The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A 05.11.06

Host: Tom Costello

Tom Costello: My name is Tom Costello, with The Healing Codes. I will be host this evening. This is our Thursday night question and answer session, May 11, 2006. Everything from this moment is being recorded, including that dog barking. The session this evening will be recorded. Our politically correct disclaimer goes like this: The Healing Codes are for informational and educational purposes only. The Healing Codes are for the unlocking of the issues of the heart. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or mental condition. The body heals itself. The Healing Codes is a spiritual approach to heal the issues of the heart. We believe the spiritual approach to happiness and fulfillment is the one that makes the most sense. That is the one to which The Healing Codes is devoted.

We’re about to start with the questions and answers. Feel free, as soon as Shauna gives instructions about how to get into the queue, or get out of the queue if you want to. We’ll take those calls and start right in.

Shauna: technical explanation.

Tom Costello: All we need is first names. If you have success stories, something really cool happening with The Healing Codes, feel free to jump into that queue and tell us about that as well.

Participant: (Joey) Good evening, doctor.

Tom Costello: Good evening, Joey, I’m not really a doctor.

Participant: Okay. What would you recommend? I was diagnosed with ALS 9 years ago. I am still mobile and have a little bit of weakness in my hands. What kind of routine would you recommend to aggressively attack that.

Tom Costello: First of all, we wouldn’t recommend aggressively anything. I know those are just words, but what I’d like to do is explain that. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart, the underlying spiritual or energetic block or disconnection or challenge. The key ingredient with the body in terms of healing anything is to be out of stress. Aggressively trying and pushing and harder and more…you can hear as I exaggerate a push into fight or flight mode, which is exactly what you don’t want to go into. What you’re going to look for is you can go into anything having to do with the immune system. You could go into pictures of the heart related to not being heard, not being loved, not being attended to, those kinds of experiences. We’ve seen that sometimes people growing up in very critical or harsh environments get “squashed” energetically. People who get berated and criticized and picked on get energetically smaller, almost, or so it seems. What you’re going to want to do is enlarge your energy. Some people think that what happens energetically with ALS and with neuropathy and other things is the energy withdraws from the extremities back into the center of the body. Really, if you are experiencing this in your hands.

Excuse me, my 10 pound guard dog is reacting to something.

You are going to want to extend your energy into your hands, into your feet, all around it. This is my belief, we as individuals, as spiritual beings have so much power, so much energy. The idea is that energy is way, way bigger than our physical bodies. That’s the kind of stuff we need to come in tune with. I think after we experience trauma, criticism or something of that sort, what happens is we tend to withdraw. As you relax and have this sense of who you truly are (that goes for everybody on the call no matter what), you’ll want to think in terms of that. I would go into the Unforgiveness category. That’s a great place to go into.

Participant: In the big book, manual?

Tom Costello: Yes, in the manual, Day number 1, Unforgiveness. Forgive others, forgive yourself. Forgive God. Forgive yourself for anything you did. Forgive yourself for anything you didn’t do. Relax into it. Recognize that you want to grab hold of life, experiences, love and everything else that’s important to you. Hands are great for that.

Participant: What did you say was great?

Tom Costello: Your hands. Didn’t you say you were having an issue with feelings in your hands?

Participant: The weakness started in my hands. I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Tom Costello: God Bless.

Participant: (Murray) Hey Tom. Is there any advantage or plans in the works to add a booster position to The Healing Codes?

Tom Costello: At this point, No. Somebody asked the question in the last couple of days about the Booster position in The Success Codes, whether that would be good to use with The Healing Codes. Alex’s response was no it wouldn’t be.

Let me see if I can’s stir up the crowd a bit. They hold back about this point in the evening.

There are lots of different takes a person could have on what occurs with our energy, with our spirit. To me that’s the same thing, just two different words meaning the same thing. Literally, this is my point of view, it seems that at some point as human beings just how great, how connected, how magnificent WE (I mean we in the capital sense, as a part of the Source of All Energy – we call it God in this culture). That energy, we are an expression of that. That is my belief. Some point along the line, usually very early, we take in energy, criticism or our own conclusion based upon something that we did, and it affects our energy. It affects our perception of who we are. If you could imagine this, we are this great, very, very high wattage energy source. Then, based upon feedback that we get from others or that we give ourselves, we decide that we just did something bad. Frankly, it’s very easy to do that because so many things are labeled as “bad”. It’s bad if you do this, it’s bad if you do that. It’s bad if you want money. It’s bad if you don’t have money. It’s bad if you eat too much. It’s bad if you don’t clean your plate. All those kind of childhood things that we’ve heard. So, if we interpret any kind of behavior or action on our part that was totally in line with our level of awareness at that point, but we don’t consider it – I spilled milk. Often times people are told, “You’re bad” for having done that. As compared to “Oh, you just knocked over the glass of milk.” To take in that bad seems to have an effect on our energy so that now, suddenly, instead of being this very high-wattage being that each of us is, we start to diminish because of our perception of who we are. It’s almost like the rheostat (dimmer) on the wall that you turn to make the lights dimmer or brighter. We turn it down because we are “bad”. It’s that kind of boloney, it’s that kind of misunderstanding, it’s those kinds of lies, it’s that kind of spiritual disconnection that we think is the source of lots of different dilemmas. If you turn down the energy in your body and notice you’ve lost feeling in your toes, or that your hair is falling out, this or that or the other things. Wow, that’s just – a reduction of energy in a given place. Some body part now is not getting energized like a healthy body part is. Consequently we see symptoms of that. We don’t deal with the symptoms, but we do deal with that energetic disconnection. That spiritual break, that’s what we’re looking for.

