OBU004 Legal Environment of Business Learning
Outcomesand Body of Knowledge
/ Your Students’ Learning Experiences and Evidence to Meet the Learning Outcomesand Body of Knowledge / Time on Each Outcome
Please provide in details the learning and assessment activities and exercises that students undergo in order to meet the learning outcomes. You (as a faculty member) are presenting one representative sample syllabus that best describes your institution’s course. Listing specific examples in your narratives below does not mean that the review panel is expecting other faculty at your institution teaching the same course to use the same methodologies/assessments. However, once the review panel approves a submission, the equivalent rigor from the presented learning activities to meet the TAG outcomes is expected from other faculty. So please provide details about assignments and how each assignment meets the performance level (verbiage) expected in the revised TAG outcomes. / Estimate the time spent on the learning outcomes by using one of the timeframes provided.
The learning outcomes and body of knowledge below with an asterisk are essential and must be met.
1. Familiarity with legal language and concepts as they relate to business.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
2. Demonstration of an understanding of ethical behavior and social responsibility in the global environment in which business operates.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
3. General understanding of stakeholder and shareholder theories in the business decision-making process.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
4. General understanding of the legal system in the United States as it relates to business.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
5. Understanding of the basic law of contracts, torts and property as it relates to business.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
6. Ability to apply regulatory provisions to business situations.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
7. Ability to comprehend basic legal reasoning.* / ___ days/weeks/ periods/percentage
8. Application of critical thinking to the legal implications
present in business activities.* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
Body of Knowledge / Instruction: Provide evidence in description on how this body of knowledge is met (e.g., textbook chapter and title, relationship of the body of knowledge to the learning outcomes, an example of student learning and assessment to assure that students understand this body of knowledge).
I. Business and the Legal System
1. Business ethics and social responsibility* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
2. The nature of law and sources of law in the United States* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
3. The structure and procedures of the legal system of the United States and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
II. Civil Foundations of Legal Environment of Business
4. The basic torts relating to business enterprises* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
5. Different types of contracts and the requirements for a binding legal agreement* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
6. The importance of property in the legal environment of business* / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage
III. Regulatory Environment of Business in the United States (Cover at least six of the ten topics listed under Category III)*
7. Debtor—Creditor Relationships
8. Agency
9. Forms of Business Organizations
10. Employment Relationship and Employment Discrimination
11. Environmental Law
12. Antitrust Law
13. Securities Regulation
14. Consumer Protection
15. International Business Law
16. Sales Law / ___ days/weeks/periods/percentage

Template Created December 12, 2016