2016 Strategic Plan
Education Committee
Chair(s): Susan Benson and Mike Loiseau
Committee Members: Cherish Diviney, Michelle Givvin, Glenna Roberts, John Foster
Executive Summary: Goal for 2016 is to continue to support the Active Chapters as determined by the Committee in 2015 and to revise the Chapters Mission Statement to reflect its present status. The Committee hopes to launch Subro College – Management and continue to offer Subro College 100 and 200, CSRP and Webinars as member benefits.
2015 Accomplishments:
1.  Chapter Viability
2.  Marketing the CSRP Webinar Series; John Kolb to narrate the Health/WC Webinar series; All 2016 Webinars in place
3.  Free Webinars; Partner with PLRB for Webinar series
2016 Objective I: Provide Quality Programs—Identify and respond to industry’s educational needs
Description of Opportunity: The Committee’s efforts in evaluating Chapters in 2015 resulted in a clear decision as to those Chapters that will continue to have in-person meeting(s) and those where in-person meetings will no longer take place. We have referred to the latter Chapters as dormant. There will be no further expenditure of time, effort or budget consideration to those Chapters. This objective does not seek to change the results achieved in 2015 by this Committee. However, the Committee believes that listing Chapters on the website is beneficial to NASP. The Chapters while dormant for purposes of Chapter meetings, can provide other benefits. In order to accomplish the objective, the Committee is requesting a change to the Chapter Mission Statement.
Proposed Solution (describe “change” or “fix”, include a budget or other resources needed): Create expectations for all Chapters for 2016 – active and dormant. Cherish, Susan and Mike will have a one on one discussion with the Chairs (both active and dormant) regarding their respective roles in early January.
Anticipated Benefits (cost savings, impact to organization/results, etc.): It is important that our mission statement reflect the changes that have occurred – The change will enable us to continue to list the Chapters on the website (notwithstanding their dormancy) but provide other ways for Chairs to get the local word out, i.e. be responsible for a Subrogator article at a minimum. This will not cost anything other than communication between the NASP office and Chairs.
April Update: Discussions were held with all active Chapters regarding NASP’s expectations for their Chapters in 2016. Most Active Chapters have scheduled at least one meeting for 2016. The Eastern PA/New Jersey Chapters have merged.
Discussions were held with the dormant Chapter Chairs regarding their expectations. The Chapter Chair list is updated on the website and in the Subrogator. Evaluation of the dormant chapters is ongoing and will be updated before the annual conference (depending on whether any efforts were made as discussed).
June Update: Dormant chapter chairs already have committed to writing Subrogator articles. We have requested a separate section in the magazine for Chapter submissions and hope to have a Chapter article for each publication.
August Update: We have one dormant Chapter Chair that has submitted an article already for the next deadline and any dormant chapter chairs that do not submit something by September 1st will be eliminated from the website and Subrogator as Chapter Chairs. We will be opening up the Chapter Column to all chapter chairs shortly. Our goal is to have a Chapters column to add to the state specific page of the Subrogator.
To date, we have had 332 attendees at local Chapter meetings. There are 42 attendees presently registered at the upcoming Ohio and New England meetings.
November Update
2016 Objective II: Support and promote the Certified Subrogation and Recovery Professional (CSRP) designation.
Description of Opportunity: Review CSRP Program -- Exam Performance and pass rates
Proposed Solution (describe “change” or “fix”, include a budget or other resources needed): Review questions with a high failure rate to see whether those questions can be worded differently or replaced with different questions. Review the past three years of testing to determine those questions that fit into this category. Are the Chapter objectives being adequately reflected in the questions?
Work with John Foster and Bryan Milkent
Create succession plan and/or apprentice for knowledge transfer from B. Milkent
Add 10 questions to the BANK
Anticipated Benefits (cost savings, impact to organization/results, etc.)
We can provide feedback to those taking the exam and prospective examinees that we are constantly reviewing the questions for fairness and to encourage those non-passers to retake the exam.

