ToR for Workshop on Validation and Recommendations


This document provides a ToRfor a workshop on validation of the profiling findings and development of recommendations.

The background for a validation workshop is the draft profiling report, entailing the preliminary findings and possibly also the suggested recommendations.

The draft profiling report may have been produced in several ways, depending on the context and the objectives of the exercise: it may be done by the Profiling Working Group under the lead of the Profiling Coordinator; it may be done in a snowballing process, where several stakeholders are involved in gradually building upon the findings; it may be done in a decentralized manner by several agencies and authorities according to their thematic expertise and analysis capacities[see also JET tool ToR Workshop on Analysis].

Either way, once the draft report has been consolidated, the findings need to be validated by all partners/stakeholders involved in the profiling study.Validation should take place at different levels, local and central, so as to reach out to different stakeholders; from the displaced population to the central authorities.

During the validation of findings, it is relevant to also discuss which recommendations derive from the findings. A collaborative development of recommendations ensures that the expertise and knowledge of the representatives/agencies/authorities/etc. present in the workshops is drawn upon. In addition, it ensures that the profiling stakeholders, being the main users of the recommendations in the end, will have had a chance to contribute to their development. The recommendations can have been drafted from afore and then discussed and edited during the different workshops, instead of aiming for a development from scratch.

This ToR is only indicative and should be adapted according to the analysis approach of each profiling exercise.



Over the past few months, the Government of [insert country]/[or insert the leading body of the exercise], with the support from its partners, has been conducting a profiling exercise of internally displaced persons’ situations in the country.

This exercise will enable the Government and its partners to acquire reliable information, which will enable them to better direct their activities to support the displacement affected populations.

The data was collected in the field through different methodologies [specify methods used] by staff, who were trained accordingly. An awareness raising process of the populations and all involved stakeholder ensured the participation and support needed. The data was analysed [specify the analysis approach taken] and a draft report produced entailing all the main findings of the profiling exercise.

The profiling findings need now to beshared with a wider circle of stakeholders in order to integrate their input and reflections. For this purpose, workshops at different levels will be held (e.g. communal, local, regional and central). The input obtained during these workshops will support the final editing of the profiling report and its subsequent adoption by stakeholders. In addition, during these validations workshops, recommendations deriving from the findings may also be developed and discussed, benefitting from the contextual knowledge and expertise possessed by the participating stakeholders.

These Terms of Reference set out the objectives and results expected from the workshops on validation of findings and development of recommendations, as well as the proposed methodology for their undertaking.


General objective

The general objective of this workshop is to share the preliminary findings of the profiling exercise and collate the views and feedback of relevant stakeholders (e.g. internally displaced persons, community leaders, local and central authorities, Government, NGOs and INGOs, UN agencies etc.). Subsequently, the aim is to incorporate the feedback from the workshops and ensure the approval of the findings in a reworked profiling report.

Secondly, the objective is to formulate new or discuss/validate pre-drafted recommendations, deriving from the profiling findings. These will subsequently also feed into the final report.

Specific objectives

More specifically, this consists of:

  • Presenting the preliminary findings of the draft report.
  • Discussing the findings and receiving input from participants.
  • Developing or discussing recommendations.
  • Approval of the findings (if suggested feedback is incorporated) and recommendations.

Expected results

  • Findings are shared and recommendations for improving the document are collated;
  • The findings are accepted and the draft report is approved on the condition that the recommendations which have been made are incorporated.
  • Recommendations are developed or validated.


The workshop will follow a participative and interactive approach to encourage sharing ideas and incorporating the knowledge of all stakeholders. To ensure the participatory manner of the workshop, it should be held at different locations and levels according to the context. Possible levels could be:

  • Local community level: where findings are shared and discussed with IDPs and host community members, etc.
  • Local regional level: where findings are shared and discussed/approved with IDP representatives, local authorities, community leaders, local NGOs, etc.
  • Central level: where findings are shared and discussed/approved with IDP representatives central authorities, relevant Ministers, Government, INGOs, national NGOs, UN agencies, etc.

