Language Arts 7 Course Expectations

Ms. Linda Cordes

to a brand new school year! I am very excited about having you in class, and I am looking forward to a new year of learning.

My class will challenge youas readers, writers, and speakers! If you come into class each day with a cheerful attitude, take joy and pride in your work and the work of others, and always give your TOP effort, you will be an incredibly successful student.

Grade Divisions

You will earn 2Language Arts grades: Literature and English

Contact info :

: (761-7248 school phone number)

: plan bells - 8th and 9th bells each day from 1:40-3:00 P.M.

I am here by 7:30each morning.

** Homework assignments can be accessed through the Wyoming Home Page by clicking on Middle School, then Staff Directory, then Cordes. This will link you to my homework page. You can also access it thru Progress Book once you have your information.

Curriculum Tests:According to Wyoming guidelines, a test will be given at the end of each quarter testing skills taught during that quarter. There will be separate tests for Reading and Grammar.

Class Participation: Academics is NOT a spectator sport! I expect every student to participate actively in class. This can include answering questions, asking appropriate questions, volunteering to take part in class, having a positive attitude, and interacting well with fellow students.

Quarterly Reflective Portfolio:Throughout the year, you will put together a learning portfolio of assignments that you have completed in class. This is a very good reason to keep ALL work until the end of the qtr. (don’t throw it in the thrash!). Youwill present these portfolios in class at the end of certain qtrs.


  • spelling will be integrated into all work this year: writing, vocab. etc.

Special Requirements

Rules + Procedures =


1)Respect yourself and others

2)Speak and act as responsible young adults


1)Be in your seat with the assigned materials when the bell rings (not after).

2)Follow directions the first time they are given (ask questions if you don’t understand).

3)Be quiet and listen when someone else is talking.

4)Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Respect others space.

5)Follow ALL school rules (no hats, gum, etc.)

Materials Needed

  • Composition book for daily Mind Jogs (put your name on it)
  • Spiral notebook (about 90 pgs.)
  • Highlighters and markers
  • blue or black pens only
  • 2 packs of wide ruled paper for the classroom
  • Pack of #2 pencils for the classroom
  • 1 box of Kleenex for classroom
  • 200 index cards for the classroom
  • empty cereal box (flattened) for your Autobiography project this qtr. (save old magazines too)

Please have all of these materials

no later than Monday Aug. 27th.

Classroom Procedures

Though it is necessary to have rules, a classroom is not run by just rules. It is run by procedures, just like your life.

Entering the classroom

Enter the room in a mature, orderly fashion on time, go to your seat and get your materials out, and be ready to work (usually this will mean picking up your Mind Jog book and getting started with the assignment on the board).

Turning in assignments and homework

Assignments are due at the beginning of class (unless otherwise stated). Stay ORGANIZED, use your planner and life will be simple!

Mind Jogs

As you enter to room, you will find a “Mind Jog” on the board. This may be a writing prompt, a reaction to last night’s reading assignment, or something special pertaining to what’s going on in our lives. This should be a minimum of 5 quality sentences and completed in your composition book. You are to get started on this as soon as the bell rings. When you finish, tackle the Daily Oral Language assignment on the board (you will have a packet for this), and then try the Daily Analogy. Mind Jogs will be evaluated during the qtr. and count as 5% of your Literature grade.

Writing Workshop

We will be doing a lot of creative writing this year. You will keep all of your ideas and some rough drafts in a spiral notebook. Please either keep this in class, or bring it with you everyday.


If you miss a day, please see me for missed work a.s.a.p. If I am absent, you are to conduct yourselves in the responsible, adult manner that you do when I am present. All procedures remain the same and all rules still apply!