The Healing Codes 11.06.2008 23

Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is November 6, 2008 and everything on this call is being recorded. The recording is available as a download from our website:

As you recognize if you’ve been on these calls before, I always mention that we want to support people doing The Healing Codes in several different ways. This call is one, the recording is another. Our website is another; the Clients Only area on our main website is another. Having you listen to other people talk about their situations and their successes can be very encouraging. I recognize, because I hear that kind of feedback pretty frequently, that when you ask a question you actually serve more than yourself or the people on the call now, but in fact people listening to the recordings afterwards. So you folks are part of the support that we provide to other folks, both on the call and afterwards via the recording.

We love to hear your success stories and anything that is happening that you attribute to The Healing Codes. Again, that’s important, to encourage people to see if they can relax enough to allow the same sorts of blessings to occur in their lives.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart and it is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If not, you can just let them go flying by as not being relevant at all to you.

The main point that I like to make to people who are brand new to The Healing Codes, and in fact maybe as a reminder, is not to try so hard to do The Healing Codes perfectly. That idea of doing them perfectly is a myth and in fact adds stress more than it leads to relaxation. It’s relaxation that we are looking to produce in the body so the body can do what it knows how to do, bring up awareness, heal itself and so on. Allowing it is a very important part of that. You focusing your attention on what you want, that is the Truth Focus Statement, however you visualize that, ideally, more than just words, but the feeling, the visual image of what you consider success that you’re trying to achieve. Then as you relax you have already put yourself in drive and you are literally moving toward that goal, while at the same time you are attracting that goal to you. It’s kind of like getting in your car and driving to a destination and that destination is at the same time is moving toward you. “Wow, that happened very quickly.” It happens because of those kinds of energetic conditions that you are active and so is what you want.

I would just like to open the floor for questions, comments, situations, and I’d be pleased to create Custom Codes if you are inclined to have them. Is there anybody with a question, comment, answer, story, you name it?

Participant: (Sam) I got The Healing Codes twice and returned it because of fear it wouldn’t work, right? The disclaimer, and how I might lose my money because you have a disclaimer that says it’s not meant to heal anything, something like that. Basically how could I know that I’m healed by using The Healing Codes? How do I know that I’m healed? Why is it called “Healing” instead of “Healed”? Does it take your whole life to heal?

Tom Costello: Good question. You recognize, politically in the United States, it is illegal for anybody to talk about curing or healing physical issues. It’s against the law. It is against the law. The AMA (American Medical Association), American Psychological Association, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and so on, those organizations have staked out that territory as belonging to the AMA and the APA and others, not to the man in the street or people like The Healing Codes or other alternative health care practitioners, energy therapists and so on.

The reality is doctors do not heal us. Medicines do not heal us. Surgeries do not heal us. Chemo and radiation do not heal us. What heals is the body heals itself. We can get into a whole conversation, which I won’t do, about the body being directed, being influenced, being supported by an energy form that most of us refer to as God, Spirit, Holy Spirit, and a lot of other names, all meaning the ultimate creative force that lead to and sustains our physical existence.

It is more of that force leads to healing. Less of that force, in my belief system, means illness. It’s not like the tide goes out and then the tide comes in. It’s more like we block the tide or we allow the tide. Stress blocks that energy. It blocks the tide. It blocks that life-supporting energy. If we can reduce stress, which takes us out of this self-protect mode and allows us to open, on an awareness level. You can think better when you are not stressed. You are smarter when you are not stressed. On the cellular level the cells in your body behave differently when you are not stressed. The immune system is a priority in your body’s functioning when you are not stressed. So if we can reduce stress, the way I describe it, if we can call off the war, declare peace, the body’s systems, the design of it is geared to kick in and go back to work.

We create a lot of the stress, if not all of it by the way we interpret what we think about, what we look at, what we hear, what we smell, what we taste, what we touch and what we sense. A lot of those habits of interpretation occur from our earliest childhood. We’re told certain things that are not true, but as children we don’t have the ability to filter them out, deflect them, or know they are total nonsense. We take them in as if they are truth.

Bruce Lipton, a PhD and researcher, does a beautiful job of explaining how a child, up until about the age of six doesn’t have that filtering system. In fact the child is almost like an open program with a keyboard so that anybody walking by can type in commands that are accepted by the subconscious as being true no matter how outrageously false they are, no matter how destructive they are to happiness.

So The Healing Codes reduces the stress by helping us get relaxed, helping us get new points of view about painful experiences. It allows us to get a new interpretation. Then the war is over. Peace has been declared. The body goes back to healing itself.

How do we know we’re being healed? I would think the first order of business is look at how you think. The next order of business is look at how you feel. The third is how you are physically. Recognize that before a physical condition exists, either illness or health, there would have been a whole series of thoughts which trigger emotions, which over time will result in a physical manifestation. If you can think thoughts about something other than threats or fears or angers or other lower vibration energy (shame, apathy, grief, lust, pride), if you can think higher vibration thoughts above that range, then your body is out of “fight or flight”, the key indicators of being in stress. If you recognize during the course of the day, “You know what? I looked at the rain as pretty today, whereas in the past I saw it as something different. I looked at the traffic as if it was a fact of abundance as compared to an annoyance.” Then you say, “I’m thinking differently. I’m recognizing that I’m not processing so many inputs as threats.” That would be the first sign that you are on this path.

