Integrated Algebra III (Course 3)
Mr. Hamilton
Cell Phone- (716)450-1402
My name is John Hamilton; I grew up in Frewsburg, New York. Frewsburg is a small town in the country, with more cows than people. I attended Frewsburg Central School, and played five varsity sports which include Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and Diving. After high school I attended Jamestown Community College and graduated with my Associates Degree in one year. At JCC, I played shortstop for the Varsity baseball team. I went on to attend Fredonia State University in New York. I graduated from Fredonia with a Bachelors degree in Mathematics, and a Bachelors degree in Education. While attending Fredonia for two years, I played on the Fredonia State Baseball team.
My Expectations- Trust Me! If you do what I tell you, everyone will be successful. I expect nothing less than the best from my students. With some hard work and dedication success is the only option. Math can be fun and with the cooperation of the students and myself I expect to have a positive and enjoyable classroom atmosphere this semester. However, when it is time to work I expect students to get down to business and get done what needs to get done. Communication is essential to a successful class and school year!
Instructional Materials (provided for students)
à The textbook for this course is Core-Plus Mathematics (Course 3). This book is designed for class discussion, student led investigations, summaries of work, scaffolding questions, and maximum learning. Students discover math during these investigations from real world applications.
Required Materials and Supplies
1. 2-inch three ring binder, pencil or pen. Each student will keep a log of notebook contents and will be expected to maintain an organized notebook at all times. Student notebooks will be graded periodically.
(pencil recommended)
2. 1-subject spiral composition book. Students will use this to create a reference notebook of graphic organizers.
Expectations of Students: In order to maintain a positive learning environment for all, students are asked to observe the 5 “Be’s” every day.
1. Be present. Your mind should accompany your body to school every day. You are a valuable member of the class and we will not be the same without you.
2. Be prepared. Bring your notebooks and a pen or pencil to class every day. Have your homework ready at the beginning of the class period.
3. Be productive. Give it all you’ve got, every task, every day! Your input is just as valuable as anyone else’s. Your efforts improve and empower the team.
4. Be safe. Always consider the wellbeing of your classmates and yourself. We will work with equipment that must be handled carefully. Safety equipment/goggles are not optional!
5. Be respectful. Respect the rights, ideas, and property of others. Remember the Golden Rule and treat others the way you want to be treated. Attitudes are contagious, so make sure yours is worth catching.
ü Students will participate fully in all learning activities.
ü Students will remain respectful by valuing and encouraging others at all times.
ü Students will complete ALL assignments.
ü Students will take pride in their work and the work of others by maintaining academic honesty and integrity.
ü Trust the system (We are a team I won’t let you sink)
ü Students will keep our home clean.
Grading Information
Students must score a level 3 or 4 on the Algebra 2 EOC test in order to graduate from high school.
Homework - Classwork 20% of nine weeks grade
Notebook 10% of nine weeks grade
Quizzes 25% of nine weeks grade
Class Participation 10% of nine weeks grade
Major Tests 35% of nine weeks grade
Homework- Student’s will be given homework at the end of every Investigation, and throughout when needed. Homework is the best review, and we will go over homework the morning it is due. There will be no late work graded. Homework will be graded as an effort or completion grade, right or wrong, or sometimes both. I will not always tell you which type it will be so do your homework! ** Every homework assignment that is not complete when graded must be finished and put into the notebook. **
I do not give homework as busy work, if I think it is necessary to give homework I will grade it. Just because late work is not graded doesn’t mean it won’t get finished. I still require the late homework due the next day!
Notebook- Notebooks will be graded at the end of every lesson. We will look at the homework section of the notebook. Every homework assignment must be complete to receive full credit. We will also look at neatness and organization of the notebook, which will be factored into the grade.
***Doing the homework the first time will kill two birds with one stone***
Quizzes- Quizzes will be given at the end of every lesson. The quizzes from the core plus program are open ended thinking questions, which are different from your typical right or wrong answer math tests.
Participation- Participation is important for dialogue in the classroom. It allows for conversation between teacher to student, and most importantly STUDENT TO STUDENT. This is a form of learning and assessment for both me and the students. It allows for students to formulate thoughts into productive statements, which will allow for optimal growth.