April Update:

1.  Dan Nucci, CSRP from Hanover Insurance has been selected to work with Bryan Milkent. He is very enthusiastic and is looking forward to working with Bryan. The plan is for Dan to attend the webinar series this year (August 17th through October 12th ) and meet with Bryan to discuss taking over some of the sessions for next year and then take over the webinar series upon Bryan’s “retirement” TBD.
2.  There are 5 scheduled to take the CSRP at Lit Skills. 120 to 130 have matriculated in 2016 (meaning they are preparing to take the exam in the future).
3.  John and Elle will review the chapters in order to propose 20 additional questions. Those questions will be vetted with Susan and Mike with the goal to include the new questions in the test taken at the annual conference.
4.  Elle will put together a spreadsheet to study test responses so that failure rates can be determined with the goal of rewriting or replacing those questions that have a high failure rate.
5.  The CSRP Policy and Procedures were last approved in 2005. We are proposing a small change (page 19) which will be discussed at the meeting. A full review of the CSRP Policies and Procedures may be in order.

June Update

1.  Dan Nucci, CSRP from Hanover Insurance has been selected to work with Bryan Milkent. He is very enthusiastic and is looking forward to working with Bryan. The plan is for Dan to attend the webinar series this year (August 17th through October 12th ) and meet with Bryan to discuss taking over some of the sessions for next year and then take over the webinar series upon Bryan’s “retirement” TBD. Dan reached out to Bryan to discuss his involvement but was told by Bryan that NASP BOD and the Education Committee would be meeting to discuss how best to deliver the CSRP Webinar in the future so Dan’s involvement has been put on hold.
2.  Elle has promised to review the last 3 CSRP exams in an effort to evaluate test responses so that failure rates can be determined and evaluated.
3.  The CSRP Policy and Procedures and suggested updates were sent to the Board for review and voting.
August Update: The Education Committee asked Michele to send out an email invite to all those taking the upcoming CSRP Exam to enroll and attend the CSRP Webinar series. We are requesting that this be a procedure put in place before every August CSRP Webinar series begins.
As of 8/10/2016, there are 10 registrants for the CSRP at the Annual Conference.
CSRP teaching replacement has been put on hold. A request for volunteers will be sent out for those who would like to take part in the teaching series with Bryan Milkent. Those volunteers will be vetted and tested out to ensure the continued quality of the speaker.
We have not received any test responses for review of failure rates. As to CSRP Content or failure rates and other general CSRP matters, John and Elle will be handling that aspect and will report back to the Board with any suggested changes.
The proposed CSRP Policy and Procedures have been updated and are being circulated to the Board for approval at this meeting.
2016 Objective III: Provide Quality Programs—Identify and respond to industry’s educational needs
Develop and Promote exceptional educational programs; Further develop alliances with other claim focused associations.
Description of Opportunity:
Webinars – continue to plan ahead for Webinars for 2017.
Creating partnership with IAAI for webinar series in 2016
Proposed Solution (describe “change” or “fix”, include a budget or other resources needed): Review Track Leaders’ comments to Annual Conference form recommending potential webinars. Is requesting the Webinar a year ahead too much time?
Anticipated Benefits (cost savings, impact to organization/results, etc.)
Bring the Annual Conference to those who cannot attend. How do we provide this on a timelier basis when all Webinars have been planned? Is planning one year ahead for Webinars conducive to bringing the most popular sessions to the membership? Do we continue to do a Call for Webinar Speakers?
August Update: The deadline for 2017 webinars was July 31st. There were 31 submissions that Glenna and Michelle recently reviewed. We will continue to have the PLRB, IAAI and Engineering series. To date, the webinar attendance is over 3,000.

