December 16, 2016


TO:The HonorableGabe A. Morgan, President, Virginia Sheriffs’ Association

The Honorable Eric Olson, President, Virginia Association of Commonwealth’s


The Honorable Laura Rudy, President, Treasurers’ Association of Virginia

The Honorable Lori K. Stevens, President, Commissioners of the Revenue Association of Virginia

The Honorable John Frey, President, Virginia Court Clerks’ Association

The Honorable Nate Green, President, Virginia Association of Local Elected

Constitutional Officers

Bobby Russell, President, Virginia Association of Regional Jails

Kimberly A. Winn, Executive Director, Virginia Municipal League

Dean A. Lynch, Executive Director, Virginia Association of Counties

FROM:Robyn M. de Socio, Executive Secretary

RE:Overview of Compensation Board Funding Contained in the Governor’s

Recommended Budget Bill (Amendments to the FY17/18 Budget)

Attached please find an overview of Governor McAuliffe’s budget proposals submitted today to the General Assembly. Based upon our preliminary analysis, this overview presents items that directly affect Constitutional Officers and Aid to Localities funding on their behalf. If additional analysis is needed based on these and any other proposals found in the detailed budget document, we will make that available as soon as possible.

The Compensation Board will review these recommendations at its meeting with Association Leadership on January 10, 2017, at 2:00PM at our office in Richmond.

Please feel free to call me or Charlotte Lee should you need additional information or have any questions concerning the enclosed summary.


cc:Compensation Board Members

Nancy Rodrigues, Secretary of Administration

Compensation Board Staff

Reginald Thompson, Analyst, Department of Planning and Budget

John Jones, Executive Director, Virginia Sheriffs’ Association

Jane S. Chambers, Director, Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Services Council

Alan D. Albert, LeClair Ryan

John “Chip” Dicks, FutureLaw, L.L.C.
Ron Jordan, Advantus Strategies

Madeline I. Abbitt, Abbitt Consulting Inc

Michael L. Edwards, Kemper Consulting

Janet Areson, Virginia Municipal League

s:/biennial budget FY17-18/2017 GA Session/budget bill/gov bud bill 12-16 associationltr




December 16, 2016

All Constitutional Officers

  • Additional funding of $8.7 million in the second year is included for a one and one-half percent (1.5%) bonus for all Constitutional Officers, Regional Jail Superintendents, Finance Directors and their Compensation Board funded employees, effective December 1, 2017;
  • No additional funding or positions are included to address staffing standards;
  • No across-the-board or performance based salary increases are included for constitutional officers and their employees in FY17 or FY18;
  • Existing revenue-contingent funding for salary compression increases for Sheriffs’ office employees and Regional Jails and career development program participation has been removed and replaced with funding not contingent upon year-end revenue, with the new funding effective July 1, 2017.

Sheriffs and Regional Jails

  • Additional funding of $8.7 million is included in the second year to address salary compression in Sheriffs’ offices and Regional Jails through salary increases effective July 1, 2017. Sworn deputies and Regional Jail officers with three or more years of continuous service will receive $80 for each full year of service, up to a maximum of thirty years. Non-sworn employees who have a minimum of three years of continuous service will receive $65 for each full year of service, up to a maximum of thirty years;
  • Additional funding of $2,234,469 is included in the second year to allow additional participation in the Sheriffs’ and Regional Jails’ Master Deputy/Jail Officer Programs;
  • Additional funding of $28,552 is included in each year to allow additional participation in the Sheriffs’ Accreditation Program;
  • Additional $549,686 is included in the second year to support staffing for the City of Chesapeake jail expansion project scheduled to be completed in February, 2018.


  • No program specific changes were included under the Compensation Board in the Governor’s Budget Bill recommendations; please see Other Agencies, below, for additional items related to funding for jails.

Commonwealth’s Attorneys

  • Additional funding of $638,181 is included in the second year to support qualified and unfunded participation in the Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Career Prosecutor Program.

Circuit Court Clerks

  • Funding of $311,292 is included in the second year to support qualified participation in the Circuit Court Clerks’ Career Development Program;
  • Funding of $307,525 is included in the second year to support qualified participation in the Circuit Court Clerks’ Deputy Career Development Program.


  • Additional funding of $93,144 is included in the second year to support qualified and unfunded participation in the Treasurers’ Career Development Program;
  • Additional funding of $51,941 is included in the second year to support qualified and unfunded participation in the Deputy Treasurers’ Career Development Program.

Finance Directors

  • No program specific changes were included in the Governor’s Budget Bill recommendations.


  • Additional funding of $112,780 is included in the second year to support qualified and unfunded participation in the Commissioners’ Career Development Program;
  • Additional funding of $127,951 is included in the second year to support qualified and unfunded participation in the Deputy Commissioners’ Career Development Program.


  • Language approved by the 2016 General Assembly which directs the Compensation Board to withhold $80,000 from amounts recovered from localities for the costs of the VARISK liability premiums for sheriffs and regional jails to fund the cost of training on managing risk in jails is clarified to reflect the intent that the withholding is in addition to premium recoveries.

Other Agencies

  • Language in the Central Appropriations section of the budget that applied a revenue contingency to salary increases and additional career development participation funding has been removed in conjunction with the amendments to provide funding for these items in FY18 as noted previously.

Other Agencies – Jail Funding Related

  • Funding of $4.2 million for the Department of Criminal Justice Services to support mental health screening and assessment in local and regional jails, including $4.0 million in funding for grants to local and regional jails for costs associated with mental health screening and assessment of individuals committed to their facilities, and $200,000 and staff positions to administer the grant program. The number of persons adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity in a locality or region would be one of the factors used in evaluating grant applications;
  • Language, additional funding of $200,000 and two positions are proposed for the Department of Corrections to assist the Board of Corrections in carrying out its duties to ensure local and regional jails meet minimum standards set by the Board under their statutory authority, and to investigate deaths at local and regional jails, with clarification of authority through 2017 proposed legislation.