Chapter 1-3 questions … ANSWER KEY

1) What are Jonas and the other children taught to be careful about? Language pg.3

2) Jonas decides he feels ______apprehensive p.4

3) What upcoming event causes this feeling? He was apprehensive about the Ceremony of the Twelve. P.9

4) What evening ritual does the family perform after dinner? The evening telling of feelings. P.4

5) What are 2 occasions when release is not punishment? Release of the elderly and of a new child. P. 7

6) What does Father want to do about the new child? He wanted to bring the newchild home at night to take care of it because the night-crew Nurturers could not attend to it' vital needs. Why? It was growing slow and not sleeping well. Pgs. 7-8

7) What workplace rule does Jonas’s father break? His father broke the rule of looking at the list of the Names. P. 12

8) Why is the Ceremony of the Twelve so important? You are assigned your Assignment and are sent into adult hood. Pgs. 14-15

9) What shared trait is so unusual about Jonas and the new child? They both have pale eyes, unlike the rest of the community who had dark eyes. Pgs. 20-21

10) Describe the Assignment of Birthmother. What did Lily's parents say about it?

The Birthmother has three years of doing nothing but producing three children. After that she is a Laborer for the rest of her adult life until the day she enters the House of the Old. Lily's mom said there is very little honor in that Assignment, and there are three lazy years, and then hard labor until you are old. Her father said the Birthmothers never even get to see the new children. Pgs. 21-22

11) What happened to the apple while Jonas was playing with it?

While he threw the apple to Asher the apple would change for an instant in mid-air. Then it would land in hands and it was the same apple. It happened four times. Pg. 24

ANSWER KEY: Chapters 4-5 questions .
  1. What do children between the ages of 8 – 12 do during the day? Volunteer work at a place of their
  1. What kind of volunteer work do Asher, Fiona and Jonas do together? Bathing the elderly
  2. Who was celebrated for his/her exciting life? Roberto
  3. What do families share/talk about each morning? Share dreams
  4. What is the treatment for the Stirrings? pills