Elmore Park Middle School

Mrs. Blair Lynch

8th grade Social Studies – U.S. History

Welcome to the exciting world of U.S. History!!!! I am very much looking forward to a new school year. I am providing some information regarding our class rules, guidelines, and procedures I expect you to follow this year in our classroom. This will ensure that we will have a successfuland fun learning experience. I very much look forward to working with you this year! Thank you for your cooperation.

As my student you are expected to:

  • Raise your hand before speaking
  • Wait your turn before talking
  • Follow directions the first time given
  • Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  • Be respectful and considerate to your fellow students (Rudeness is not tolerated!)
  • Be solutions oriented

Procedures for the classroom are as follows:

  • Be on time to class with all of your materials (laptop, headphones, flashdrive, paper, folder, pencil)
  • Come in and be ready to give your best
  • Enter class in a quiet fashion and begin working on your bellwork
  • Have homework out and ready to check at the beginning of class
  • Make sure you sharpen your pencil before class begins
  • Class is over when we dismiss you


  • Homework Passes
  • Lynch Dollars
  • Eagle Bucks
  • Seat Swap
  • Late Pass
  • Extension Pass


Follow Team Discipline Plan

Binder: Each student will need a binder for social studies. The binder can also be shared by other classes. There need to be three specific sections of the binder: Bellwork, Classwork, and Quizzes/Tests.


Locker times are assigned to each student on a rotation. Visit lockers on assigned times only. Otherwise, it will result in a conduct check, or detention if violations are continued.

Grading Policy

Tests – 40%: All tests will be announced. This should give students plenty of time to study!!!

Quizzes – 30%: The purpose of a quiz is to see if a certain objective has been mastered. Quizzes can be announced and surprise.

Class Work – 20%: Class work consists of bellwork, tasks, and other class assignments given during class time.

Homework – 10%: Homework will be given 2 to 4 times per week in order to prepare students for the content of that week. Students are responsible for completing all homework and it will be due the next day after it is assigned.

ZAP (Zeros Are Not Permitted) Zeros lower the student’s grade significantly, sometimes causing the student to lose motivation. Before long, the zero grade will make it mathematically impossible for the students to pass. The purpose of assignments is to allow students the opportunity to practice and apply skills that they are expected to learn. If the assignment is not complete within the provided time, I will contact the parent/guardian


When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get their makeup work. Assignments will be posted weekly on the assignment board and Edmodo every Monday. Any missed tests or quizzes will need to be scheduled with me for make-up. Social Studies make up days are Monday before school. If a student is absent, they have the number of days missed to complete the assignment (no exceptions, no extra time).

You have to have a “make up/tutoring session” card in order to come early on any Monday. See Mrs. Lynch for a card if you need one. When your work is completed, turn it in to the class tray. MAKE UP WORK MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH STUDENT NAME AND THE TITLE OF THE ASSIGNMENT.

A grade of 50 is recorded into the grade book for missing make up work, with a comment in PowerSchool, until the work is completed within the allotted time. After a week of non-compliance the student should be referred to guidance with the assignment. Missing classwork or homework will receive a 50 in the grade book.

First Quarter Objectives:

  • Colonialism (1600-1750)

Students will understand the social, political, and economic reasons for the movement of people from Europe to the Americas, and they will describe the impact of colonization by Europeans on American Indians and on the development of the land that eventually became the United States of America.

  • Development of a New Nation (1720-1787)

Students will understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American Republic.

  • The Constitution and the Foundation of the American Political System (1777- 1789)

Students analyze the political principles underlying the Constitution, compare the enumerated and implied powers of the federal government,and understand the foundation of the American political system and the ways in which citizens participate.

  • Growth of a Young Nation (1789-1849)

Students analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation

Assessments for Quarter 1:

Colonization Test

Causes of the Revolutionary War Test

Revolutionary War Test

Government Test

End of Quarter Test

Quarter 1 Project

I have read, understood, and accept these rules, procedures, and guidelines. Mrs. Lynch has explained them and I have shown these to my parents/guardians. I will work very hard this year to abide by these rules in order to make my learning experience successful. If I choose not to abide by these rules and procedures, I am then choosing the consequences.

Communication: My website will be updated each week. What we are doing and the student assignments will be posted each week on the website and the Edmodo site. I will also send out a weekly notice through email detailing our week at a glance. There is a place for the parent email at the bottom. Please provide a reliable email address for regular communication.

Please sign and return by Friday, 8/14/15



Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______

Parent Email: ______