Pinch Hitter Course
This 10 hr course is designed to give passengers an introduction to the basics of flying in case of emergency. The course is not meant to teach you to be a pilot, but be an educated active passenger. And if the pilot becomes injured or incapacitated, you’ll know how guide the plane to a safe landing with the aid of air traffic controllers. The goal of the course is to teach you how to land a plane and understand how to talk with air traffic controllers to get the airplane on the ground safely. You will receive 3hrs of ground instruction, 1.5 hours in the simulator and approximately 5.5 hrs. of flight instruction, log book to record your memories and experience.
Lesson 1
Ground & Simulator (2.5hr):
o How aircraft fly
o What controls the plane
o Aircraft Instruments
o Preflight
o How to use the radios and transponder and autopilot (if equipped)
o Practice level flight & turns, landing gear use on the simulator.
Flight (1.2hr):
o Taxi
o Run up
o Demonstrate a take-off.
o How to fly straight & level,
o Basic turns (10 degrees)
o Demonstrate landing approach & practice
Lesson 2
Ground (1hr): Discuss stalls and slow flight
Flight (1.3hr):
o Taxi practice
o Run up idea
o Demonstrate a take-off.
o Basic turns (10 degrees)
o Demonstrate a power off / on stall & slow flight
o Demonstrate landing approach
o Landing practice – level out - pull the power
Lesson 3:
Ground (1hr): Answer any questions about what the pinch hitter can do to save themselves, your pilot and the plane. Review radios and how to dial the correct frequencies.
Flight (1.5hr):
o Take-off.
o Basic turns (10* & 30*)
o Practice landing approach
o Landing practice – level out - pull the power
Lesson 4:
Flight (1.5hr):
o Take-off.
o Basic turns
o Practice landing approach
o Landing practice – level out - pull the power
Approximate Cost:
Aircraft: 5.5hrs x $105.00 = $577.50
Simulator: $ 49.50
Instruction: 10hrs x $60.00 = $600.00
Total $1,227.00*
*- This is an estimate of time required to be comfortable with handling aircraft in an emergency situation. Your personal knowledge may lessen or increase your study needed. All training can be applied to a private pilot’s certificate if desired at a later date.
Pinch Hitter Checklist: Simple steps to follow if you need to take over the controls.
o Take the controls….. stay calm
o Establish and maintain straight and level flight, trim as needed (engage autopilot, or leave it alone if engaged)
o Typical cruise power settings / speeds
o Establish radio contact, if unable dial 121.5 and make contact.
o Set transponder 7700
o Climb if unable to establish radio contact.
o Explain situation, tell them you have gone to a pinch hitter course.
o Give altitude and approximate fuel remaining
o Request directions to the closest airport
o Request of help to guide the plane to the airport
o Don’t rush
o Let the plane fly.. relax
o Approach power setting / speed