
Standard S.7.3.2 The learner will be able to identify how elements, atoms, and molecules contribute to the development and function of cells.

Read the following statements and check agree or disagree for each one.

Agree or Disagree

______1. Elements are matter that is composed of atoms that have the same atomic number.

______2. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that contain the most energy.

______3. Only 4 elements make up the cells of living organisms.

______4. Only organic molecules can be found in living things.

______5. Without water, most chemical reactions within cells could not take place.

Hint: To help you learn from a text, practice the strategy of surveying before you read.

Survey of Chapter 3 section 1 pages 52-55

Headings and Subheadings / Pictures
Maps, Charts, Diagrams / Vocabulary
Questions / Answers

Essential question: What are the four main kinds of organic molecules in living things?

Here is the organizer that we worked on during class- with notes included.

Organic Molecules

Type or Class of molecules / Monomer or building blocks / Polymer (many monomers bonded together)- macromolecules
(Examples) / Atoms / Why important to living things
(protein synthesis is an important cell function that we will explore in greater detail in the next chap.) / Amino acids-
There are only 20. They combine to form thousands of different proteins.
Sequence of amino acids determines shape which determines function! / Enzymes, hormones, identifier proteins, carrier proteins,hemo-globin, antibodies, spindle fibers, myosin and actin (proteins that form muscles) / C H O N S
Peptide bonds / Enzymes speed chemical reactions in living things;
Insulin-hormone regulates glucose in blood; components of membranes and organelles
Plants store energy during photosynthesis in the bonds of sugar molecules / Sugars
(simple sugars) / Disaccharides-sucrose,lactose, maltose
Glycogen – animal starch / C H O / Glucose is energy source for cells, cellulose is a component of cells
Chitin –polymer of glucose and amino acid (exoskeletons)
Lipids / fatty acids and glycerol / Steroids, oils, waxes
(carried through the bloodstream by large molecules called lipoproteins- LDL (increases) and HDL (decreases) that affect the tendency to build up fat in vessles- ratio of LDL to HDL is impt. / C H O (P) / Contain even more energy than carbohydrates; phospholipids make up cell membranes;
Chloesterol needed to make cell membranes, nerve cells, some hormones, vit.D, and Bile
Nucleic Acids / Nucleotides
ATP is a nucleotide used to supply energy
(are a trio of a phosphate, a sugar, and N containing base) / DNA, RNA / C H O N P / DNA contains instructions that cells need to carry out all the functions of life; genetic material passed on to offspring
RNA impt. in making proteins

How do our bodies obtain these essential molecules for all life processes?