1. Golden fibre refers to

a) Hemp b) cotton

c) jute d) nylon

2. Match

A. Barley 1. Karnataka

B. Groundnut 2. U.P.

C. Ragi 3. Gujarat

D. Rice 4. W.B.


a) 1 2 3 4

b) 2 3 1 4

c) 4 3 2 1

d) 3 4 2 1

3. The shades area in the given map of India represents the distribution of

a)jute b) maize c)coffee d)tobacco

4. Match

A. Rice 1. 100-150 cm

B. Wheat 2. 40 – 50 cm

C. Ragi 3. 30 – 40 cm

D. Bajra 4. 50 – 100 cm


a) 1 2 4 3

b) 4 3 2 1

c) 3 2 1 4

d) 2 1 3 4

5. Match

A. Cotton 1. Rainfall 500 – 750

mm, soil black

B. Maize 2. Rainfall 750 mm,

soil – sandy soil

C. Coffee 3. Rainfall 2000mm,

soil – red soil

D. Sugarcane 4. Rainfall 1500 mm,

Soil – alluvial


a) 3 4 2 1

b) 1 2 4 3

c) 3 2 4 3

d) 1 2 3 4

6. Consider the following crops

1. cotton 2. Groundnut

3. maize 4. Mustard

Which of the above are the kharif crops?

a) 1,2 b) 1,2,3 c) 3,4 d) all

7. In which month are the kharif crops sown

a) April b) June

c) September d) November

8. which of the following is not a rabi crop

a) wheat b) maize

c) mustard d) grain

9. Which of the following is grown in India during the Rabi season

a) wheat, barley, gram

b) rice, maize, wheat

c) barley, maize, rice

d) millet, gram, rice

10. Leading states in the production of cotton in India are

a) MH & Gujarat

b) Gujarat & AP

c) MH & Punjab

d) Gujarat & Punjab

11. Which of the following states does not produce coffee in India?

a) TN b) AP

c) Kerala d) Karnataka

12. The shaded area in given map of India shows the distribution

a) gram b) ragi c) tur d) wheat

13. Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is / are correct

1. The color of the soil is red due to ferric oxide content

2. red soils are rich in lime, humous and potash.

3. They are porous and have friable structure.

a) 1 b) 1 & 3 c) 2 & 3 d) all

14. Natural vegetation refers to

a) a plant community that has been left undisturbed over a long time

b) plant species which live and grow together

c) a protected area created by using contour

d) all of above

15. Which of the following soils is most suitable for cultivation of cereals

a) alluvial soil b ) red soil

c) laterite soil d) none

16. The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay and silt is known as

a) loamy soil b) sandy soil

c) clayey soil d) desert soil

17. Consider the following

1. TN receives about half of its rainfall from north east monsoon winds

2. kerala is the only state receiving every heavy rainfall from the south west monsoon winds

3. in India, the south west monsoon is stronger than the north east monsoon.

Which of them are correct

a) all b) 1,2 c) 1,3 d) 2,3

18. which soil soils is represented by the shaded region

a) alluvial b) black

c) red d) laterite

19. Match

A. Himalayas 1. Tropical evergreen

B. Aravallis 2. Temperate alpine

C. Sunderbans 3. Dry tropical


D. Western Ghats 4. Mangrove


a) 1 2 4 3

b) 4 3 1 2

c) 2 3 4 1

d) 2 4 3 1

20. Moist tropical evergreen forests are found in

a) shillong

b) Shiwaliks

c) Deccan

d) Southern India

21. Which of the following is not a species of tropical moist deciduous forests?

a) Mahagony b) Sal

c) Shisham d) Teak

22. Match

A. Tropical evergreen forest 1. 100 – 200

B. tropical deciduous forest 2.above 200

C. Tropical dry forest 3. 50 – 100


a) 1 2 3

b) 3 1 2

c) 2 3 1

d) 2 1 3

23. The shaded area in the above map of India shows the distribution of

a) bajra b) barley

c) Maize d) wheat

24. 1. Which of following are the components of loamy soils

I. Red soil II. Clay soil

III. Alluvial soil IV. Sandy soil

a) I,II b) I,III,IV

c) II,IV d) II,III

25. The formation of laterite soil is mainly due to

a) weathering b) erosion

c) leaching d) deposition

26. Which of the following states receives the highest rainfall during winter months

a) Punjab b) kerala

c) Meghalaya d) Tamil Nadu

27. The nature of the winter rainfall in north western India is

a) convectional

b) orographic

c) monsoonal

d) cyclonic

28. The premonsoon mango showers occur predominantly n

a) W.Bengal & Assam

b) Deccan plateau

c) Gujarat & Maharashtra

d) Kerala & Karnataka

29. Which of the following is incorrectly matched

a) Andhi - UP

b) Kalbaisakhi – W. Bengal

c) Loo – North west India

d) Mango showers – Orissa

30. Amritsar and shimla have ths same latitude yet shimla is cooler than Amritsar because it

a) lies north of Amritsar

b) comes under the influence of cold winds

c) is at a higher elevation

d) receives a lot of snow

31. Cherapunji receives more rainfall than shillong because

a) the former is nearer to the sea

b) the air of different densities & temperature tends to converge towards cherapunji from different direction during the rainy season

c) cherapunji is located on the windward side

d) convective precipitation brings more rain at cheranpunji

32. The most important commercial forests of India are

a) tropical evergreen

b) tropical deciduous

c) coniferous

d) mangrove

33. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched

a) Teak ; J & K

b) Deodar ; MP

c) Sandalwood ; Kerala

d) Sundari ; WB

34. In which of the following cities of India, the diurnal range of temperature is max.

a) N. Delhi b) Mumbai

c) Chennai d) Kokatta

35. Which of the following is the largest producer of black pepper in India

a) TN b) Kerala

c) Karnataka d) AP

36. A place having an average annual temperature of 270 C & an annual rainfall 200 cm. could be

a) Tehran b) Singapore

c) Nagpur d) Moscow

37. Which of the following factors is not a determining fact of the climate?

a) Latitude b) Longitude

c) Land & Sea contrast

d) Relief features

38. which of the following environment supports the growth of mangrove swamp

a) tidal b) monsoon

c) Equatorial d) mixed

39. the Taiga belt lies between

a) Mediterranean climate and Tundra

b) Monsoon climate and tundra

c) temperate grasslands and tundra

d) Tibet type climate and tundra

40. which regions gets no rainfall throughout the year

a) equatorial b) tundra

c) Himalayan d) Mediterranean

41. Which one of the following characteristics is not found in the convectional rainfall

a) Drizzling

b) lightning and thunder

c) Torrential rain

d) afternoon rain

42. Mist is a result of which of the following

a) Condensation b) Evaporation

c) Sublimation d) Saturation

43. Which of the following is the cloud that is dark grey, found at very low height and brings real rain

a) altocumulus b) cirrus

c) cirrostratus d) nimbostratus

44.A type of rainfall which occurs when wind rises up along a hill or mountain barrier is called

a) anti cyclonic b) convectional

c) cyclonic d) orographic

45. Smog is likely to occur

a) around valleys

b) near lakes

c) on calm, clear and cool nights

d) near the industrial areas


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“Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is usually more important than the outcome.”