Date Issued: 6 May 2008
G: County Kit: Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.2 – instrument
No. / Items Description / QtyG1Surg. inst., abdominal /SET: 1 set
1 / Clamp, towel, Backhaus, 130 mm / 42 / Forceps, artery, Kelly, 140 mm, cvd / 1
3 / Forceps, artery, Kocher, 140 mm, str / 2
4 / Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 200 mm, cvd / 2
5 / Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 240 mm, cvd / 2
6 / Forceps, artery, Halst-Mosq, 125 mm, cvd / 6
7 / Forceps, artery, Mixter, 230 mm / 1
8 / Forceps, dressing, standard, 155 mm, str / 1
9 / Forceps, dressing, standard, 250 mm, str / 1
10 / Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250 mm / 1
11 / Forceps, intest, clamp, Doyen, 230 mm, cvd / 2
12 / Forceps, uterine, Phaneuf, 215 mm, cvd / 2
13 / Forceps, uterine, Duplay, 280 mm, cvd / 1
14 / Forceps, tissue, Allis, 150 mm / 2
15 / Forceps, tissue, Babcock, 200 mm / 1
16 / Forceps, tissue, Duval, 230 mm / 2
17 / Forceps, tissue, standard, 145 mm, str / 1
18 / Forceps, tissue, standard, 250 mm, str / 1
19 / Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, 180 mm, str / 1
20 / Retractor, abdo, Collin, 3 blades / 1
21 / Retractor, abdo, Balfour, 3 blades / 1
22 / Retractor, Farabeuf, d-e, 180 mm, pair / 1
23 / Scalpel handle, no.4 / 1
24 / Scissors, Metzem/Nelson, 180 mm, cvd, b/b / 1
25 / Scissors, Metzem/Nelson, 230 mm, cvd, b/b / 1
26 / Scissors, Mayo, 170 mm, cvd, b/b / 1
27 / Scissors, Mayo, 230 mm, cvd, b/b / 1
28 / Spatula, abdo, malleable, 270 mm / 2
29 / Tube suction, Yankauer, 270 mm / 1
30 / Forceps, clip, applying/removing, Michel / 1
31 / Suture clip, Michel, 3 x 14 mm, /BOX-1000 / 1
32 / Bowl, stainless steel, 600 ml / 1
G2Surg. inst., curettage /SET: 1 set
1 / Dilators, uter, Hegar, d-e, 3-4 to 17-18 mm / 12 / Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250 mm / 1
3 / Forceps, uterine, Museux, 240 mm, cvd / 1
4 / Retractor, vaginal, Doyen, 45 x 85 mm / 1
5 / Retractor, vaginal, Auvard, 38 x 80 mm / 1
6 / Scoop, uterine, Simon, 6 mm, sharp / 1
7 / Curette, uterine, Sims, 8 mm, blunt / 1
8 / Curette, uterine, Sims, 7 mm, sharp / 1
9 / Curette, uterine, Sims, 9 mm, sharp / 1
10 / Curette, uterine, Sims, 12 mm, sharp / 1
11 / Sound, uterine, Martin, 320 mm / 1
12 / Speculum, vaginal, Graves, 95 x 35 mm / 1
G3Surg. inst., exam/sut, vaginal/cervical /SET: 2 sets
1 / Scissors, Mayo, 170 mm, cvd, b/b / 12 / Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, 180 mm, str / 1
3 / Retractor, vaginal, Doyen, 45 x 85 mm / 2
4 / Speculum, vaginal, Graves, 75 x 20 mm / 1
5 / Speculum, vaginal, Graves, 95 x 35 mm / 1
6 / Speculum, vaginal, Graves, 115 x 35 mm / 1
7 / Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250 mm / 2
G4Surg. inst., embryotomy /SET: 1 set
1 / Cranioclast, Braun, 420 mm / 12 / Perforator, Smellie, 250 mm / 1
3 / Scissors, gyneco, 200 mm, cvd, b/b / 1
4 / Hook, decapitation, Braun, 310 mm / 1
H: County Kit: Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.3-renewable
No. / Items Description / Qty1 / Tube, suction, CH08, L50 cm, ster, disp / 50
2 / Tube, suction, CH10, L50 cm, ster, disp / 50
3 / Tube, suction, CH14, L50 cm, ster, disp / 50
4 / Syringe, feeding, 50 ml, conical, ster / 10
5 / Catheter, urethral, CH14, ster, disp / 50
6 / Catheter, urethral, CH12, ster, disp / 50
7 / Catheter, Foley, CH14, ster, disp / 50
8 / Cannula, IV short, 18 G, ster, disp / 100
9 / Cannula, IV short, 20 G, ster, disp / 100
10 / Cannula, IV short, 22 G, ster, disp / 50
11 / Cannula, IV short, 24 G, ster, disp / 50
12 / Needle, scalp vein, 25 G, ster, disp / 100
13 / Needle, scalp vein, 21 G, ster, disp / 50
14 / Syringe, dispos, luer, 10 ml, ster /BOX-100 / 10
