Outline – September 11, 2016

Isaiah 14:12-20, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10

Psalms 78:1-7; Ephesians 6:10-17

Unshakeable – Part II

Most of us remember where we were on 9-11-01.

How our nation was shaken!

I.  The age of terrorism (U.S.A.)

A.  1979 – Iran/Hostage

B.  1980’s – Planes/barracks

C.  1993 – 1st attempt world trade

D.  2001 – New York City

E.  Since 2001, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando

F.  The questions many still ask

G.  The reason many don’t understand

II.  The spiritual reason (The Bible Gives)

A.  Satan has always wanted to usurp the power and glory of God

B.  The 5 “I wills” of Satan

C.  Satan’s plan is to rid the world of Jesus, the Nation of Israel, The Word of God – The Bible

D.  The parallel point in 2 Thessalonians

E.  Radical Islam is about usurping the one True God, Jesus, Savior, the Word of God

III.  The theological/Biblical reasons

A.  Genesis

B.  Islam’s god is Allah – moon god of war

1.  No Savior

2.  No atonement

3.  No guarantee of heaven

4.  Only exception martyrdom

5.  Kill those who worship any other god but Allah (Sura 9:5)

IV.  The historical reasons

A.  Four goals of Islam

1.  Convert

2.  Conquest

3.  Caliphate

4.  Create Sharia Law

B.  The goals experienced in history

1.  Muhammad declared “convert them or kill them”

2.  1st effort of World Conquest

2nd effort 1453 to 1924 – Ottoman Empire

3rd effort is present

V.  How do we remain unshaken

A.  Know biblical/theology

B.  Know your history

C.  Know your identity

D.  Teach your children

1.  Write your spiritual history

2.  Have a re-birth day

E.  Renew your memory of God in your life

F.  Be aware of the memory killers

G.  Put on the full armor of God

VI.  Most experts agree . . . There will be another “9/11”

A.  Some fear it will be soon

B.  Some fear it will be worse

We can remain unshaken in a sworld being shaken.