May 1, 2013

Roll call of officers:

Vaughn Glenn – President –present

Bobby Newsome – Vice President

Letitia Watts - Secretary Treasurer-present

Jon Earl – North Vice President-present

Jasmine Laurie – Mac Vice President- Present

Brian Shoup – Vice President-

Diana Bare – Vice President-

Linda Sevdak – Vice President

Treasury report: 16,435.51

Recapped March meeting.

Arbitration was in full swing today with AFGE and TSA on the topic of parking. Judgement in the free parking issue will be announced by July 2nd.

President Glenn met with Ball last month; The outcome of that meeting was not favorable towards our members in the area of leave restriction. Local filed a grievance against TSA DTW.

Local filed a grievance against TSA DTW in the area of time clock punches. DTW is one of few airports that make the officers clock out for lunch. Also we have to be in formation on the hour but yet we don’t have grace in the punching out process. DTW has 14 days to respond the grievance filed.

Local filed grievance pertaining to shift bids. Bids should not be broken down between shifts.

Water Cooler will be placed in Red 5 this week.

Local and safety committee are working on getting new x-ray chairs to replace broken chairs and anti-fatigue mats for the checkpoints.

We have a new Officer to handle EEO complaints/grievance, she has recently completed training. Chief Steward will take a more active role in the grievance process.

New concerns

CBA- hours give away states once you reach 80 hrs. in LWOP you will not receive sick or annual leave that pay period.

AFGE is against TOPS we are taking it to arbitration. TSA and AFGE did not collaborate in creating TOPS. Tops is not clearly defined when it comes down to the penalty’s that Officers face if they do not get a passing grade. Grading show that pass and fails in different areas create double jeopardy for us.

Picnic is August 2nd 2013 at Heritage Park in Taylor MI. Food and games will be provided please come out and bring your family. We are planning on raffling off AFGE items the proceeds will go to the P.A.C org.