15 / Syringe, dispos, luer, 5 ml, ster /BOX-100 / 2
16 / Syringe, dispos, luer, 2 ml, ster /BOX-100 / 15
17 / Needle, disp, 21 G x 1.5", ster /BOX-100 / 15
18 / Needle, disp, 23 G x 1", ster /BOX-100 / 5
19 / Needle, disp, 19 G x 1.5", ster /BOX-100 / 5
20 / Needle, spinal, 22 G (0.7 x 90 mm), ster, disp / 100
21 / Tape, adhesive, Z.O., 2.5 cm x 5 m / 20
22 / Tape, adhesive, Z.O, perforated, 10 cm x 5 m / 5
23 / Compress, gauze, 10 x 10 cm, ster. /PAC-5 / 200
24 / Compress, gauze, 10 x 10 cm, n/ster, /PAC-100 / 20
25 / Cotton wool, 500 g, roll, non-ster / 10
26 / Tape, umbilical, 3 mm x 50 m, non-ster / 5
27 / Apron, protection, plastic / 5
28 / Drawsheet, plastic, 90 x 180 cm / 5
29 / Blanket, survival, 220 x 140 cm / 5
30 / Gloves, surg, 7, ster, disp, pair / 100
31 / Gloves, surg, 7.5, ster, disp, pair / 300
32 / Gloves, exam, latex, medium, disp /BOX-100 / 10
33 / Gloves, gynaeco, 7.5, ster, disp, pair / 100
34 / Sut, abs, DEC2, need 3/8, 26 mm, tri /BOX-36 / 6
35 / Sut, abs, DEC1, need 1/2, 18 mm, round /BOX-36 / 2
36 / Sut, abs, DEC3, need 1/2, 30 mm, round /BOX-36 / 4
37 / Sut, abs, DEC3, need 3/8, 50 mm, round /BOX-36 / 2
38 / Sut, abs, DEC4, need 3/8 36 mm, tri /BOX-36 / 4
39 / Sut, abs, DEC3, spool /BOX-36 / 2
40 / Sut, nonabs, DEC3, need 3/8 30 mm, tri /BOX-36 / 4
41 / Scalpel blade, ster, disp, no.22 / 200
G: County Kit: Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.2 - instrument (One set throughout the programme)
G1 Surg. inst., abdominal /SET:
G1-1 –Clamp, towel, Backhaus, 130 mm
General Description: Clamp, towel, Backhaus, 130 mm.
Technical Specifications:
Towel clamp, springy.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 13 91513.
Hard ratchet, fine, sigle tooth in each jaw.
Length: 130 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-2 –Forceps, artery, Kelly, 140 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, artery, Kelly, 140 mm, curved.
Technical Specifications:
Haemostatic forceps, slightly springy.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 13 33114.
Flexible arms.
Variable setting of the ratchet, lockable.
Adjustment of the jaws.
Length: 14 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-3 –Forceps (= B13)
General Description: Forceps, artery, Kocher, 140 mm, straight.
Technical Specifications:
Haemostatic forceps, slightly springy.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 13 384 14.
Flexible arms.
Variable setting of the ratchet.
Adjustment of the jaws.
Length: 14 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-4 –Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 200 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 200 mm,curved.
Technical Specifications:
Haemostatic forceps.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1341120.
Variable setting of the ratchet, lockable.
Adjustment of the jaws.
Length:approx. 20 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-5 –Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 240 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 240 mm,curved.
Technical Specifications:
Haemostatic forceps.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1341124.
Variable setting of the ratchet, lockable.
Adjustment of the jaws.
Length:approx. 24 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-6 –Forceps, artery, Halst-Mosq, 125 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, artery, Pean/Roch, 240 mm,curved.
Technical Specifications:
Haemostatic forceps, springy, non traumatic jaws.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1331112.
Flexible arms.
Variable setting of the ratchet, lockable.
Slim, curved forceps without teeth.
