Click here and answer the questions:

1. What is the capital of the UK? ______

2. What ocean borders the UK to the north? ______

3. What body of water separates the UK from France? ______

4. What is the name of the sea that borders the UK to the northeast? ______

5. What is the name of the group of islands off the northwest coast of Scotland? ______

6. Is Scotland north, south, east or west of England? ______

7. What is the name of the island off the coast of Southampton? ______

7. Liverpool is on what sea? ______

9. If you wanted to travel from Dover to Edinburgh, in which direction would you head? ______

10. Roughly how many miles is it from London to Manchester: 3 km, 30 km, 300 km, 3,000 km, or 30,000 km? ______


Click here and find the names of the following places:


Associate each sign with its name:

Turn left / Follow / Turn around / Go straight on / Turn right / Be careful

…………… ………………. …………. ………………. ………… …………….

Click on the words and listen to them:

Buckingham Palace Westminster Piccadilly circus Trafalgar Square

Listen and answer the questions:

Route 1 (Tu pars de l’indication you are here)

Where are you? ______

Route 2

Point de départ ( ne tiens pas compte de l’indication you are here): ______

Point d’arrivée: ______

Route 3

Take a pen and draw your route on the map.


Click here and find the answers to the questions:

traditions 1 traditions 2 traditions 3

Which countries’ national flags make up the Union Jack? Tick the right answers.

England Scotland Wales the Republic of Ireland Northern Ireland

What’s the popular name for a police constable?

a cop a bobby a bill

What is written on the policemen’s helmets?

ER Police VR

Are the taxi cabs in London always black?

No, they are yellow. No, they are red. No, modern taxis are often brightly coloured.

Can you remember what Harrods’ is?

a park a restaurant a department store

How many lions guard the base of Nelson’s column?

2 3 4

How high is Nelson’s column?

50 m 60m 4m

Who won the battle of Trafalgar?

Napoleon Nelson

Who lives at 10 Downing Street?

The Queen the Prime Minister Prince Charles

What do the initials ‘VR’ on this pillar box mean?

very red

Victoria Regina

Victoria reigned

Where can you see this type of soldier on guard?

in front of 10 Downing Street.

in front of Buckingham Palace;

in front of Saint James’s palace.

The ‘métro’ of London is called:

the tube the subway the underground

What is the name of the traditional London buses?

cabs doubledeckers the Red Buses


Click here to listen to the song

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