Newspaper Articles – Run for the Cure - Different Points of View


1) Answer questions found in the Pre-Reading Activity

2) Read the article During Cancer Treatment, Mother Runs for a Cure .

3) Answer During Cancer Treatment, Mother Runs for a Cure questions.

4) Read An Ounce of Prevention.

5) Answer An Ounce of Prevention questions.

Due: Next Class

Pre-Reading Activity

1. List marathons you know of that are used to help raise funds for cancer research.

2. Have you ever been involved with fundraising activities for cancer research? If so, describe your experience(s).

3. What are your views on marathons that help raise funds for cancer research? I.e. Are they a good idea? Are they effective?

During Cancer Treatment, Mother Runs for a Cure - Questions

1. Briefly summarize the nature of this article. What is it about?

2. What are Dawn Fulton’s views on the Run for the Cure?

3. What were some of the results of Dawn Fulton’s treatment for cancer?

4. List two facts about the Run for the Cure that are mentioned in this article.

An Ounce of Prevention – Questions

1. What is this article about?

2. What are the author’s views on fundraising campaigns for cancer research?

3. What evidence does the author use to justify his position regarding fundraising campaigns for cancer research?

4. What are carcinogens?

5. According to the author, what is ironic about corporate-sponsored marathons such as the Run for the Cure?

6. Explain the illustration found in this article. How does this illustration clarify or support the author’s views presented in this article?

7. Comment on the title of the article that the author has chosen. Why do you think he chose this title?

8. Do you agree or disagree with the views presented by the author of this article? Why or why not?