The second is “I wake up in the morning and I feel better. I feel my face relax. I feel smiles creeping into my interaction with people. People have remarked about the sparkle in my eye or the calmness, that sort of thing.” You feel it. You feel this kind of relaxed stuff. Then ultimately you go, “I notice I’m more stable. I’m happier. I’m more even keeled. I don’t get knocked out of balanced as often. My body doesn’t ache. My body feels more energetic, more vital.” Those sort of things.

How long does it take for that stuff to go from the thought to the feeling? That’s very fast. But to go from thought, feeling to the physical manifestation, it takes as long as it takes. Sometimes people say, “Hey, I want this to happen faster.” Okay, how long have you been developing this condition? “Oh, 60 years.” Okay. What do you think is reasonable in order to construct a new condition, i.e. a healthy body? “Well, I was hoping for 6 days or 6 hours or 6 minutes.” Okay. Hmmmm. Maybe it will take a little longer than that.

We’re all going to live as long as we’re going to live. Focusing on things that make us feel good is the way to a happy life. The happier we are in our daily thoughts and feelings, it’s going to show up as a different physical body. How long does it take? It depends on the steadiness, the consistency, your allowing, not working hard.

I kind of look at it like this. It’s as if we’re all at a huge buffet. On the buffet table are foods that are arranged in vibrational order. On one end of the table are vibrations of peace or excitement or enthusiasm or courageousness or acceptance or compassion or joy or happiness or laughter or humor or courage or adventure or discovery. Then you move toward the other end of the table and you can end up in pride, anger, craving and so on. Most of us would say, “Wow, that’s got to be an easy choice, when you walk up to that table to choose from that high vibration end of the table.” Well, maybe in a buffet it would be choosing foods that make us feel good about ourselves and everybody else, but when it comes to thoughts we’re dealing with literally a thought buffet. “I’m really angry about…” That is not going to make us feel good but it is a primitive part of our nature, cave man kind of thing that says, “I need to do this in order to be safe.” But if you do that over time, over time, over time it will make you sick and you will be anything but safe. You go, “Ah, I want to choose my thoughts so they make me feel good. I want to focus my attention on things that make me feel good.” The more you are aware of that and do that the faster you produce results in your body, because, not only have we declared peace, but we have peace consistently.

For most people it’s like this. The immune system is like workers in a high rise that are doing maintenance and reconstruction and organizing the place and tidying it up all the time. However, they’ve got instructions. When an alarm goes off they are to stop working. They are no longer the priority. They take on a different role. Peace, peace, alarm bell, peace, alarm bell, peace, alarm bell, peace…. You can imagine a worker: doing, not stop it, doing, yep, stop, go back to work, stop, go back to work, stop. You go, “I don’t know why my immune system is not functioning fully.” It’s because we are pulling the alarm bell with fight or flight, with stress, with the way we’re interpreting things. Then we think and feel in a certain way.

The Codes don’t heal. Your body heals. You do the healing, not the Codes. You go, “Why do I do the Codes?” You do the Codes because it is a fantastic self-care. It is a fantastic way to reduce the stress which, in fact, is the main impediment to your health, your happiness, your full functioning, your joy, your success, you getting what you want.

“Oh, I’d like to have less stress.” You betcha. That’s true of all of us.

Participant: Everybody does.

Tom Costello: So the game is to reduce that stress. That’s what the Codes are about.

Participant: I listened to the video on the website today. In the first couple of minutes they said gene therapy. Do you have any idea what I’m talking about?

Tom Costello: I think some of that stuff is related to the research that Bruce Lipton has done. You can go to the internet and you will see tons of “reputable scientists and doctors” referring to “that’s a genetic thing”. Bruce Lipton says that’s totally off base. It is what gets activated by the way we interpret environmental signals that is the key. Do we have all kinds of genetic possibilities? Absolutely. Every one of us does. There is a tremendous range. But if they don’t get activated we don’t see their full expression. We don’t see those things showing up in our lives, those things being either good or what we don’t want, like illnesses. The signals being transmitted into the body by the way we process information is really the key to this as compared to “Somebody in my family got this disease so genetically I must be programmed.” That belief is where the programming is, not the fact that somebody in our bloodline had one disease or another.

Just think how long our bloodlines go. How long is your blood like been going on? I have no idea. Thousands of years? During the course of that thousands of years, do you think somebody has experienced one disease or another? Probably every single one of them that we could identify, with the possible exception of restless leg syndrome. I think none of my relatives ever had that because I’m of the persuasion that these invented diseases are not diseases at all. “Social anxiety”, what’s that? I think that’s called being alive and being a human being. Politically I say that’s to market drugs.

“Oh, you’ve got hair. You need a drug.” “You don’t have hair. You need a drug.” Hello!

Ultimately the control that we have, which is fantastic, is we can choose the thoughts and those thoughts will attract experiences into our lives. You think the thoughts are fearful; fearful things are going to show up. More fear. You make choices off the thought buffet of happiness. You’ve got more of that coming your way.

Participant: I wonder if I feel I’m healed but I’m not ready yet to go off my medicine. How do I know when I’m ready to go off my medicine? Talk to my doctor?