Grade 11 –MT1

Photoshop CS5- Unit E

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. An adjustment layer is called “____” because it exists as a layer on the Layers panel.

a. / singular / c. / safe
b. / non-destructive / d. / base

____ 2. A ____ image is a digital image in which each pixel can be one—and only one—of 256 shades of gray.

a. / black-and-white / c. / grayscale
b. / color / d. / none of the above

____ 3. Identifying pixel information in the Info panel is referred to as ____ pixels.

a. / trimming / c. / staking
b. / defining / d. / sampling

____ 4. Adobe has designed the Info panel so that the Grayscale readouts sample pixels in ____.

a. / grayscale / c. / gray percentages
b. / ink percentages / d. / order

____ 5. The accompanying figure shows settings on the ____ panel.

a. / Color / c. / Status
b. / Readout / d. / Info

____ 6. What is the appropriate term for when a gradient shows every step from black to white?

a. / knocking / c. / push-stepping
b. / stair-stepping / d. / showing steps

____ 7. A ____ is a smooth transition from shadows to midtones to highlights.

a. / tonal continuity / c. / smooth tone
b. / continuous tone / d. / contiguous tone

____ 8. ____ are the darkest areas represented by pixels in the low third of the grayscale range.

a. / Shadows / c. / Blacks
b. / Highlights / d. / Midtones

____ 9. ____ are represented in the low third of the grayscale range.

a. / Midtones / c. / Tones
b. / Highlights / d. / Shadows

____ 10. Good contrast is created when highlights and shadows are distinctly different in tonal range: ____.

a. / bright vs. dim / c. / bright vs. dark
b. / light vs. dim / d. / light vs. dark

____ 11. ____ are operations you do that affect the appearance of an image, such as manipulating brightness and contrast.

a. / Adjustments / c. / Fixes
b. / Masks / d. / Layers

____ 12. Adjustment ____ are adjustments you make that exist as layers on the Layers panel.

a. / masks / c. / signs
b. / layers / d. / windows

____ 13. With brightness, the higher the number, the ____ the pixel.

a. / larger / c. / darker
b. / brighter / d. / smaller

____ 14. ____ is represented by the relationship between the highlights and shadows.

a. / Brightness / c. / Lightness
b. / Contrast / d. / Shadow

____ 15. On a histogram, the pixels at the far left have a grayscale value of ____.

a. / -255 / c. / 0
b. / -1 / d. / 255

____ 16. Black and white points have a substantial effect on ____.

a. / stair-stepping / c. / midpoints
b. / masks / d. / contrast

____ 17. The ____ represents the brightest pixel in the image.

a. / brightness / c. / light point
b. / white point / d. / contrast

____ 18. You can adjust an image by manipulating the sliders at the ____ of the histogram.

a. / top / c. / bottom
b. / left / d. / right

____ 19. In the accompanying figure, item 2 is the ____.

a. / histogram / c. / grayscale point
b. / white point / d. / black point

____ 20. In the accompanying figure, item 3 points to the ____.

a. / white point / c. / black point
b. / histogram / d. / grayscale point

____ 21. In the accompanying figure, item 4 points to the ____.

a. / white point / c. / histogram
b. / black point / d. / grayscale point

____ 22. The ____ type of adjustment is a powerful adjustment option for affecting the tonal range of images.

a. / Output / c. / Tonal
b. / Levels / d. / Value

____ 23. In the Adjustments panel, the black triangle represents the ____ on the grayscale.

a. / 0 / c. / 128
b. / 64 / d. / 255

____ 24. The midpoint defines the ____.

a. / areas of an image that fall in the middle range of the available grayscale
b. / centermost point of the image
c. / 50% point of the histogram for an image
d. / lightest point in the center image quadrant

____ 25. When you create an adjustment layer—like the Levels adjustment layer—it is created automatically with a(n) ____.

a. / midpoint adjustment / c. / opacity mask
b. / contrast control / d. / layer mask

____ 26. When you set a low percentage of opacity on the Brush tool and then paint in a layer mask, the brush has ____ impact.

a. / increased / c. / no
b. / reduced / d. / impressive

____ 27. The RGB channel is called the ____ channel because it is the result of combining the R, G, and B channels.

a. / connection / c. / composite
b. / combination / d. / control

____ 28. In the accompanying figure, based on the INFO tab, the image can be described as ____.

a. / Cyan = Minus Red / c. / Yellow = Minus Blue
b. / Cyan = Minus Green / d. / Yellow = Minus Red

____ 29. In the accompanying figure, based on the INFO tab, the image can be described as ____.

a. / Cyan = Minus Red / c. / Yellow = Minus Blue
b. / Cyan = Minus Green / d. / Yellow = Minus Red

____ 30. Which of the following are the primary colors for printing?

a. / red, blue, white, black / c. / green, blue, red
b. / cyan, magenta, yellow / d. / blue, red, yellow

____ 31. Which of the following is the standard for professional color printing?

a. / RGB / c. / CMBG
b. / CMYK / d. / BYMK

____ 32. In an RGB file, color is created by a(n) ____ in the three channels.

a. / balance / c. / saturation
b. / imbalance / d. / neutralization

____ 33. ____ refers to the intensity of a color.

a. / Scale / c. / Vibrance
b. / Brightness / d. / Dominance

____ 34. The measure of a pixel’s vibrance is called its ____.

a. / clarity / c. / brightness
b. / saturation / d. / intensity

____ 35. As you work, the History panel records your moves and lists the last 20 of them, called ____, in the panel.

a. / states / c. / drafts
b. / frames / d. / layers

Case E-1

Stephan, an amateur photographer, is new to the game of analyzing the appearance of images and using Photoshop to improve the quality of his images. He has been surfing around the Web looking for pointers, and has come across several new terms to add to his photography vocabulary.

