Associate Council Meeting

October 5, 2015

Collango Hall

Call to Order 9:03 PM
Mystery Activity 9:04 PM

We did the Macarena.
Roll Call/ Hall Reports 9:07PM

Hall Name / Number Present / RHSA Shirt / Report
Bevier / 4 / 4 / discussed old business and worked on their lip sync
Bliss / 4 / 4 / had their Jungle Jam program and discussed Spirit Weekend
Bouton / 5 / 5 / discussed Spirit Weekend and their program Columbus weekend
Capen / 3 / 1 / had a program and worked on their lip sync and banner
Collango / 20 / 20 / ratified constitution, discussed Spirit Weekend and started their banner
Crispell / 4 / 4 / discussed programs, Spirit Weekend, and t-shirts
Deyo / 1 / 0 / discussed their t-shirts and worked on their lip sync, and banner
DuBois / 9 / 9 / discussed Hall Gov bonding, Spirit Weekend, t-shirts, and their banner
Gage / 1 / 0 / discussed programs and worked on their lip sync and banner
LeFevre / 2 / 1 / had their ice cream social, worked on their banner, ordered t-shirts, and made their CD for their lip sync
Lenape / 5 / 4 / ordered t-shirts, discussed programs, finished their lip sync, planned GIs for Spirit Weekend, and sent in their constitution
Scudder / 2 / 0 / discussed their constitution and planned programs
Ridgeview / 3 / 3 / discussed their t-shirt, lip sync, banner, and Halloween in the Halls

NRHH 9:11 PM

They have a lot of stuff happening when we get back from break!

On October 14th at 6:30pm in Ridgeview Hall, NRHH will be having their Pay it Forward day kickoff! The actual Pay it Forward day is Friday, October 16th, so come stop by on the 14th to see what it’s all about.

From October 14th-October 16th, NRHH will be tabling in the SUB with a service project, so stop by and help them out.

On October 16th is Spirit Weekend BUZZ Karaoke! NRHH will be tabling and will have prizes for us.

GI’s are happening soon! If you’re nominated to become a member, you’ll get an email soon. Even if you aren’t nominated, you can still come to the GI’s.

Monday, October 19th: 8pm in Crispell

Tuesday, October 20th: 9pm in Bliss

Wednesday, October 21st: 9pm in Ridgeview

Thursday, October 22nd: 9pm in Bevier


Their theme for this semester is transparency. If you want another way to get the scoop on what SA is doing, go to to sign up for their newsletter! You can also find episodes of Senate Speaks here.

At their last meeting, they continued committee elections. There are still open seats on Senate, they usually have 25 senators but right now they only have 22. They’re having a meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 in SUB418, and it’s the last meeting to vote on things.

October 9th is the last day to register to vote in the primaries. If you want to register, go the NYPIRG office in the SUB. Let’s say last year you lived in Bevier and now you live in Capen, you have to re-register to vote.

A volunteer opportunity is coming up on October 10th for veteran and military services, and all proceeds will go the the Wounded Warrior Project. It’s from 11-3, and if you’re interested you should contact Esoshani Barton.


Motion to Open- Bouton

Second- Bevier


25 days until NEACURH!!

NEACURH also decided on a permanent, regional philanthropy, which is the “I Have a Dream Foundation”. They sponsor people who seek higher education, and these people are called “Dreamers”. There will be a lot of Dreamers at conference to encourage them to get involved. Donations for Penny Wars will still go to the American Cancer Society.

There are still spots open for NEACURH regional committees, and applications are due at 11:59pm on October 9th. The committees open are: 3 year strategic plan, alumni affairs, regional involvement, and regional recognition. If you’re interested, talk to Mike, Maria, or the coordinating officer for New York from the RBD, Ashley Enwright.


If you look at the wall across from the Sweet Stop, you’ll see a glass case. Rui wants to put pictures of all the Hall Govs in that case, so take lots of pictures during Spirit Weekend! Send them to us so we can hang your pictures up.


Thanks everyone for sending in your contact sheets! You’ll be getting an email from one of us soon about a positional meeting. You’ll get to meet with your RHSA counterpart and meet people from other halls who have the same position as you.

We only got a few constitutions, and they’re due by October 8th, which is this Thursday.

Motion to Close- Crispell
Second- Collango

Motion to Open- Lenape


Spirit Weekend

Photo scavenger update with Alejandro: We still need 2 reps from each hall for the photo scavenger hunt. We’ll be adding these individuals to a secret Facebook group so they can post your hall’s photos. They don’t have to be your RHSA reps, it can be anyone from your hall; they just need to have a Facebook. Email us at or message us on our Facebook with the two names.

Penny Wars: Get your pennies in!! Penny wars officially ends on October 16th at 9:30, which is the end of BUZZ Karaoke. It ends the minute BUZZ is over. Also a reminder that you can give us a $100 bill and put it in an envelope and label it “Pennies”; please don’t give us $100 in pennies.

