Module title / The Practitioner as LearnerModule code / KV400
Credit value / 20
Level / Level 4 / x / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8
Level 0 (for modules at foundation level)
Entry criteria for registration on this module
Pre-requisites / None
Co-requisite modules / None
Module delivery
Mode of delivery / Taught / x / Distance / Placement / Online
Pattern of delivery / Weekly / x / Block / x / Other
When module is delivered / Semester 1 / x / Semester 2 / Throughout year
Brief description of module content and/ or aims
Overview (max 80 words) / This module aims to help students develop their awareness and understanding of themselves as learners, the impact of social and contextual issues on their own and others’ learning and prepares them to meet the academic requirements of the course, including foundations for professional development and critical reflection on practice.
Module author / Mark Price
School / Education
Site where delivered / East Surrey College. Falmer, Guernsey, Hastings, Northbrook College
Course(s) for which module is appropriate and status on that course
Course / Status
BA(Hons) Working with Children and Young People (F) / Compulsory
BA(Hons) Early Childhood Practice (F) (H) / Compulsory
BA(Hons) Supporting Learning 5-11 (F) / Compulsory
BA(Hons) Supporting Learning 11-19 (F) / Compulsory
BA(Hons) Youth Work (F) / Compulsory
FdA Early Years Care and Education (ESC) (G) (NBC) / Compulsory
FdA Professional Studies in Primary Education (G) / Compulsory
FdA Supporting Learning (G) / Compulsory
Aims / This module aims to help you develop your awareness and understanding of yourself as a learner, the impact of social and contextual issues on your own and others’ learning and prepares you to meet the academic requirements of the course, including foundations for professional development and critical reflection on practice.Learning outcomes / By the end of the module you should be able to:
1. show awareness and understanding of your own learning history;
2. develop autonomy in and take responsibility for your own learning and development;
3. draw upon an appropriate range of study skills to engage in academic study;
4. engage with theory to inform critical reflection on practice and own development.
Content / What is learning? Notions of equality in learning. Social and cultural contexts of learning. Self as learner. Nature/nurture. Ecological systems theory. Reflection on childhood and youth. Work related learning. Learning in higher education. Preferred learning patterns and styles. Academic practices. Support for learning.
Learning support / Books:
Bolton, G. (2010) Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development (3rd edition), London: Sage
Cottrell, S. (2013) The Study Skills Handbook (4th edition), Basingstoke, Macmillan.
Durrant, A., Rhodes, G. Young, D. (eds) (2011) Getting Started with University-level Work Based Learning (2nd edition), Oxon: Libri
Edmond, N. Price, M. (eds) (2012) Integrated Working with Children and Young People: Supporting Development from Birth to Nineteen, London: Sage
Ghaye, A. (2010) Teaching and Learning through Reflective Practice: A practical guide for positive action, London: RoutledgePollard, A. (2008) Reflective Teaching: Effective and Evidence-informed Professional Practice (3rd edition), London: Continuum
Smith, E. (2012) Key Issues in Education and Social Justice, London: Sage
Tripp, D. (2011) Critical Incidents in Teaching: Developing Professional Judgement (revised edition), London: Routledge
Students will be supported in identifying and accessing appropriate academic journals to support their professional development.
Teaching and learning activities
Details of teaching and learning activities / Lectures. Small group workshops/seminars. Online and work-based learning tasks. Peer supported learning.
Allocation of study hours (indicative)
Where 10 credits = 100 learning hours / Study hours
SCHEDULED / This is an indication of the number of hours students can expect to spend in scheduled teaching activities Lectures. Small group workshops/seminars. Peer supported learning / 20
GUIDED INDEPENDENT STUDY / All students are expected to undertake guided independent study which includes wider reading/ practice, online learning tasks. / 100
PLACEMENT / The placement is a specific type of learning away from the University, including to prepare for, undertake and review work-based learning activities. / 80
Assessment tasks
Details of assessment on this module / During the course of the module students will compile a profile of themselves as a learner (2,500 words or equivalent).
The task will be marked on a percentage basis.
Referral task: Reworking of original task.
Types of assessment task[1]
Indicative list of summative assessment tasks which lead to the award of credit or which are required for progression. / % weighting
(or indicate if component is pass/fail)
WRITTEN / Written exam
COURSEWORK / Written assignment/ essay, report, dissertation, portfolio, project output, set exercise / 100%
PRACTICAL / Oral assessment and presentation, practical skills assessment, set exercise
Area examination board / Combined Area Examination Board (Education Studies ELD: Academic Practice)
External examiners
Name / Position and institution / Date appointed / Date tenure ends
Dr Ruth Dann / Senior Lecturer in Education Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University / 01/10/2013 / 30/09/2017
Date of first approval / June 2014Date of last revision / n/a
Date of approval for this version / June 2014
Date this version first taught (implementation) / September 2014
Version number / 1
Modules replaced / n/a
Available as free-standing module? / Yes / No / X
[1] Set exercises, which assess the application of knowledge or analytical, problem-solving or evaluative skills, are included under the type of assessment most appropriate to the particular task.