____ 36. Stephan learned that ____ are the areas of an image represented by pixels whose value falls in the lower third of the grayscale range.

a. / highlights / c. / dark points
b. / shadows / d. / white points

____ 37. Stephan also learned that when he can see all of the transitions from dark to light in a grayscale image, it is called ____.

a. / continuous tone / c. / stair-stepping
b. / smooth transition / d. / blocked transition

____ 38. Stephan had always wondered what a histogram represented. What did he discover?

a. / The histogram is a visual reference of every midtone and dark pixels in an image.
b. / Histograms allow users to choose contiguous pixels of the same hue.
c. / Histograms are a graph that serves as a visual reference of every pixel in an image or selection.
d. / The histogram is a graph showing the areas of a grayscale image that have the brightest pixels.

Case E-2

Selma has spent about 45 minutes trying to perfect the senior class photo for the school yearbook. Along the way she has made several mistakes, but thanks to what she has learned about the History panel, she has been able to fix them along the way.

____ 39. Selma knows that the History panel records her moves as she makes them. How many moves will the History panel list at a time?

a. / 10 / c. / 20
b. / 15 / d. / 25

____ 40. Selma undid all of her states by accident and then continued working. How can she return to the status of the file when she last saved it?

a. / Click Revert on the Application bar.
b. / Click File on the Application bar, then click Revert.
c. / Click File on the Application bar, then click Undo.
d. / Click Undo on the Tools panel, then click Revert to Saved.


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 41. The grayscale range is 0–255.

____ 42. In a grayscale image, each pixel can be one of 512 shades of gray.

____ 43. You can make adjustments directly to pixels on a layer, but you can’t go back and re-adjust at a later time.

____ 44. A key to making adjustments is to sometimes walk the fine line between going far enough to make the adjustment the best it can be and going too far.

____ 45. You can think of the color cyan as being “minus yellow,” because it is created by removing yellow.

____ 46. Color Balance is an adjustment that allows you to control the balance of red, green, and blue in an image.

____ 47. Whites in eyes are great places to sample for shadows and highlights.

____ 48. In an RGB file, whenever the three components are the same, the pixel will have no color and can be only a neutral gray.

____ 49. The Vibrance adjustment provides two settings: Vibrancy and Coloration.

____ 50. You can click a state in the History list to go back to that point of your work, and then continue working from that state.

Modified True/False

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____ 51. A(n) adjustment layer allows you to apply adjustments to images without directly affecting the artwork.


____ 52. Brightness/Contrast, Levels, and Color Balance are three common, powerful, and highly useful adjustments for improving the overall appearance of an image.


____ 53. When you understand the basics of Grayscale and RGB color modes, then you’re ready and able to dramatically improve your images with augmentation.


____ 54. Pixels with a grayscale value of 0 are white.


____ 55. When adjusting an image, you’ll want to use the RGB settings on the Info panel, because that setting presents pixels’ grayscale values.


____ 56. Contrast is defined by a pixel’s grayscale value: the higher the number, the brighter the pixel.


____ 57. The height of the histogram, from left to right, shows the relative number of pixels that the whole file—or a selection of pixels—has for each of the 256 grayscale values.


____ 58. Sampling an image for neutral grays can lead to many insights for improving color.


____ 59. A pixel with 100% saturation is a neutral gray.


____ 60. As you work, the History panel records your moves and lists the last 20 of them, called layers, in the panel.



Complete each statement.

61. The ______defines which areas of the image fall into the middle range of the available grayscale.

62. In a(n) ______image, there are 256 shades of red, 256 shades of green, and 256 shades of blue available per pixel.

63. In the accompanying figure, item 1 represents ______.

64. In the accompanying figure, item 2 represents ______.

65. In the accompanying figure, item 3 represents ______.

66. In an RGB file, when the three numbers are close in value, the pixel becomes ______in color.

67. The measure of a pixel’s vibrance is called ______.


Identify the letter of the choice that best matches the phrase or definition.

a. / Contrast / e. / Histogram
b. / Grayscale / f. / RGB
c. / Highlights / g. / Continuous tone
d. / Sampling

____ 68. A smooth transition from shadows to midtones to highlights

____ 69. The relationship between the highlights and the shadows

____ 70. A visual reference of every pixel in the image or selection

____ 71. Identifying pixel information in the Info panel

____ 72. The additive primary colors

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