Wisconsin ENA State Council Meeting
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Epic Campus, Verona
Meeting Minutes
Welcome & Introductions:
Members present: Joan Bruehl (Oshkosh), Katrina Ceci (Milwaukee), Laura Katter (Madison), Jamie Vranak (Milwaukee), Laura Smolinski (Fox Cities), Joan Boll (South Central), MJ Erschen-Cooke (Madison), Sharon Warsaw (WI River), Denice Shepler (Eau Claire/NW Region), Kim Langer (WI River), Jayne McGrath (Madison)
Members via Telephone: Brenda Fellenz (Marshfield), Teresa Knoke (Green Bay), Chuck Schlichting (Eau Claire), Cindy Prince (Marshfield), Lisa Ebert (Wausau), Jill Fisher (Madison), Janelle Weaver (LaCrosse), Vickie Dembowiak (Milwaukee), Craig Schicker (Cascade-near Sheboygan), Kelly Tomaszewski (Milwaukee), Deb Zemen (Milwaukee)
Members absent: Joy Erb-Moser
- Call to Order
- A Quorum was established
- Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motion:Motion was made to accept the consent agenda
Action:Motion carried; motion passed unanimously.
- No conflict of interest was disclosed
- President’s Report (Jamie Vranak)
- Email will be mailed to state members about opportunities for scholarship and delegate application along with the point tool
- Government Advocacy (and Day on The Hill) Would like to send 4 members for 2018. Action Item: Recruiting and Invitation will occur FALL OF 2017 to have identified names early for submitting for registration. Registration (Spring of 2018) fills early as there are limited enrollment
- Treasurer’s Report(Denice Shepler)
- Discussion/Summary: State and regional conferences balances were shared. Completed 2016 tax report was reviewed with questions
- Motion:Approval for 2016 taxes with 2 questions that Denice will follow up and ask Accountant who completed the taxes: Page 7—completion of correct box to check and Schedule A (need for completion)
- Action:Motion carried; motion passed unanimously.
Discussion ensued about report
- Committee Reports:
- Education Committee (Laura Smolinski)
- Conference Plans for 2017 and 2018—Laura reviewed speaker content and potential speakers. 2018: Paper Valley in Appleton—Proposed dates: Oct. 16,17 and 18.
- Motion: To hold the 2018 state symposium at the Paper Valley hotel in Appleton, 10/16-10/18/18
- Action: Motion carried; motion passed unanimously
- Regional Conferences
- Eau Claire (Northwest region) Conference, 3/9/17 was reviewed by Chuck Schlichting and Denice Shepler
- Milwaukee Regional Conference: November 29, 2017. Will be at same location as last year (in Franklin)
- North Central conference: Feb. 1, 2018 at the Plaza hotel in Wausau. Planning has begun
- Government Affairs: (Jamie Vranak gave report for Amanda Kane who was absent) State Advocacy Day—
- Wisconsin Hospital Education at the Capitol: (WHA—Wisconsin Hospital Association)-summary of these events were shared: Shortage of APRNs, The value of small community hospitals. Kim Langer also attended and found it to be valuable to meet with the state legislatures.
- EN411—Jamie encouraged all new members to sign up. Site is on ENA’s national web site. At this site—local and national topics are covered to update members on government events that affect healthcare
- Website:
- Professional Development (Mary Jean Erschen-Cooke)
- Save the date: August 10 (Thursday), 2017 at Divine Savior Portage
- Topics: Social Media was suggested. Teresa Knoke, offered to help with this content
- State meeting will follow (half-day): A 1300 State Council Meeting (1-2:30) 1430-1530: Delegates will meet to prepare for General Assembly
- Membership Committee Jayne McGrath is setting up a telephone conference
f. Technology Committee (Chuck Schlicting)
- Facebook—Asking people to send him their contact information. Many “followers” on state page
- Website-- Chuck will update the website. ACTION ITEM: Send Update contact information to Chuck, scholarship and delegate information to Chuck and he will post
g. TNCC (Jill Fisher) TNCC is in the revision process. No updates now
h. ENPC- No updates now
- New Business
- Dropbox—plan is to upgrade to business for security and more storage space. Jayne will continue to upload documents.
- Meeting Adjourned at 1745
Minutes prepared and submitted by
Jayne McGrath, RN, MS, CEN, CCRN, CNS-BC
WI State Secreatry
June 1, 2017