Exams- All exams count 35% of the 9 week grade. Integrated Algebra III students will take the Algebra 2 EOC. Integrated Algebra is an Honors class intended as a ninth or tenth grade course for highly motivated students who have demonstrated an interest in Math. The Algebra 2 EOC exam is required to receive credit for this class. The state honors committee designated one required extended objective.
Please review these rules/procedures with your parent/guardian and sign below to verify that you have been informed of Mr. Hamilton’s classroom expectations and agree to function as an effective team member. If you have any questions or concerns, would like to schedule a conference, or have an interest in visiting our classroom at any time, please contact Mr. Hamilton at or .
Student Signature ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Thank you so much for allowing your children to embark upon this great adventure at Duplin Early College. I am so excited about working, learning, and growing with the students this year. I invite you to become an active member of our classroom and encourage you to engage in regular conversations with your student about what is going on at their school. Please contact me any time.
John Hamilton
Integrated Mathematics IIISuggested Pacing Guide
Core Plus Mathematics Course 3 / Number of Days / Notes
Unit 5 – Nonlinear Functions and Equations / (4 days)
Lesson 3: Common Logarithms and Exponential Equations
*Investigation 1: How Loud is Too Loud? / 2 days
*Investigation 2: Solving for Exponents / 2 days
Unit One: Reasoning and Proof / (17 days)
Lesson 1: Reasoning Strategies / 5 days
*Investigation 1: Reasoned Arguments
*Investigation 2: Reasoning with If-Then Statements
Lesson 3: Algebraic Reasoning and Proof / 5 days
*Investigation 1: Reasoning with Algebraic Expressions
*Investigation 2: Reasoning with Algebraic Equations
Lesson 5: Looking Back / 1 day
Unit 1 Assessment / 1 day
Unit Two: Inequalities and Linear Programming / (15 days)
Lesson 1: Inequalities in One Variable / 6 days
*Investigation 1: Getting the Picture
*Investigation 2: Quadratic Inequalities
*Investigation 3: Complex Inequalities
Lesson 2: Inequalities with Two Variables / 7 days
*Investigation 1: Solving Inequalities
*Investigation 2: Linear Programming – A Graphic Approach
*Investigation 3: Lienar Programming – Algebraic Methods
Lesson 3: Looking Back / 1 day
Unit 2 Assessment / 1 day
Unit 5: Polynomials and Rations Functions / (19 days)
Lesson 1: Polynomial Expressions and Functions / 5 days
*Investigation 1: Modeling with Polynomial Functions
*Investigation 2: Addition, Subtraction, and Zeros
*Investigation 3: Zeros and Products of Polynomials
Lesson 2: Quadratic Polynomials / 5 days
*Investigation 1: Completing the Square
*Investigation 2: The Quadratic Formula and Complex Numbers
Lesson 3: Rational Expressions and Functions / 7 days
*Investigation 1: Domain and Graphs of Rational Functions
*Investigation 2: Simplyfying Rational Expressions
*Investigation 3: Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
*Investigation 4: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Lesson 4: Looking Back / 1 day
Unit 5 Assessment / 1 day
Unit 6: Circles and Circular Functions / (5 days)
Lesson One: Properties of Circles / 4 days
*Investigation 1: Tangents to a Circle
*Investigation 2: Chords, Arcs, and Central Angles
*Investigation 3: Angles Inscribed in a Circle
Lesson Three: Looking Back & Assessment / 1 day
Unit 7: Inverse Functions / (10 days)
Lesson One: What is an Inverse Function? / 3 days
*Investigation One: Coding and Decoding Messages
*Investigation Two: Finding and using Inverse Functions
Lesson Two: Common Logarithims and Their Properities / 5 days
*Investigation One: Common Logarithims Revisited
*Investigation Two: Covering All the Bases
*Investigation Three: Properties of Logarithims
Lesson Four: Looking Back / 1 day
Unit 7 Assessment / 1 day
Review and Final Exam / 5
TOTAL DAYS / 75 days
There will be two additional days benchmark testing! 2 days
There will be 5 days of students teaching lessons their own 5 days
There will be 2 days that will be used for make up days!! 2 days
TOTAL DAYS 84 days