
Indiana GIS Response Corps Committee

Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2010
10:00am – 11:30am


Jennifer Campbell-Allison

Christina McCullough

Becky McKinley

John Milburn

Cele Morris

Diane Osborn

Phil Worrall

Call to Order and Introductions:

The meeting was called to order by Christina McCullough.

Approval of Agenda:

The meeting agenda was approved with no modifications.

Approval of Previous Meetings Minutes:

The August 17, 2010 meeting minutes were approved with no modifications.

News and Announcements:

IGIC GIS Response Corps Website,

Indiana University Weather Feeds, The weather feeds include two services, Radar and Weather Warnings.

USGS Topographic MapsUS Topo (USGS) – Christina

  • Christina has been working with Dave Nail and the NationalMap Development team from USGS concerning the US Topo Layer, This layer includes the capability to download the GeoPDF via a hyperlink in the database. The USGS Topo widget works on HTTP websites, IGIC GIS Response Corps website. It does not work properly in HTTPS. This is still in motion. We hope to have this completed in the near future.

Unfinished Business

EOC Binders

The concept for building binders for supporting GIS staff in an EOC is to create a basic guide that can be altered by the host agency. The binders will be considered ‘draft’ working tools. The local host agency will have the final say for what they feel resides within their ‘best practices’.

Binder Completion

Phil recommended that we schedule a one-day (face-to-face) meeting where a group of us will sit down together and go through the binder and edit/finish it up.


  • When – October 12, 2010,
  • 9:00am-12:00pm EST/EDT, Binder build
  • 12:00pm-1:00pm EST/EDT, Call in for Committee
  • Where – Indianapolis Urban League Building, 777 Indiana Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46202,
  • The meeting will also be on Adobe Connect, URL:
  • Conference Number(s): 1-218-862-6420
  • Participant Code: 160134
  • Volunteers – John Milburn, Diane Osborne, Becky McKinley, Christina McCullough, Phil Worrall. If you can volunteer, please contact Christina.

September 21, 2010 all contributions will be submitted to Christina

  • Due Outs – Outline builds. Christina and John will work together to build a solid outline based on all the working documents prior to the October 12th meeting. The outline topics will be separated into two Categories;State and Local. The State will provide a macro level approach while the local level will reflect more immediate GIS needs. All contributions are due September 21, 2010.
  • State – John Milburn
  • Local – Christina McCullough. Christina will make a generic template from National Guard Bureau’s (NGB) SOP document. The document can then be altered by any local agency.
  • Committee – there were many great contributions to the binder from the conference call participants. The information will be submitted to Christina so that it can be categorized in the appropriate section.

After this, we finalize the binder and then...

  • Present it to IDHS for feedback.
  • Tweak based on IDHS input.
  • Test Implementation of the binder with a couple well established GIS/EMACommittee member counties. We will need to identify which counties will participate in this portion of the project.
  • Tweak based on Test Implementation phase input.
  • Develop our distribution and education plan for the binder.
  • Set priorities for next committee / subcommittee activities

Binder Section Contributions

Marion County Input from Joel Heavner, Lighthouse Readiness, provided some input for the binder. The committee also viewed the Table of Contents section of National Guard Bureau’s (NGB) SOP document. The complete document provides clear and concise instructions for any GIS analyst to provide support to an emergency event. Information from both documents will be utilized within the Binder.

Final SOP – John Milburn

The Final SOP’s name was changed to IGIC GIS Response Corps Guideline. The document was created to support local government GIS personnel guidelines for building a working relationship with their Emergency Management Agency (EMA). This document will be included in the GIS Binder.

Priorities for Committee/Sub-Committees

The committee has decided to wait until the binder is complete to pursue any additional projects. Christina will send out an email to the sub-committee members regarding this item.

HSIP Gold Update (On hold)

This topic was not discussed, but kept in the minutes for the committee’s reference.

HSIP GOLD 2010 Data Licensing

Approved for Non-federated government disaster/emergency agencies and/or personnel supporting the Homeland Security missions. This is to support StateFusionCenters, EOCs, State GIS Coordinators, State National Guard Joint Operations Centers, and State Emergency Management Coordination.

  • GIS Services must be published from a Federal Server
  • View only access
  • Password Protected

At this time, we are still trying to identify a workable solution for Indiana.

New Business

There was no new business items discussed during this meeting.


Connect to GIS Servers

Precipitation data

NWS shape files,

NWS Rest Services,

Iowa University,

Iowa University Precip 1 hour precipitation,

Iowa University Precip Storm Totals,

Christina announced that she is pregnant and will need to take a hiatus from the IGIC GIS Response Committee around Feb and March 2011. The committee will have to identify a replacement in February and March for Christina so that she can enjoy her new baby.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 9:00am -1:00pm EST/EDT

Indianapolis Urban League Building

Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 10:00am -11:30am EST/EDT

Indiana GIS Response Corps Committee Meeting MinutesSeptember 7, 2010 Page: 1