November Update:

2016 Objective IV: Provide Quality Programs—Identify and respond to industry’s educational needs
Develop and Promote exceptional educational programs
Description of Opportunity:
Subro College - Management
Proposed Solution (describe “change” or “fix”, include a budget or other resources needed): Continue efforts to develop the next Subro College Series. John Foster and/or others to develop the outline already in place. Budget is unknown depending on whether John Foster develops the content or whether we seek others to assist in development. Based on conversations with BOD, there is a need for this type of program in both small and large companies. Can offer the series in the same way we offer Subro Colleges 100 and 200 (in-house, Chapter meetings, webinars). Consider whether calling it Subro College – Management or Subro College 300 since it is not really a continuation of the content of 100 and 200. Begin developing a SC300 (obstacles to subrogation?) in 2016.
Anticipated Benefits (cost savings, impact to organization/results, etc.)
Continued development of Management Track and marketing to upper level management with the ability to use this Subro College as a platform in offering corporate sponsorships, membership, advertisement of Chapter events and other NASP benefits.
Provide much needed manager/supervisor training to carriers that do not have programs available.

April Update:

“Subro College – Management Consideration” – is almost finished. The name was developed so that attendees will have the expectation that this course will discuss issues that management are facing now as opposed to developing a “best practices” or “management guideline” that may subject us to liability down the line. The Instructor’s Manual is approx. 85 pages. The slides are completed and proofed. The course is now being evaluated for CE approval. We will be testing the program at the June 3rd Wisconsin Chapter Meeting. Timing and adjustments will be made – the product will be redefined at that time. Written material will be finalized depending on changes made and the program is set for its’ official launch at the annual conference.
Subro College – 300 Series “Obstacles to Subrogation”: A meeting with the Education volunteers was recently held to put together a task force to manage this project. We had hoped that this team would be familiar with Subro College either having attended one or having seen the curriculum, but in fact they have not attended a Subro College. The volunteers that attended this recent telecon have until April 25th to decide whether they would like to be part of the project. Once the team is assembled, all will offer ideas and topics for consideration. The goal is to put together a 7 to 8 hour program divided into modules. Each member will be responsible for one or two modules. Within each module there will be a certain number of learning objectives. A module may consist of a case scenario, case study, group discussion or practice guide. The topic is wide open so there are a lot of topics to include - from as early on as getting the claim file – trial of the case – collection of the judgment – the impediments are countless. The goal would be that it interests adjusters, attorneys, experts and collection vendors. Since the proposed team (other than Mike and Susan) have never attended a Subro College, we request a copy of the Subro Colleges 1 and 2 to distribute to the team as a sample. Our goal is for this team to put together a working outline (similar to what John Foster made available to the Board last November for the Subro College: Management) to discuss with the Board during its’ 2016 October board meeting.

June Update: Wisconsin Chapter Meeting was held on June 3rd. Leslie, Jeff and John will work together to adjust the program per the responses received at the meeting and subsequent evaluation by Leslie, Jeff and John.

Subro College – 300 Series – is no longer entitled “Obstacles/Impediments to Subrogation.” The committee put together a topic proposal for this which was reviewed by Leslie and Jeff. While the topics were great, they thought it would be better to break down this series into two courses. One relating to Product Liability and the other to Construction Defects. Our committee is presently drafting a 3 tier outline for Subro College 300 – Product Liability Subrogation. To give you some history (which makes limiting the topic a great idea), the Subro Colleges have developed as follows: Subro College 100 is a general course - the skill level is entry level. Subro College 200 is more complex involving a fire case and a mock mediation providing more specific tools. Jeff and Leslie felt that we should continue in this vein and make Subro College 300 specific to Product Liability including the topics we indicated in our initial proposal for impediments/obstacles. NASP is a leader in identifying defective products and we have developed a relationship with the Consumer Product Safety Commission - so product liability is at the forefront and obviously very popular as we learned after our most recent Litigation Skills Conference. Part 1 of this 300 series will include Product Liability Subrogation including impediments, product investigation, product litigation, etc. We will have a completed 3 tier outline along with suggested methods of teaching for 8 modules for approval at the August board meeting.