Have a backup for your lip sync, CDs break and skip. Put your song on a phone or two so we can just plug it into our karaoke machine.


Game Night

This is a new program we’re doing, we’re gonna have human sized board games as well as regular sized board games. It’s gonna be in the SUB MPR October 20th from 8pm-10pm.

Halloween in the Halls

It’s October 25th from 3pm-5pm in your residence hall. We will provide one bag of candy, but this will not be enough candy. You need to buy more candy. Buy more than what you think you need so you don’t have angry children on your hands.

Condom Casino

It’s still far away, but we’re announcing it now because we have next week off. It’ll be from November 6th from 7pm-11pm.

Every year we run a contest for the halls to design a t-shirt for everyone who volunteers. Last year the winner was Emma from Bouton. If you make a design, e-mail it to us by October 19th.

Motion to Close- Lenape

Second- DuBois

Upcoming Events 9:23 PM

Spirit Weekend: October 16th-October 18th

Game Night: October 20th from 8pm-10pm in SUB MPR

Halloween in the Halls: October 25th from 3pm-5pm in your residence hall

Condom Casino: November 6th from 7pm-11pm in SUB MPR

Hall concerns 9:24 PM

Student Concerns 9:24 PM

Crispell: Someone asked me to ask you if it’s possible to put a freestyle drink machine in Humanities.

Bevier: If you haven’t looked into it yet, I want my debit card to work in the vending machines.

Ariana: I’m looking into it, and it’s in the works.

Collango: So I went to LeFevre, and it’s awesome, and I saw that cool water bottle filling station and was wondering if we could get one in Collango.

- There are some issues with installing them in some of the halls, but the sustainability committee is trying to work on it.

- There is still a bottle neck filling station, just not the hydration station.

Bevier: I got an email about advanced registration and it reminded me: did they ever decide on a change to what they’re gonna do about the PIN problem? I remember talking about it last year.

- We haven’t been informed, but Ariana will bring it up.

Open Floor 9:27PM

Scudder: So there’s an environmental studies minor, but I think it would be cool if it was offered as a major as well. I know it’s premature to bring up now because the logistics of it aren’t in place, but I wanted to bring awareness to this. If you’re at all interested in environmental studies, minor in it because if more people minor in it, the more likely it is that they’ll make it a major.

Bevier: So, if you remember my volunteer opportunity that I brought up last week, I have the date for that but it’s probably too soon for all of you. It’ll be happening this Saturday, October 17th. If you’re interested come talk to me, but if you can’t I totally understand.

Lenape: Next Thursday, not this Thursday, at 7pm, Lenape will be having a country night. So if anyone’s like me and loves country music, please come. We’ll have cornbread.

Crispell: This Thursday, October 8th, the Sexy Pitches, Absolut A Capella, and Male Call are having their second dorm performance in Bouton.

Ashley: So I’m on the regional RBD, which is the regional board of directors for NEACURH, which is that stuff that Mike’s always talking about. I just wanted to briefly talk to you guys about the committees Mike was talking about before. Anyone can join them, and you’ll get to work with students in other AC’s across the region to complete region-wide projects. For the regional involvement committee, you’ll be doing things like making new cheers that every campus will use. For the alumni affairs committee, you’ll be networking with alumni and bring them to conference and hopefully to campus too. This affects every campus from Maine down to here, and it’s really cool. I chair the alumni affairs committee, and if you do it you’ll get to meet other members from the RBD as well. If you’re interested, email me at .

Mike: I’m applying for the 3 year strategic plan committee, and you should too.

DuBois: On Wednesday, October 7th at 7pm, DuBois and Gage are playing kickball on the field next to the gym at 7pm on October 7th, which is Wednesday.

Alana: So, we’re going to have this really cool event with NRHH next semester called a “Danceathon”, and all the money we raise will go to the Children’s Miracle Network. We’ll be starting a committee to plan for it next semester so look out for that later in the year. There will be a small event related to it coming up in a week, so if you’re interested at all talk to me after the meeting.

LeFevre: I’m on the relay for life committee, and on October 21st we’ll be having a “Halfway to Relay”. It’s from 9:30am-12pm in the MPR. It’s a $3 donation, and there’ll be food and the Sexy Pitches and Male Call will be there. Also, if you're planning on making a team, the website is open to register. Also, thanks Rui for letting me borrow your shirt.

Rui: Has everyone heard of Make a Difference Day? Well, a wait list has begun. If you want a better chance of being able to come, put “RHSA” in your team description. This doesn’t guarantee you a spot, but it gives you a better chance.

Alejandro: If anybody uses the calendar on our website, it works again.

Passing of Molly the Moose 9:34 PM

Crispell put an “M” for Molly on like a lion’s mane type of thing.

They gave her to Bouton!

Quote of the Week 9:35 PM

Because Yogi Berra died last week, our quote was “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Adjournment 9:35 PM