Table S1. Bacterial strains used in this study and their relevant phenotype

Strains / Relevent genotype / Source
MG1655 / F-λ-ilvG- rfb-50 rph-1 / Lab collection (1)
MG1655 ∆pts / MG1655, ∆pts::kan / Lab collection (1)
MG1655Φ(ptsI-mCherry) / MG1655, ptsI-mCherry / Lab collection (1)
AW546 (WT) / met leu his thr lac eda rpsL / (2)
AW546∆cheA / AW546, ∆cheA / M. Eisenbach
RP437 (WT) / F- thi thr leu his met eda rpsL / (3)
UU2612 / RP437,[Δaer-1Δ(tar-tap)4530Δtsr-5547Δtrg-4543] / (3)
PB103 (WT) / dadR trpE trpA tna / (4)
PB114 / PB103, ΔminCDE::aph / (4)
W3899 (WT) / F–nadB7 supE rfbD1 / (5)
WC3899 / W3899, cls::Tn10dTet3 / (5)
PA340 (WT) / F- argHl thr-J leuB6 gdh-J hisG-I gItB31 thi-l lacYl gal-6 xyl-7 ara-14 mtl-2 malAl rpsL9 tonA2 / (6)
PA340-678 / PA340, gltB+∆mre-678 / (6)
MHD63 / ΔamiA::Cm ΔamiBΔamiC::Kan Δslt / (7)
MCQ1 / [araD139]B/r, leu-260::Tn10, ftsQ1 ts, rpsL150 (strR) / CGSC
PAT84 / ftsZ844 ts / CGSC
Ts1962 / ptsI119(ts), rpsL101(strR) / CGSC
PAT84Φ(ptsI-mCherry) / ptsI-mCherry, ftsZ844ts / This study
B. subtilis YE101 / ∆ptsI::spc, amy::pEA18-gfp-ptsI / This study


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