Monday, March 3, 2014

The Board met with Ken Nelson, Kendall Link and Scot Brown at 9:00 a.m. at the John

Vejtasa building to discuss parking the ambulances in the old fire hall.

At the hour of 10:00 a.m., the Board of Commissioners of McCone County, Montana, met in regular session with Connie Eissinger, Janet Wolff and James Moos present. Presiding Officer Connie Eissinger called the meeting to order. The pledge of allegiance was recited. The agenda was approved.

The February 24, 2014 minutes were read and approved as corrected.

Brian Noftsker, Trapper, met with the Board to report on the predator control program. Brian reported that since January 22, 2014, there have been 142 coyotes taken by flying and 60 coyotes by

Gound work.

Sheriff Dave Harris met with the Board to discuss the use of the old fire hall at the John Vejtasa building.

Commissioner Eissinger reported on the Great Northern Development Corporation Executive Board meeting that she attended on February 28, 2014.

The Board held the first reading of a resolution between the Board of Investments and McCone County for a Sheriff’s vehicle loan. (A copy of the draft resolution is on file in the Commissioners’ files.)

Jackie Becker, Treasurer, presented the Cash Reconciliation and Investment Report for January, 2014. The Board reviewed and approved the Treasurer’s Report. (A copy of the report is on file in the Commissioners’ files.)

Roger Schara and David Pawlowski met with the Board concerning a generator for the John Vejtasa building.

The meeting was opened to public participation at 1:00 p.m.

Mandi Ehli met with the Board concerning a CDBG grant for the purpose of housing rehabilitation in McCone County.

Ruth Melvin and Sharon Helgeson met to inform the Board that Ruth has been hired as the Associate Coordinator of the Senior Center and Sharon will assume the Mid-Rivers Bill Stuffers Supervisor Position.

The Board approved the encroachment permits requested by Mid-Rivers Communications to upgrade the cable facilities to subscribers east of Circle. (Copies of the permits are on file in the Commissioners’ files.)

Paul Skyberg, Deputy Sheriff, met with the Board concerning the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Law Enforcement Agreement with McCone County for 2014. $3748.28 in reduced funding will be shifted to the county public safety budget. After discussion, Commissioner Moos moved to approve the Law Enforcement Agreement and Commissioner Wolff seconded. The motion passed 3-0. (A copy of the contract is on file in the Commissioners’ files.)

Scott Heide, Weed Coordinator; Ken Nelson, Weed Supervisor; Nancy Stempel, GIS Coordinator; and Mary Garfield, County Planner, met with the Board to discuss GPS weed information.

Jackie Becker, Beth Conroy, Pastor Hoobing and Jana Hance met with the Board concerning a Senior Housing Project and the need for county support for a feasibility study. The Board agreed to support a feasibility study for senior housing project.

Correspondence occupied the Board the remainder of the day.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

The minutes are also available on the Commissioner page of the McCone County website at

McCone County Commissioners

Attest: ______

(Seal) Connie Eissinger, Presiding Officer


Maridel L. Kassner, Clerk and Recorder