Participant: (Cindy) Hi. I’m a new person to The Healing Codes. I’ve done the 12 day quick start and am on phase 2 in the midst of doing three days on each of the core values. I am working on a specific issue with regard to health which is contained in the Love category. When I start on days one and two then 4 and 5, am I still going to be working on the Love category for that specific health issue?

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: Then on day 3 I would cycle on through Joy and Peace, etc.

Tom Costello: Yes, if that condition is still the uppermost thought in your mind and that takes you to the Love category, you would go right back there for day 4 and day 5. Go on to the next category on day 6, then back to the Love category if that remains the most important issue for you.

Participant: Right, I am diabetic. I would love to find some relief or healing for that. That’s how I’ve been approaching it. I should have asked my coach when we spoke last, but I didn’t think to ask it.

Tom Costello: I like to use Louise Hay and Karol Kuhn Truman, both of them have multiple books. Louise Hay’s classic, “You can Heal Your Life” in which she lists a variety of physical ailments and then what she has found to be the underlying emotional thought that may be a contributor. There is also listed a new thought that she would recommend. Those new thoughts can easily translate into a truth focus statement. Off the top of my head, in her book, I think diabetes has to do with a problem experiencing the sweetness of life. That may be something that is probably in the library, but certainly all book stores will have that.

Participant: What was the other book you mentioned?

Tom Costello: Karol Kuhn Truman, “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.”

Participant: Thank you.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome. Thanks for the question, Cindy.

Participant: (Murray) The coaching phase, now, is phase 2, right?

Tom Costello: Yes. It’s labeled that way, yes.

Participant: If you are in the coaching phase and the coach gives you a specific Code. Is it advantageous for the client just to work on that Code and nothing else during that time? That wouldn’t be two days on that, then one day on cycling through the categories. You would spend the entire time on the Custom Code? You wouldn’t divide it up?

Tom Costello: Now let me explain that to everybody who may have a variety of information. What you want to do is begin on the 12 Days to a Changed Life and do day 1 through 12. We recommend for most people that they don’t have to dig into lists of past issues. Some people who are very introspective or who have experienced doing that, if you want to do that, that’s great. For a person who is new to that sort of thing it is time consuming and sometimes will stir up some stuff for you. The most important thing as a person just beginning with The Healing Codes is you are going to want to have an experience in which you go, “Ah Ha! Something is happening. I felt it in my body. I can feel it in my hands. I felt it at the healing centers. I feel a sense of relaxation. I had an ‘ah ha’.” Or some other experience like that. You are going to want to have evidence that something is happening. That will be motivational and encouraging for you to continue. That’s the ideal scene.

So, 12 Days to a Changed Life. After that typically you would be coached by a certified Healing Codes coach for up to 8 contacts in which Custom Codes are designed for you based on the issue that is most important to you. During the time you are working with your coach, you would do the Custom Code only. But as Murray said, if you were so inclined and felt like doing the Love category one day, or another of the categories. Perfect. However, if you think, “More is better. Let me over do it. Let me push.” You can hear again that is going in the direction of stress. What I would say when that conversation begins in your head, “I’m not doing enough”, go “ah ha” there are pictures. That is an energetic pattern that I may have picked up from “wherever.” People that work 20 hours a day are driven by that voice saying that kind of message, “You’re not doing enough.” They work and work. In order to get out of anxiety, workaholics go to work. Other people do whatever they do. The “holics” do whatever they are being driven to in order to reduce that anxiety. In The Healing Codes we say that is a lie driving you. That is some sort of spiritual error, or some sort of energetic pattern that is erroneous. That’s some information that was misinterpreted, or may have not been valid when you heard it in the first place, but you were too young to go, “that sounds like a lot of baloney, I think I’ll just dismiss that.” If you feel yourself operate out of the “gotta go faster, do more”. Say time out. I hear that and I choose not to go in the way of stress. If you want to do stuff that is much more joyful. If you have stuff, you’ll want to deal with that and see if you can’t shift the perspective on it.

Participant: I heard someone say they are working with a coach but they feel like they are in phase 2 where they just work on the problem and switch back to the category rotation.

Tom Costello: That’s why I went into that elaborate explanation. The original phase 2 was that rotation. Now phase 1 is 12 Days to a Changed Life without digging. Phase 2 is coaching. Phase 3 is identifying the uppermost issue and starting in on that, or if you are so inclined, you can start making lists of the underlying issues related to that subject.

Participant: I just wanted to make sure that person didn’t skip the Custom Codes the third day.

Tom Costello: Thank you.

Participant: (Patricia) I was wondering what Healing Codes do you do on a deformed baby chicken?

Tom Costello: How old are you?

Participant: Nine.

Tom Costello: I love it. That is so fantastic that you asked that question, sweetie. What’s going on with your baby chicken?

Participant: One time we had a deformed baby chicken and it died. What Code would I do on him?

Tom Costello: The next deformed baby chicken or…

Participant: Yes, the next baby chicken.

Tom Costello: That’s a good question. I think if I were you, I would work on the Love category. When I looked at that little baby chicken, even when it was still in the egg, I would see if I could send it feelings of love. Then it would know when it came out of the shell or if it is already out, that this is a wonderful place to be. It is wonderful to have you for a friend. It would feel like it was safe. It would be glad to be there. It would be doing its part to be part of your life and you would be doing your part to be part of its life. That would be good practice for anybody to be able to look at a chicken or a puppy or a kitten and be able to send waves of love to it. Then we could do it to people. If you could do that when you thought of your mommy or daddy, your brother or sister, or friend or teacher, you could send those same waves of love. That would be good for all of us to do more often than sending waves of other stuff.