Biodiversity and Conservation

Livia M. O. Laureto1* and Marcus V. Cianciaruso2


1Post-Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil.

2 Department of Ecology, Universidade Federal de Goiás, CP 131, Goiânia, GO 74001-970, Brazil.

* Corresponding author: , +55 (62) 3521-1474

Table S1 Specific uses attributed to palm species within each category of use.

Category of use / Detailed uses
Food and beverages / Edible plant parts (shoot, cabbage, oil, endosperm, fruit, inflorescence (pacaya), kernels, nuts, palm heart, seeds, leaf bud, core), sap, vegetable salt, vinegar, sugar / jiggery, starch / sago, edible oil, syrup, candies, condiments (e.g. fruits used in curry), flour, ice cream / sherbet, preserves (including pickles and relishes), sugar cakes, for making mash, sambal, fruit exudate as gum, miel de palma, arrak (distilled spirit), fruits fermented for alcohol, liquid endosperm, milk substitute, palm wine (toddy), soft drink flavorings, sweet sap, seeds as coffee substitute.
Feeds / Forage and salt supplement for cattle, press cake, fodder, forage, stem sap drunk by animals, source of nutrition for wildlife animals, fish bait.
Building materials and structure / Construction (houses, huts, camp shelters), fiber, flooring, rattan for building purposes, roof thatch, thatch, timber, weaving material for construction, wood, coffins, posts, nursery shade, fences, bridges, canoes, canoes ribs, floors, floorboards, pilings, roofs, utility poles, pillars, walls, walls planks, planks, pillings, dwellings, for conducting water, to tick beams in construction, rafters, support and roof beams
water and irrigation pipes, laths, siding, cane bridges, house beams, awnings, water gutters, house frames, atap, palm shingles, pile, floorplanks, rafts, wattle for the construction of mud houses, for tying house timbers/ roofs and rafts, leaves used in erosion control, poultry houses, chicken coops, to construct football-goal, water-troughs, palisades, stakes, road metaling, sails, bow and stern, composition board.
Medicine and rituals / Masticatory / seeds chewed, betelnut / nuts as betel substitute, contraceptive properties, dragon’s blood, ointment, folk medicines, to cure/treat diseases (bad cough, colds, liver and kidney disorders, snake bites, sore throats, anemia, dysentery, eye ailments, as AIDS treatment), remedy for ague, source of hemostatic drug, to replace blood plasma in emergency surgery, to get rid of worms, to avoid lice, to relax pelvic muscles and ease labor in childbirth.
Plant resource and parts as offerings or used in religious ceremonies (Palm Sunday, cremation, Christian, Jewish and Muslim festivals, for making crosses, plant parts burned as incent at church), religious, plant parts though to have magical properties, symbols and totems, ritual baby care, to ward off the evil and against witchcraft, tree planted at sacred places.
Ornamental / Ornamental tree, pot palm, decoration, seeds, cut foliage / leaves, inflorescences or other plant parts for decoration, houseplants, shade tree, horticultural and floristic trade.
Chemical and industrial products / Fiber (coir), textile finishes, particle board, industrial oils, activated charcoal, dye / resin, paper pulp, polishes, upholstery stuffing, wax (for several purposes, including the production of medicine capsules), vegetable ivory, powder and pigments, fertilizer, soil improvers, poisoning / toxic compounds (e.g. fish poison), corrosion inhibitor of zinc, insect repellent.
Cosmetics and hygiene / Hair softener, hairdressing, soap, perfume, shampoo, toothbrushes, combs, toilet paper.
Fuel / Fuel oil, biofuel, charcoal, fuel wood. alcohol fuel, plant parts used to smoke rubber, tinder, fire-starters / kindling, activated carbon, torches.
Handicrafts / Tying and weaving material for crafts, loom parts, chewing stick, cords, book cover, tobacco pouches, kites, colanders, birdcages, cane/rattan or fiber for crafts or with unspecified use, material for sewing thatch and for plaiting, carvings, woven products, cork, for making lathies, piassava, spars, twine, handicrafts in general.
Tools / Nets, ropes / rope fiber, handles for tools (e.g. axes, hatches, umbrellas), walking sticks, kitchen instruments, umbrellas, knife sheath, leaf blades as writing material, palm oil filter, backpacks, for tying fences, barrels / water barrels, graters, sieves, straps, buckets, carrying and storage vessels, strainers, sewing atap, feather duster, tying logs, binding material, awls, bows, spears, pellets for hunting birds, fish and crayfish traps, fishing nets, blowguns, arrow points, arrowheads, lances, personal war spears, dart plugs, lance shaft, fishing rods, harpoon staves, projectiles for shotguns, blowgun-bore cleaners, harpoon, fishing floats, cirrus for catching eels, bow strings, stuffing for cartridges, blowpipes, climbing hooks, wood machetes, cordage, labor tools, shavers, for binding basket edges and parangs (bush knives), knife sheath, script writing, rods, implements and tools, fishing baskets, digging sticks.
Clothing / Hats, clothes, belts, sandals, raincoats, armbands, forehead bands, waistbands, rain hats.
Furniture / Hammock, lamp shades, mats, rattan, chairs, wickerware, shelving, furniture frames, joinery, spindles, cabinetry, chair frames, for weaving chair bottoms, sitting mats, sleeping mats, lounge chairs.
Games and toys / Balls (rattan), chess pieces, palm leaflet balls, waist hoops, plant parts used by children to play, toy boats.
Household items / Bags, baskets, carrying baskets, brooms, brushes, cigarette papers/wrapper, coat hangers, purses, material for packing / wrapping (e.g. for food, bushmeat), carpets, material to stuff pillows, panniers, candles (wax to make candles), support mosquito nets, potpourri, trays, matting, ladles, mattresses, mattress stuffing, saddle pillows, cups, fans, air freshener, rugs, saddle blankets, dishes, napkin, blinds.
Jewellery / Bracelets, necklaces, rings, beads, miniature carvings, ear rings, personal adornment, accessories.