Present : Cllrs. I. Burrows, E. Charlton, E. Faulks, J. Ridley, A. Sharp, J. Thompson, L. Thompson, D. Thornhill and S. Walker; members of public and press; C. McGivern (minutes).

  1. Public participation –

a)Mrs Price said that she felt very strongly that there should be a public meeting to discuss the Fire Service. Newspaper reports had published misleading figures, which might lead people to suppose that the fire station in Haydon Bridge is not needed. This is not the case. Cllr. Charlton explained that this had gone to consultation. The PC had written to object to the proposal, and would of course respond to the formal consultation. Cllr. Sharp said that the issue had been raised at all of the PCs that he attends, and they would all object to the closure of HB fire station. Alex Bennett, Chief of the Fire Service, has said that he is willing to come out to discuss this. All agreed that the most effective method of protest was individual letters objecting to the proposal.

b)Mr. Howard said that following receipt of a consultation letter regarding the proposed bus shelter on Ratcliffe Road he had met with Cllr. Thornhill. He said that the residents had ownership of a section of the pavement in front of their properties, and had a right to park there. Young people already congregate in the shelter outside the community centre at night, but this is not in front of residential properties. On the opposite side of the road the shelter would be only 3 metres from a bedroom window. Cllr. Charlton explained that this idea had come about as a solution to the problem of inconsiderate people parking in such a way as to block access to the build out for accessing the bus. There are Police cones on this section at present to reinforce the point that people must not park here. Mr. Hartley repeated the point that the proposed shelter would be 3 metres from a bedroom window, and wondered who would be responsible if there was a noise nuisance as a result of the shelter? Members of the public then left the meeting.

  1. Apologies – were received from Cllrs. V. Fletcher and D. Robson.
  1. Decalarations of interest – none were received.
  1. Minutes of previous meeting and budget meeting – having been circulated, were agreed and signed.
  1. Report from Northumberland County Council –

Cllr. Sharp circulated copies of a draft consultation letter regarding parking restrictions on Shaftoe Street. The precise location of the restricted area was agreed, This is to be only alongside the railings. The letter will be circulated in the following week. Cllr. Sharp was unhappy that the blocked drain outside the health centre had not been attended to quickly. This meant that water was washing down the road, which would in time damage the surface. It was more cost effective to deal with these things promptly. Similarly, there had been surface flooding on the road outside the Co-op, and at Strothers Close, and the entrance to Hordley Acres. All of these problems could be avoided, if the drains were kept in good order. Cllr. Charlton wondered what other parishes were handling the issue of the closure of public toilets. Cllr. Sharp said that the majority of PCs were in a similar position to Haydon Parish, although Haltwhistle and Corbridge had agreed to pay £2000 to keep them open. Cllr. Charlton said that she had received a phone call at the library in the last week, from a lady who organised bus trips for pensioners. She wanted to check that the toilets were still open, and Cllr. Charlton had had to say that they were closed. Cllr. Burrows wondered who was cleaning the disabled toilet, which remained open. Cllr. Sharp concluded by saying that some of the road signs which needed cleaning had been dealt with, some still to be attended to. The trees at the library, and the hedge on the boundary of Mrs Oliver’s property have still not been touched.

  1. Highways –

a)The Clerk said that of the three new bins, only the one at the end of the old bridge had been installed. Cllr. Sharp will chase this matter up.

b)Cllr. Thornhill said it was difficult to proceed on the proposed bus shelter in the light of the objections received from nearby residents. The Clerk reported that NCC had stated that even though residents owned the land the pavement is on, it is a public highway so the PC could install a shelter. She went on to suggest the PC return to the idea of planters on the build out. There are police cones in place at present. Bollards were also suggested.

c)Pedestrian crossing on John Martin Street – Cllr. J. Thompson said that the owner of the chip shop had approached her regarding the proposed crossing. He felt it would not be a safe place to cross. The railings were originally installed to discourage school children from running off the bridge and across the road. Cllr. L. Thompson thought a School Crossing person would be better in this situation.

  1. Lighting – nothing to report.
  1. Accounts –

The draft budget for 2016-17 was agreed, and a precept of £36,000.

  1. Correspondence –

a)Mr. Marshall had contacted the Clerk to say that the grave of Agnes Marshall had sunk, and the headstone toppled over. The monumental mason will be visiting in a while to add text to the headstone, and he will be asked to sort out the headstone. He requested that at that stage the turf be lifted, and soil inserted to level the plot again. It was agreed that this would be done.

  1. Parish projects –

a)Development Trust and the Bridge – nothing to report.

b)Patient participation group – Discussion postponed until the New Year.

c)Public toilets – The three options were discussed again, with Cllr. Walker suggesting that it would be better to pay £2000 for NCC to keep them open over the winter, than for the PC to take them on, and probably end up paying more. Cllr. Thornhill agreed, saying that he suspected it might cost twice this over the course of the year. It was agreed that the PC wanted the toilets to be re-opened. The Clerk will contact NCC to inform them of this decision, and ask to be given a reduced figure for the rest of the winter, given that they have been closed for 1 month. Once they are re-opened notices will be put on the doors to inform the public that they have re-opened with a subsidy from the PC.

d)Pre-purchase of cemetery plots – Cllr. Charlton reiterated that if everyone wanted to pre-purchase a plot early, at current rates, there would be no space left and the PC would still have the increasing cost of maintaining the land. The Clerk asked how pre-purchase could work once the new wildflower meadow was in use. At present anyone can pre-purchase a second plot alongside a new burial plot. As both can be double-depth, this would cater for 4 family members. It was agreed that the rules would not be changed. Cllr. Sharp asked how the arrangement with the gravedigger from Haltwhistle was working in practice. The Clerk said that this was working very well.

e)Spa Well – Paul Charlton had reported damage to the steps at Spa Well following recent floods. The Clerk had informed Tim Fish, and he will meet with Cllrs. Charlton and L. Thompson to discuss what can be done. Cllr. Charlton hoped that they could discuss improving the whole site at the same time.

f)Queen’s birthday celebrations – Cllr. J. Thompson asked if the PC had any plans for the birthday celebrations in 2016. Rev. Carter would like to open the churchyard to support the event. This will be put on the agenda for December.

  1. Any other business –

a)Paul Charlton had met with Cllr. Thornhill to discuss the millennium tree plaque. It will be surrounded by chippings to match existing, and to allow for moving the plaque if necessary.

b)Cllr. Walker noted that there had been an extraordinary amount of stone left in the river after the recent flood. The island is growing, and might cause the river to change course, which would risk undercutting the banks. He wondered whether the Environment Agency should be contacted. Cllr. Charlton said that after the major floods in 2005 the EA had said that they would not remove gravel from the river in Haydon Bridge. Cllr. Walker will draft a letter to be sent to the EA.

c)Cllr. Walker asked if anyone knew what was going on at Stublick. A caravan has appeared on site, as well as shipping containers and a new wall. A member of the public had asked him if the PC was aware of a planning application for the site. Cllr. Sharp said that he was unaware of any plans.

d)It was agreed that a public meeting to discuss the threat to the Fire Service. This will be held on Tuesday 5th January 2016 at 7.30 in the Community Centre.