’s daily assignments. The agenda will also serve as the student’s hall pass and should be with your child at all times while on campus.


In order to be prepared DAILY, each student should have:

Two dedicated interactive spiral notebook (IAN) for science with the back 20 pages reserved for reflections and CRCT practice. Pencils and BLUE pens, glue sticks and a yellow highlighter. Other helpful but not required supplies include scissors, color pencils, ruler and a case to carry the supplies.


Parents may register to receive access to Synergy (the free online grade book), which can be used to keep up with student progress. Students will record assignments and homework in their agenda. Teachers will update their blogs on a weekly basis. Please feel free to email until 9 pm at night for quick replies. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, your email may have been blocked. Therefore, please send a note in your student’s agenda. While at home, parents are encouraged to:

·  Set a regular time and routine for doing homework.

·  Establish a regular place which is well lit and quiet for completing homework.

·  Remove distractions during home study time. No television, phone calls, or text messaging (during study time)

·  Insist that homework assignments are completed daily

·  Check Synergy and my blog daily for updated grades, homework, and school events

This plan can be changed to reflect the needs of the students.

Students and parents please sign and return. It will be kept in the front of the math section of the binder for reference.

Student Name (print) Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Contact Number(s) Parent/Guardian Email Address

Science Block/Period: ______