Title:Learn about social networking - is it right for your business?
Event date: Wednesday 1st December 2010
What time: 9.30 for a 10.00am start. Finishing at 3.00pm
Venue:Water Industry Forum Textile house, Red Doles Lane, Leeds Road, Huddersfield, HD2 1YF.
Come along and discover what blogging for business and other social media opportunities are all about.
The web now gives businesses more choices for networking, dialogue and promotion than ever before through social media.
How could your brand take advantage of this medium? Is social media and blogging a good fit for your business model and marketing activities?
Discover why your knowledge and experience combined with a business blog could be great for your business and your search engine optimisation efforts at the same time.Learn how to develop an appropriate brand approach to the content of your blog and the importance of complimenting not replicating your website content.
A business blog and any other social media activity must be managed to be effective. Why? Who? When and where? What do you need to know before your business implements a strategy and is visible and accessible in a social media environment?
Understanding security issues for business blogging, social media activity and identity on-line are important for a successful social media profile. If you are placing your business and your brand in this new environment what risks and safeguards are available for your business and your reputation?
Learn how attractive blogs and the benefits of good design can encourage activity and compliment brand awareness.
On-line networks and blogs are an “instant medium” but that does not necessarily mean your material should also be. Discover the value of building a social media strategy that focuses on value, relevance & developing a relationship with your audience rather than simply volume of data and speed.
We will also look at best practice tips and where to go to get the most out of social media challenges and opportunities for your business.
Mark Kelly. Presenter
Mark Kelly has over ten years experience working as a website developer and E-commerce consultant. With a focus on improving the visitor experience through keyword research and creative design, Mark has enabled many clients to further develop their websites.
Mark has a wealth of experience, from a creative design background to content and search engine optimisation projects. Plus he also has extensive experience presenting on-line business themed events.
Previous clients include York Minster, MiddlesexUniversity teaching resources (MUTR) & The Florence Nightingale Museum London plus numerous private clients from many fields of business.
Mark has also written and presented on-line business events for Business Link and tailored presentations to customer groups including the retail forum group of Yorkshire and HumbersideMuseums.
Mark continues to deliver training through presentations and also works as a business website developer.