The Owl Times


Week of 9/26-9/30

Themes: Manners, Apples, Feelings

Letters: n and m

Sight word: the

On Monday, we will be having an assembly with Safety Officer Phil.

Fundations: Letters n and m

The handwriting HW page will come home on Tuesday from now on and it is not due until Friday. This allows the children to practice forming the letters correctly in class before taking the homework home. They should be thinking the procedure in their head.

Letter n.

  1. Point to the plane line.
  2. Go down to the grass line.
  3. Trace back up to the plane line,
  4. And make a hump.
  5. Say n- nut- /n/

Letter m

  1. Point to the plane line.
  2. Go down to the grass line.
  3. Trace back up to the plane line,
  4. And make a hump,
  5. And then back up to the plane line and make another hump.
  6. Say m – man- /m/

Math:We will have our first chapter test this week on Wednesday. (numbers 0-5)

Show and Tell:

Show and tell this week. You child may bring an item from home that begins with the letter n or m.

Last Names A-L (You have Show and Tell on Tuesdays)

Last Names M-Z (You have Show and Tell onWednesdays)

See the Show and Tell page for the letters each week.

*Your child can chooseeitherletter for their show and tell item each week!

Star Student:

Michael is our star of the week!! I handed out a schedule. If you did not receive it, let me know. It’s also on the website.

Healthy Snack:

Please make sure you pack a SEPARATE snack in your child’s bookbag, even if you should buy lunch. We eat snack around 10:30 am.


Students are still trying to earn Brownie Points as a team and fill up their buckets on an individual basis. Please reinforce at home good behavior in class (sitting in his/her seat on the rug nicely, listening when someone is talking and showing respect.)

Handwriting:This week’s homework will be the letter n and m worksheet (both sides). Due Friday.

Reading:If you haven’t done so, please send in a picture of your child reading a book.

Also, please read to your child each night until he or she begins bringing home books from school to read to you.

A math packet will come home daily. It contains the lesson completed in class and also a homework page and lesson review. Please use those extra pages for some fun practice, playing school, or review. They are not required to come back to school. Thank you!

Show & Tell:Bring in something that begins with the letter n or m.