Accreditation of Practice Placement Educators’ scheme (APPLE)


The Practice Placement Educator (PPE) should submit this form six months prior to the expiry date of their accreditation. A reminder will automatically be sent when this is due, providing the PPE has kept their postal / email address up to date on the APPLE database.

Please attach anonymised evidence of your application for reaccreditation (eg assessment form, student learning contract) and submit this form to your local participating Higher Education Institution (HEI). It is suggested that you write 300-500 words on each learning outcome. The text boxes provided for your answers can be expanded accordingly.

Upon successful completion of this application the HEI representative will update your details on the apple database. you will be able to download your certificate from the apple website. If you need to update your details on the apple database please use this link:

Name of Applicant:
BAOT No (if applicable): / Regulatory Body Name and number (if applicable):
Work name and address:
Post code / Home address:
Post Code
Work Tel No:
Work Fax No:
Work email address: / Personal email address:
Area of Work: / Number of years since qualified:
Current grade/level of post: / Number of HEIs you take students from:
Name of Strategic Health Authority/Local Authority/Other: / Number of students you have taken in the last 5 years:
Signature / Date

Learning outcome 1

Describe the role and identify the attributes of an effective practice placement educator.

Prompt questions:

What is your role as an educator?

What attributes do you utilise to ensure your effectiveness as a practice placement educator?

What attributes do you think students value in a practice placement educator?

Learning outcome 2

Apply learning theories that are appropriate for adult and professional learners

Prompt questions:

How have you developed and managed students learning to accommodate differing needs and abilities of students’ e.g. strong students, weaker students?

Which learning theories do you use and why?

Are there any alternative learning theories you could use? If you have discounted these please explain why.

Learning outcome 3

Plan, implement and facilitate learning in the practice placement setting.

Prompt questions:

How many students have you supervised or been involved in the education of over the last five years?

Please give dates and University name. 5 students over the five years is recommended.

What planning do you undertake prior to the students arrival?

Do you have a robust student induction procedure?

Learning outcome 4

Apply sound principles and judgement in the assessment of performance in the practice placement setting.

Prompt questions:

How have your skills as an assessor developed with experience?

How have you managed assessment of student learning within your setting?

What processes have you introduced to ensure reliability?

Do you have any mechanisms of moderation?

How do you give feedback to students about their performance?

Learning outcome 5

Evaluate the learning experience

Prompt questions

What systems do you have in place to monitor the quality of the placement learning experience?

What changes have you made in response to feedback you have received?

Learning outcome 6

Reflect on experience and formulate action plans to improve future practice.

Prompt questions

How have you developed further in your role as a practice educator?

How has your practice changed and why?

Please give a brief summary of any courses or workshops you have attended or other CPD activities such as self-directed study/reading that have helped develop your role as a practice placement educator.

Identify what further knowledge, skills and training you need/would like to develop your role as a practice placement educator.

Reflect on how these have helped you maintain / improve your skills as an educator.

Data Protection Statement - Consent for use

The personal data that you have provided to your accrediting Higher Education Institution (HEI) will be subject to the data processing rules as applied within that HEI. By supplying this personal data, you agree that the accrediting HEI can forward your data to the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) to be held on the APPLE database.

COT will keep your data confidential and not use it for any purpose other than to communicate with you about your accreditation for Practice Placement Education and, in aggregate (and therefore anonymously) for research and reporting purposes for local and national statistics and trends.

Practice Placement Tutor (HEI): I confirm that the above educator meets the above learning outcomes of the APPLE scheme / Printed name, signature and date:
Practice Placement Coordinator or Manager (at place of work): I confirm that the above educator meets the above learning outcomes of the APPLE scheme / Printed name, signature and date:
For internal use only:
Learning Outcome / Meets criteria / Does not meet criteria / Comments / Signed
1.  Describe the role and identify the attributes of an effective practice placement educator.
2.  Apply learning theories that are appropriate for adult and professional learners.
3.  Plan, implement and facilitate learning in the practice placement setting.
4. Apply sound principles and judgment in the assessment of performance in the practice placement setting.
4.  Evaluate the learning experience.
6. Reflect on experience and formulate action plans to improve future practice.

Date added to APPLE database______