August 15, 2016

Dear Parent and/or Guardian:

I would like to introduce myself as your child’s Health teacher here at North Charleston High School for the first semester of the 2016-2017 school year. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to educate the students of NCHS, and I look forward to a positive experience throughout this semester.

Topics Covered

The main focus of this course is to enlighten students on the importance of healthy practices as well as how to relate these practices to their everyday lives.

The six target content areas in this course will include:

●Personal and Community Health

●Mental, Emotional, and Social Health

●Physical Activity and Nutrition

●Injury Prevention and Safety

●Growth, Development, and Sexual Health and Responsibility

●Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

These content areas will be covered while focusing specifically to fulfill the South Carolina Health and Safety Education Curriculum Standards. The following eight standards identify what students should know and be able to do by the end of this course:

Standard 1: The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion to enhance health.

Standard 2: The student will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

Standard 3: The student will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.

Standard 4: The student will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Standard 5: The student will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Standard 6: The student will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

Standard 7: The student will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and to avoid or reduce health risks.

Standard 8: The student will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and consumer health.


Along with various health-related supplemental materials that will be provided, students will be assigned a textbook, Meeks HeitHealth & Wellness, which will be used only in the classroom, as it is a part of a stationary set of textbooks.

Grading Policy

Each assignment given throughout this course will be assigned a total point value. Each category of the different assignments will be given a weighted percentage of the student’s final grade. Students will receive grades on these assignments based on correctness, completion, effort, and timeliness. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with me to either make up assignments or complete an alternative assignment to earn the points that they missed due to their absence. The overall final grade for the semester will be calculated by averaging both quarter grades as well as incorporating the final exam score.

Assignments in this course will include:

●(25%) Class work—presentations, handouts, posters, book work, etc.

●(20%) Participation—daily journal entries/literacy exercises, Freshman Focus activities

●(5%) Homework

●(5%) Quizzes

●(20%)Projects— Health Behavior Modification Project, Health Portfolio, Health Advocacy Project

●(25%) Unit tests

●Final Exam (worth 20% of final grade)


The expectations and guidelines that I have set for this class are to be on time, be prepared, be respectful, no eating/drinking/electronic devices, and follow all NCHS school rules.

Consequences for Rule Violation

1st Offense = Verbal Warning

2nd Offense= Verbal Warning/Phone Call Home

3rd Offense= Phone Call Home/Detention

4th Offense= Parent-Teacher-Student-Administrator Conference

5th Offense= Administrative Action


Additional Assistance/Support

In order to aid in your student’s success in this course, please be informed that I will be available by appointment for additional assistance and support before school, after school, and during lunch.

I am confident in your support in the efforts to not only promote the importance of health and wellness to your child, but the importance of obtaining an education as well. Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding this class or your child’s progress.

I look forward to a great semester! Go Cougars!


Mr. Devin Raho

Phone: (843) 745-7140



**Please sign that you have read the above information regarding the topics covered, textbooks/resources, grading policy, expectations, consequences for rule violation, and additional assistance/support**

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______