OPTIMALE- WP5 SubWP5.4 meeting

Training for professional practice: Quality Assurance

December 1st 2011, Brussels



Anca Greere, Babes-Bolyai University – WP 5.4. leader

Daniel Toudic, Rennes 2 University – OPTIMALE coordinator

Participants: Z. Chervenkova, M.F. Louro, V. Gaballo, T. Pappel, G. Dreijers, D. Hanusiak, T. Vilceanu, M. Olohan, M. Blagus, L. Kaminskiene, N. Maskaliuniene, K.W. Rasmussen, Z. Krajcso, A. Beeby, C. Coblis, Sara Vandenaetere, G. Dreijers, E. Leitner, M. Silvestrini


Anca Greere as chair welcomed the participants and asked all participants to say a few words about themselves and their interest in WP 5.4


Anca Greere presented WP5 and the following was noted:

•  WP5.1 - The use of new translation technologies, tools and learning environments

Leader: Gerhard BUDIN, University of Vienna, Austria

•  WP5.2 - Domain specialization WP.5.2

Leader: M. Rosario MARTIN RUANO, University of Salamanca, Spain

•  WP5.3 - Professionally-oriented practices in the academic context

Leader: Christina SCHAEFFNER, University of Aston, UK

•  WP5.4 - Quality assurance

Leader: Anca GREERE, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

WP5.1. Description

New resources and tools available to translators and language professionals appear almost daily, but levels of use differ from company to company and between individuals. The balance between proprietary, commercially available tools and open-source tools is often critical in determining professional use as well as use in the context of translator training programmes.

The aim of theWP will be to monitor the current use of tools and technologies in higher education translator training programmes and to identify best practice in their integration and adaptation within the curriculum. The prospects opened up by new learning environments will be identified and analysed.

WP5.2. Description

There is a growing demand in the translation industry for specialist translators capable of creating added value either through specific thematic expertise (legal, technical, medical, financial, etc.) or through specific types of translation (localisation, audiovisual, text-to-sign language, etc.).

The aim of the WP will be to identify emerging specialisms and good practice in defining new methodologies and resources to train specialised translators in these fields.

WP5.3. Description

The approaches used in introducing students to professional practice vary widely, from the introduction of varying degrees of simulated professional practice within the curriculum, to the employment of practising professionals to teach curriculum components, the externalisation of certain aspects of the curriculum or the development of internships.

WP5.4. Description

In the area of translator training, quality assurance means ensuring that programmes meet certain standards (such as those defined under the EMT initiative) in terms of academic level, learning outcomes and equipment available to the students. It also means making sure that students graduate with all the knowledge, competences and skills required to ensure professional standards of quality assurance and quality control in whatever specific area of the translation industry they may work in.


Anca Greere presented the timeline and the objectives of WP5.4 and the following was noted:

Stage 1:

Calendar: Months 14-20 [Nov. 2011-May 2012]

Activities will include:

·  mapping existing practices and resources as QA in translation training programmes

·  pooling and discussing information on different experiences and approaches

·  drafting a 10-15 page synthesis report

·  submitting cases of good practice and drafting case studies of those cases considered valuable by the group of partners involved in this subworkpackage.

·  one-day workshop in Cluj à April-May 2012


·  Synthesis reports (status quo reports resulting from the mapping exercise) à end of February 2012

·  Case studies of good practice à June 2012

Stage 2:

Calendar: Months 21-33 [June 2012-June2013]

Activities will include:

·  defining and drafting a detailed reference framework for good practice in the particular area of translator training

·  identifying useful and transferable training resources;

·  translating and/or adapting resources which can be made available through the web platform;

·  one-day joint workshop à October 2012.


·  Reference frameworks – Recommendations of good practice à July 2012

·  2nd (Joint) Workshop à October 2012

·  Resource materials – transferrable learning materials –> Sept-Dec 2012

DECISION: Possible dates for meeting in Cluj-Napoca 21, 28 April 2012 – LATER 28 April CONFIRMED

WP 5.4 Discussions and Debate

Discussions focussed on the distinction between QA for programme and QA for professional contexts.

It was clear that participants had joined the group with different expectations and that a decision had to be reached on which would be the prime point of focus. Some of the partners felt it was relevant to consider institutional-related QA issues in translator training whereas others preferred a focus on quality assurance and control as part of the translation process and how it can be taught.

Anca Greere presented aspects relating to HE QA standards so that the point of focus could be further restricted for discussions in the group, if this would be decided for:

·  QA Mechanisms: Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Quality Enhancement

·  QA Levels: Programme level, Institutional level, National level, European/international level

·  QA measures: Programme structure/Curriculum (learning outcomes, disciplines, credits, assessment criteria/procedures), Infrastructure/resources, Student development/satisfaction/employability, Staff competences/performance, Teaching methodology and learning experiences

·  QA tools:

·  External: QA reference frameworks (ENQA, national HE accreditation agencies etc)

·  Internal: Entry and exit level requirements, Questionnaires, Feedback sessions, Group discussions, Updating procedures, Student and staff support (exchanges, mobilities, events, conferences), Reflexive procedures, etc.

Mirko Silvestrini and other colleagues representing the professional community described the area related to QA as part of the translation process and indicated the points that would be relevant for focuss, and proposed resources and guidance that could be received from the community.

Danile Toudic clarified the notion of QA as indicated in the project bid and proposed a clear focus towards QA as part of the translation process and aspects related to the training and competence development of QA procedures as parcticed on the market.

DECISION: The focus of WP 5.4 would remain on training issues related to QA and control in the translation process, also in line with the other subWP which would be focusing precisely on the training process. Still, given the interest expressed by some participants, Rennes management would decide if quality standards in translator training programmes could also be addressed and how.

WP 5.4 Planning for the next steps

The list of participants to the subWP would have to be finalized soon. Now that participants had participated to the preliminary discussions it was felt that a decision could be easier reached.

A template would be draw up to collect information for the status quo report. The status quo report would be drafted and discussed mainly online, and finalized and approved during the meeting in Cluj.

Case studies would have to be identified and discussed at the meeting in Cluj.

Collaboration with professionals would prove of the utmost importance.


ALL to communicate to OPTIMALE manager their subWP preference.

ALL to note down date of Cluj meeting

ALL to think of potential case studies

ALL to complete template for status quo report

Anca Greere to draft template and status quo report

Anca Greere to organize meeting in Cluj

Daniel Toudic, Project Coordinator, Université Rennes 2, Place du Recteur Henri Le Moal, 35000 Rennes.

00 33 2 99 14 16 87 /

Kelly Falaise, Project Manager, Université Rennes 2, Place du Recteur Henri Le Moal, 35000 Rennes

00 33 2 99 14 19 97 /