Length: 12.5 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-7 –Forceps, artery, Mixter, 230 mm
General Description: Forceps, artery, Mixter, 230 mm
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 13-485-23.
Threading forceps, springy.
Flexible ratchet, lockable.
Jaws which grip the thread well.
Length: 23 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-8 –Forceps, dressing, standard, 155 mm, str
General Description: Forceps, dressing, standard, 155 mm, straight.
Technical Specifications:
Dissecting forceps, springy.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1214015.
Without teeth.
Flexible arms.
Good gripping of the jaws.
Length: 15.5 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-9 –Forceps, dressing, standard, 250 mm, str
General Description: Forceps, dressing, standard, 250 mm, straight.
Technical Specifications:
Dissecting forceps, springy.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref:1214025.
Without teeth.
Flexible arms.
Good gripping of the jaws.
Length: 25 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-10 –Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250 mm
General Description: Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250 mm.
Technical Specifications:
Vaginal dressing forceps.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 14 290 25.
Flexible arms.
Variable setting of ratchet, lockable.
Adjustment of jaws.
Length: 25 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-11 –Forceps, intest, clamp, Doyen, 230 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, intestinal clamp, Doyen, 230 mm, curved.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3027523.
Intestinal clamp, curved.
Jaws very springy and soft.
Features: Non traumatic.
Occlusion: The form and mechanical action must permit precise closing.
Adhesion: Provided by the surface of the jaws.
Length: 23 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-12 –Forceps, uterine, Phaneuf, 215 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, uterine, Phaneuf, 215 mm, curved.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 1360121.
Hemostatic forceps, slightly springy.
Flexible arms.
Variable setting of ratchet (lockable).
Adjustment of the jaws.
Curved, angled on flat forceps with 1 x 2 teeth.
Length: 21.5 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-13 –Forceps, uterine, Duplay, 280 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, uterine, tenaculum, Duplay, 280 mm, curved.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3264528.
Gripping forceps.
Uterine traction forceps, vulsellum / tenaculum, double curved.
Hard ratchet, lockable.
Length: 28 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-14 –Forceps, tissue, Allis, 150 mm
General Description: Forceps, tissue seizing, Allis, 150 mm.
Technical Specifications:
Gripping forceps.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3013215.
4 x 5 teeth.
Precise adjustment of the teeth.
Hard ratchet, lockable.
Length: 15 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-15 –Forceps, tissue, Babcock, 200 mm
General Description: Forceps, tissue and organ holding, Babcock, 200 mm.
Technical Specifications:
Gripping forceps, springy: tissue and organ holding forceps.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3019220.
Flexible arms.
Soft ratchet, lockable.
Pronounced but non traumatic ridges of the grippers.
Ridged grippers with aperture (triangular).
Length: 20 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-16 –Forceps, tissue, Duval, 230 mm
General Description: Forceps, tissue holding, Duval, 230 mm.
Technical Specifications:
Gripping forceps, springy.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3021223.
Flexible arms.
Soft ratchet, lockable.
Pronounced but non traumatic ridges of the grippers.
Ridged grippers with aperture (triangular).
Length: 23 cm.
Jaw approx.: 27 mm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-17 –Forceps (=B15)
General Description: Forceps, tissue, standard, 145 mm, straight.
Technical Specifications:
Dissecting forceps, springy.
With 1 x 2 teeth.
Flexible arms.
Good adjustment of the teeth.
Good gripping of the jaws.
Length: 14.5 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-18 –Forceps, tissue, standard, 250 mm, str
General Description:Forceps, tissue, standard, 250 mm, straight.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 1230125.
Dissecting forceps, springy.
With 1 x 2 teeth.
Flexible arms.
Good adjustment of the teeth.
Good gripping of the jaws.
Length: 25 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-19 –Needle holder(=B19)
General Description: Needle holder, Mayo-Hegar, 180 mm, straight.
Technical Specifications:
A ratchet that enables the needle to be gripped with varying tightness.
A well-defined longitudinal groove to prevent deterioration of the needle.
Jaws with pronounced ridges.
Length: 18 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20 % carbon; 13 % chromium.
G1-20 –Retractor, abdo, Collin, 3 blades
General Description: Retractor, abdominal, Collin, 3 blades
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1582300.
Abdominal retractor with locking mechanism (self-holding).
3 blades, the two side blades Beijing mobile and the middle blade removable.
Solid lateral blades: Approx. 38 x 60 mm.
Solid center blade: Approx. 38 x 55 mm.
