Unapproved Selectboard Minutes
Feb. 27, 2012
Present: Ron Batchelder, Betty Whipple, Jay Grant
Meeting called to order at 8:03 P.M.
Minutes of Feb. 13 Meeting accepted with correction: Minutes refer several times to “Alaskan Slab Foundation” correct term is Frost Protected Shallow Foundation or FPSF.
Old Business:
Ron reviewed the calendar: March 13 – Town Meeting; March 28 – Joint Meeting of all town boards with Town Counsel. The March 28 meeting will be posted.
1. Boiler in municipal building: Heat was not working at 8:00 A.M. this morning. Bob called Landry Oil. Jonathan found circulator air bound, once he added water one of the two boilers serving the main part of the building began to leak. Jay arrived at the building; Jonathan isolated the failed boiler so that one boiler is heating the building. The faulty boiler will have to be replaced. We do not have a price as of this time. Betty moved to replace block in faulty boiler, seconded by Jay. (3-0). Bob will call Selectboard members with price as soon as Landry Oil calls. Jay also asked Jonathan to look into automatic venting equipment that would allow the municipal building to use the solar heat that the solarium generates on sunny days.
2. Opening of sealed bids for wood, cut behind municipal building. Invitation to bid was on Town Web Site, Town Bulletin Board, and advertised on Feb. 17 in both Keene Sentinel and Claremont Eagle Times. One Bid was received. Ron opened the bid. It was from Landscapes by Jay Grant for $125. Motion to accept bid, Ron/Betty. 2-0 Jay abstaining.
3. It was noted that Alter-Eco, second floor tenant, will be leaving their space on March 15.
4. The Board appointed Cathy MacDonald to the Cold River Advisory Board. Betty/Jay3-0
5. The Board signed documents for DES to start the process of a wastewater holding tank for the Town Hall.
6. The Board reviewed and updated current veteran’s applications.
New Business:
1. The Board Signed Orders.
2. The Board reviewed Payroll.
3. The Board appointed Tina Christie to the Stokes Scholarship Committee. Jay/Ron 2-0 Betty abstaining.
4. The Board discussed Town Meeting. There will be no board meeting the night before town meeting, March 12. Orders will be signed during the day on March 13. There was some discussion about what should be included in the cost of the community center/kitchen vs. regular maintenance of the municipal building. Items discussed were the installation of air-conditioning and the needed repairs to the roof. It was noted that this will have to be decided prior to the 2013 Town Meeting. This year’s vote is on the concept and the $2500 will be used to put together solid figures. It was agreed that Betty would speak to the Community Center Article, Ron will speak to the budget articles, and Jay will speak to articles dealing with cemetery capital reserve at Town Meeting. Jay will also cover article 6. (Paving)
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. (Jay/Betty) 3-0
Respectfully submitted: Robert Cunniff