Brunswick Street Mall and Chinatown Mall
The Fortitude Valley Malls are managed by Brisbane City Council’s City Malls Management (CMM). This factsheet includes information on the services provided by CMM to help you operate your business within the Valley Malls.
The CMM office is located at Level 1/277 Brunswick Street Mall, Fortitude Valley. If you would like more information about CMM services, activities or events please phone (07) 3403 8195, email or visit our office.
What we do
Activation and marketing
CMM organise regular events and festivals within the Valley Malls to help promote the precinct, generate additional customer traffic and enhance economic outcomes for local businesses.
Busking in Brunswick Street Mall or Chinatown Mall adds to the vibrant atmosphere of the Valley precinct. Buskers will need to apply for a licence to perform in the Valley Malls. The licence is free, however buskers need to submit an application and attend an audition.
Outdoor dining
Council supports outdoor dining within the Valley Malls, as it promotes increased social and cultural life, and contributes to the precinct’s identity, animation and security. Businesses abutting the Valley Malls are encouraged to undertake outdoor dining. CMM can help you apply for an outdoor dining permit.
Mall traffic permits
For safety reasons, businesses need to apply to CMM for a mall traffic permit before entering Brunswick Street Mall or Chinatown Mall with a car, truck or other vehicle.
Hoarding and scaffolding
If building improvement work is likely to extend into the Valley Malls, businesses need to apply to CMM for a hoarding and scaffolding permit. This ensures the safety of mall patrons and businesses.
Peaceful assembly
Members of the public can provide to CMM a public notification of intent to hold a peaceful assembly in the mall. Any peaceful assembly should comply with the Peaceful Assembly Act 1992.
Customer Liaison Officers and Local Laws
CMM Customer Liaison Officers (CLOs) actively engage with visitors and businesses within the Valley Malls to provide advice and manage issues, needs and concerns.
CLOs ensure the Valley Malls are maintained to a high standard in terms of safety, cleanliness, landscaping and maintenance. They also ensure appropriate actions are taken relating to the enforcement of ordinances, legislation and local laws under the City of Brisbane Act 2010 and City of Brisbane Regulation 2012.
The CitySafe closed circuit television (CCTV) system provides high-quality surveillance within the Valley Malls and outer perimeters to provide a safe environment for patrons. CitySafe aims to reduce crime by deterring potential offenders and helping the police and CMM apply fast and effective responses to incidents and emergency situations.
Key contacts
In an emergency / Police, Fire, Ambulance / 000Alcohol, shoplifting, public nuisance etc / Fortitude Valley Police Beat / (07) 3224 4444
General mall enquiries
Building and scaffolding permits, outdoor dining, busking licences, peaceful assemblies, vehicle access permits, traffic restrictions, cleaning, maintenance, fundraising locations, trees and plants, CitySafe and other day-to-day activities in the Valley Malls. / City Malls Management / (07) 3403 8195
Brisbane City Council / Council's Contact Centre is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week / (07) 3403 8888
Brisbane City Council's business hotline
Businesses can access information on a range of Council-related services including licensing, development applications and procurement. / Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week / 133 BNE (133 263)
Water and sewerage / Queensland Urban Utilities
General enquiries
Faults and emergencies / 13 26 57
13 23 64
Faulty street lights and trees growing into powerlines / Energex / 13 12 53
Homeless persons information Queensland / Free call / 1800 474 753
For further enquiries please call City Malls Management on (07) 3403 8195 or email