Maximum wound opening: Approx. x 100 mm
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.50 % carbon; 13 % chromium; 0.60 to 0.90 % molybedenum.
G1-21 –Retractor, abdo, Balfour, 3 blades
General Description: Retractor, abdominal,Collin, 3 blades
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1585200.
Suprapubic abdominal retractor with locking mechanism and compass (self-holding).
The compass is a support with hinged arms.
Retractor abdominal Balfour, self retaining 3 blades.
Fenestrated end blades: Approx. 35 x 70 mm.
Solid center blade: Approx. 45 x 80 mm.
Maximum wound opening: Approx. 180 mm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.50% carbon; 13 % chromium; 0.60 to 0.90 % molybdenum.
G1-22 –Retractor, Farabeuf, d-e, 180 mm, pair
General Description: Retractor,double-ended, Farabeuf, 150 mm, pair.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1566500.
Retractor double-ended.
Always supplied in pairs.
Large: Approx. 15 cm.
Material:Austenitic steel (non-quenched, non-magnetic steel).
Austenitic steel composition: 18 to 20% chromium; 8 to 10% nickel.
G1-23 –Scalpel handle(=B20)
General Description: Scalpel handle no. 4.
Technical Specifications:
Bistoury handle for interchangeable blade.
The number indicates the characteristic of the distal end and therefore
the choice of the blade.
Length: approx. 13.5 cm.
Material: Austenitic steel (non-quenched, non-magnetic steel).
G1-24–Scissors, Metzem/Nelson, 180 mm, cvd, b/b
General Description: Scissors, Metzem/Nelson, 180 mm, curved, blunt/blunt.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1128518.
Surgical dissecting scissors Metzenbaum / Nelson.
Thin, curved, with blunt end blades.
Length: 18 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.40% carbon; 14% chromium.
G1-25–Scissors, Metzem/Nelson, 230 mm, cvd, b/b
General Description: Scissors, Metzem/Nelson, 230 mm, curved, blunt/blunt.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1128523.
Surgical dissecting scissors Metzenbaum / Nelson.
Thin, curved, with blunt end blades.
Length: 23 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.40% carbon; 14% chromium.
G1-26–Scissors, Mayo, 170 mm, cvd, b/b
General Description: Scissors, Mayo, 170 mm, curved, blunt/blunt.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1117117.
Instrument that cuts by shearing: operating, dissecting scissors.
Curved, with blunt end blades.
Length: 17 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.40% carbon; 14% chromium.
G1-27–Scissors, Mayo, 230 mm, cvd, b/b
General Description: Scissors, Mayo, 230 mm, curved, blunt/blunt.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1117123.
Instrument that cuts by shearing: operating, dissecting scissors.
Curved, with blunt end blades.
Length: 23 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.40% carbon; 14% chromium.
G1-28–Spatula, abdo, malleable, 270 mm
General Description: Spatula, abdominal, malleable, 270 mm.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1597325.
Depressor spatula, rectangular with rounded ends.
Approx. 25 x 250 mm.
Material: Austenitic steel (non-quenched, non-magnetic steel).
Austenitic steel composition: 16-18% chromium; 10 to 14% nickel; 2 to 3 % molybdenum.
G1-29–Tube suction, Yankauer, 270 mm
General Description: Tube suction, Yankauer, 270 mm.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 1854327.
Suction tube with removable tip and tubing connector.
Length: Approx. 27 cm.
Diameter: Approx. 6 mm or 8 mm.
Material: Austenitic steel (non-quenched, non-magnetic steel).
Austenitic steel composition: 16-18% chromium; 10 to 14% nickel; 2 to 3 % molybdenum.
G1-30–Forceps, clip, applying/removing, Michel
General Description: Forceps, clip, applying/removing, Michel
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 2092812.
Length: Approx. 12 cm.
Diameter: Approx. 6 mm or 8 mm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G1-31–Suture clip, Michel, 3 x 14 mm, /BOX-1000
General Description: Suture clip, Michel, 3 x 14 mm, /BOX-1000
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24 Ref: 2094005.
Suture –clip Michel.
Size: Approx. 3 x 14 mm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
General Description: Bowl, stainless steel, 600 ml.
Technical Specifications:
Bowl, small, stainless steel, smooth surface, 600 ml.
Material: Austenitic stainless steel.
Austenitic stainless steel composition: 18 to 20% chromium, 8 to 10% nickel.
Inner diameter: approx. 120 mm.
Height: approx. 60 mm.
Capacity: 500 to 600 ml.
Thickness: 0.8 mm.
