Mauldon, J., & London, R. (1996). California Time Limits Survey. Unpublished Survey. University of CaliforniaBerkeleySurveyResearchCenter
[# Timer B - entire file
[# (rent)
The next questions are about how easily you have been able
to cover basic necessities such as food, housing, and medical
care, over the past 12 months.
In the past 12 months, since [LYMO], [LYYE], have you ever
not had enough money to pay your rent or mortgage?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# (util)
In the past 12 months, have you ever not had enough money
for your phone, gas, electricity, water or heat bills?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# (food)
In the past 12 months, have you ever not had enough money to
buy the food your family needed?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# IF >rent< >util< & >food< ALL NOT <1>, SKIP TO >enufmony<.
[# (no name)
About how many times in the past 12 months did you find you
couldn't pay your rent or mortage, or household bills, or
couldn't buy food?
Was it...
<1> only once or twice,
<2> 3, 4 or 5 times, or
<3> 6 or more times?
[# (enufmony)
Do you generally have enough money to buy the basic things you
need, even at the end of the month?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# IF >adlt1< IS <7> (R IS HOMELESS), SKIP TO >move<.
[# (sharhous)
At the moment, are you [your [husband/wife/partner]] [and your
child[ren]] living with another person or another family in order
to cut down on your household costs for housing or other things?
<1> YES [goto timeshar]
<5> NO
@ [goto move]
[# (timeshare from revised)
How long have you been sharing housing in order to save money?
Would you say...
<1> less than 2 weeks,
<2> 2 weeks to a month,
<3> 1 to 3 months,
<4> 4 to 6 months, or
<5> more than 6 months? (SPECIFY)
[# (move)
In the past 12 months, did you have to move out of your home
when you didn't really want to?
<1> YES [goto moven]
<5> NO
@ [goto utillose]
How many times did that happen?
<1> Once
<2-5> TIMES
<5> More than 5 times (SPECIFY) [specify]
[# (movewhy)
[Thinking about the most recent time,] why did you have to move
out of your home? (DO NOT READ CHOICES)
@1 Couldn't afford rent/bills
@2 Eviction for non-payment of rent
@3 The people I was living with made me leave
(other than non-payment of rent)
@4 Eviction because the landlord wanted me out
for some other reason
@5 Home was damaged or burned
@6 Needed more space
@7 Home/Neighborhood was too dangerous/too much crime
@8 Looking for work or take a job somewhere else
@9 Other (DESCRIBE)
[# (movewher)
What did you do when that happened (DO NOT READ CHOICES)?
PROBE ONCE: And then what?
@1 I and my children (and spouse/ptnr) found a new apt/house of own
@2 I and my children (and spouse/ptnr) went to a family member's home
@3 I and my children went to a boyfriend's home
@4 I and my children (and spouse/ptnr) went to a friend's home
@5 I and my children (and spouse/ptnr) went to a homeless shelter
@6 Split up the family to different places (DESCRIBE VERBATIM)
@7 Other (DESCRIBE)
[# (utillose)
In the past 12 months, was your phone, gas or electricity turned
off for not paying the bill?
<1> YES [goto utilwhic]
<5> NO
@ [goto carlose]
[# (utilwhic)
Which were turned off (READ EACH)?
(1) YES (5) NO
Phone? @1
Gas? @2
Electricity? @3
[# (carlose)
In the past 12 months, did you or someone else in your family
that you live with lose their car because you couldn't afford
to pay to repair or register or insure it?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# (foodbank)
In the past 12 months, did you get food from a church or food
bank - or any other place where you can get bags of food?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# (foodsoup)
In the past 12 months, did you get meals from a church or soup
kitchen - or any other place where you can get a cooked meal?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# (borrow)
In the past 12 months, did you borrow or receive money from
friends or family to help pay rent or bills?
<1> YES
<5> NO
[# IF >adlt1< IS <7> (R IS HOMELESS), SKIP TO >etsB<.
[# (rooms)
How many rooms altogether are there in your home,
that is, in the space occupied by everyone staying
in your household? Count all of the rooms, including
the kitchen but don't count bathrooms or hallways.
<11> More than 10 (SPECIFY)
How many of these rooms are bedrooms?
<11> More than 10 (SPECIFY)