In practical terms, activities are led alternatively in plenary sessions or in small groups.

Stages during the workshop:

  1. First plenary session: The Profiling Coordinator or a representative opens the workshop with a speech; subsequently the presentation of the profiling findings per thematic area takes place.
  2. Working groups: After the presentation of the findings, participants will be allocated to working groups with specific themes (according to knowledge and expertise). Each chapter of the report will form a specific theme. [Insert here the thematic areas along which the working groups will be formed].
  3. Second plenary session: The feedback from each working group session will be presented and discussed in plenary. The feedback will entail input to the findings and suggestions to recommendations/ or input to existing recommendations. The session is moderated by the Profiling Coordinator or a representative.
  4. Collating feedback: A working group in charge of drafting a summary of the presented feedback will present the final comments and recommendations.
  5. Approval of findings and recommendations: The final plenary session will be devoted to examining and adopting the report findings on the condition that the input to the findings istaken into account in the final report.

Composition of the working groups

According to the total number of participants and their background and affiliation, balanced working groups will be formed.

Each group will be composed as follows:

  • A facilitator;
  • A co-facilitator;
  • Two rapporteurs (one from the government/one from an NGO or agency);
  • Members (according to knowledge and thematic expertise).

The facilitator of each group will lead the discussions, seeking consensus wherever possible.The members will participate actively in discussions and are the main source of contributions to these discussions.The rapporteurs will minute the debate and should primarily retain the agreed upon outcomes and recommendations.

A rapporteur coordinator will ensure the subsequent consolidation of the feedback from each thematic working group and drafta summary to be provided to the profiling coordinator for the finalisation of the profiling report.


The workshop participants will be chosen depending on the themes covered by the profiling exercise. In addition, it will take into account experience in fields related to the topics of the profiling.

Depending on the location, level and size of the validation and recommendations workshop, following members can be considered:

  • Local community level: IDPs and host community members.
  • Local regional level: local authorities, community leaders, representatives of displaced persons; local NGOs, civil society representatives; public and semi-public organisations involved in managing displaced persons; locally present INGO and UN agencies, etc.
  • Central level: Ministries involved directly or indirectly in dealing with internally displaced persons; other relevant Ministries in charge of aspects touching upon various facets of the lives of displaced persons (e.g. education, health, protection, property questions, justice, security, etc.); national and international NGOs; UN agencies; civil society representatives; public and semi-public organisations involved in managing displaced persons; representatives of displaced persons etc.


[Insert the location, date and time of the workshop. The duration may be more than one day depending on objectives].


[Specify the coverage of travel costs, accommodation and food as well as the breaks and food provided during the workshop]


The main working document of the workshop will be the draft profiling report and /or a summary of the main findings. It will be copied and distributed to participants with the invitations, in order to give participants enough time to reflect upon it.


Logistical requirements for organising the workshop are summarised in the table below:

# / Title / Quantity / Observations
1 / Room & working group rooms
2 / Laptop
3 / Projector
4 / Copies of the report
5 / Flipchart and pens
6 / Invitations
7 / Coffee-breaks
8 / Lunch
9 / DSA for non-resident participants
10 / Printer
11 / Ink cartridge


Time / Activity
09:00 / Opening
Welcome from the Profiling Coordinator
Presentation of the preliminary profiling findings by the Profiling Coordinator or a representative
Presentation of the structure of the workshop
10:00 / Coffee break
10:30 / Work in small groups on thematic areas to comment of findings and develop recommendations
13:00 / Lunch break
14:00 / Plenary session to share the work of the small groups
Presentations by the facilitator of each working group
Discussion (20 minutes)
16:00 / End of small groups, coffee break and drafting the collated feedback
17:00 / Plenary closing session
Adoption of input to findings and developed recommendations (if possible).
Reading of the final statement
18:00 / Closing speech by the Profiling Coordinator, and mapping of the steps ahead.