G2 Surg. inst., curettage /SET:
G2-1-Dilators, uter, Hegar, d-e, 3-4 to 17-18 mm
General Description: Dilators, uter, Hegar, d-e, 3-4 to 17-18 mm.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3243082
Cervical dilator.
Provided in sets of 8 (16 dilators) sizes: 3-4 mm to 17-18 mm diameter in canvas roll.
The ends must be rounded, smooth and non-traumatic.
Material: Austenitic steel (non quenched, non magnetic steel).
Austenitic steel composition: 16-18% chromium; 10-14 % nickel; 2-3% molybdenum.
G2-2–Forceps (=G1-10 =B14)
General Description: Forceps, dressing, Cheron, 250 mm.
Technical Specifications:
Vaginal dressing forceps.
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 14 290 25.
Flexible arms.
Variable setting of ratchet, lockable.
Adjustment of jaws.
Length: 25 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G2-3-Forceps, uterine, Museux, 240 mm, cvd
General Description: Forceps, uterine, Museux, 240 mm, curved.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3271524.
Gripping forceps with teeth: 2 x 2 teeth.
Uterine traction forceps, vulsellum / tenaculum, curved sideways.
Precise adjustment of the teeth.
Hard ratchet, lockable.
Length: 24 cm.
Jaws: 8-10 cm.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
G2-4-Retractor, vaginal, Doyen, 45 x 85 mm
General Description: Retractor, vaginal, Doyen, 45 x 85 mm
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3225002.
Vaginal retractor.
Lateral edges must be blunt.
Blade length: Approx. 85 mm.
Blade width: Approx. 45 mm.
Material: Austenitic steel (non-quenched, non-magnetic steel).
Austenitic steel composition: 18 to 20% chromium; 8 to 10 % nickel.
G2-5-Retractor, vaginal, Auvard, 38 x 80 mm
General Description: Retractor, vaginal, Auvard, 38 x 80 mm
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3231022.
Wide vaginal speculum with weight.
Weight which fits on the shank of the blade.
Width: Approx. 80 mm blade.
Material: Austenitic steel (non-quenched, non-magnetic steel).
Austenitic steel composition: 18 to 20% chromium; 8 to 10 % nickel.
G2-6-Scoop, uterine, Simon, 6 mm, sharp
General Description: Scoop, uterine, Simon, 6 mm, sharp
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue no. 24, Ref: 3290005.
Uterine scoop.
Shank type: rigid.
Blade shape: Oval form of a spoon.
Blade edge type: Sharp.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
Length: Shaft 25 cm.
Width: Spoon 12 mm.
G2-7-Curette, uterine, Sims, 8 mm, blunt
General Description: Curette, uterine, Sims, 8 mm, blunt.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue Ref: 3292808.
Uterine curette.
Shank type: rigid.
Blade shape: Oval, fenestrated.
Blade edge type:Blunt.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
Length: Shaft 26 cm.
Width: Spoon 8 mm.
G2-8-Curette, uterine, Sims, 7 mm, sharp
General Description: Curette, uterine, Sims, 7 mm, sharp.
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue Ref: 3292207.
Uterine curette.
Shank type: rigid.
Blade shape: Oval, fenestrated.
Blade edge type: Sharp.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
Length: Shaft 26 cm.
Width: Spoon 7 mm.
G2-9-Curette, uterine, Sims, 9 mm, sharp
General Description: Curette, uterine, Sims, 9 mm, sharp
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue Ref: 3292209.
Uterine curette.
Shank type: rigid.
Blade shape: Oval, fenestrated.
Blade edge type: Sharp.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
Length: Shaft 26 cm.
Width: Spoon 9 mm.
G2-10-Curette, uterine, Sims, 12 mm, sharp
General Description: Curette, uterine, Sims, 12 mm, sharp
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue Ref: 3292212.
Uterine curette.
Shank type: rigid.
Blade shape: Oval, fenestrated.
Blade edge type: Sharp.
Material: Martensitic steel (quenched, magnetic steel).
Martensitic steel composition: 0.20% carbon; 13% chromium.
Length: Shaft 26 cm.
Width: Spoon 12 mm.
G2-11-Sound, uterine, Martin, 320 mm
General Description: Sound, uterine, Martin, 320 mm
Technical Specifications:
See Martin Catalogue No. 24 Ref: 3258632.
Uterine sound, malleable.
Graduated in cm, shaft made of malleable metal, distal end bulbous, mounted on a handle.