FR3010 JS Option: Modern Autobiography


Modiano, Livret de famille

Bedner, Jules (ed.), Patrick Modiano: Etudes réunies. Various essays. Copy available on request from JG

Cooke, Dervila, Present Pasts: Patrick Modiano’s (Auto)Biographical Fictions. See especially pp. 93-111 for LdeF.

Gratton, Johnnie, ‘Postmemory, Prememory, Paramemory: The Writing of Patrick Modiano’, French Studies, vol. LIX, No. 1, Jan. 2005, pp. 39-45.

Kawakami, Akane, A Self-Conscious Art: PM’s Postmodern Fictions. Good general work, numerous refs to LdeF.

Laurent, Thierry, L’Œuvre de PM: Une Autofiction; relevant to course issues, but not inspiring. LEN 848.914 MODg N7

Mitchell, C., Shaping the Novel: Textual Interplay in the Fiction of Malraux, Hébert and Modiano; some interesting analyses of PM’s work. ARTS 843.9 N63

Morris, Alan, Patrick Modiano; basic but informative, with a section on LdeF. ARTS 848.914 MODg N6

Nettleback, C.W. and Hueston, P.A., ‘Anthology as Art: PM’s Livret de famille’, Australian Journal of French Studies, 21:2, May-Aug 1984,pp. 213-23. PER 71-387. Also available from JG as chapter in book on M. by same authors.

Perramond, Daniel B., ‘Livret de famille (1977) de PM: grandeur et misère de la mémoire’, The French Review, vol. 66, no. 1 (Oct. 1992), pp. 69-76. Available for downloading via Library’s ejournals facility

Salaun, F., ‘La Suisse du cœur’, in Bedner (above), 15-42

Interesting Modiano websites with lots of info on PM:

JS Autobiography: Sarraute, Enfance

(NB Certain articles may be accessible via the library’s ejournals facility)

Bacchilega, Cristina ‘Feminine voices inscribing Sarraute’s Childhood and Kingston’s The Woman Warrior’, Textual Practice, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1992, pp. 101-18. PER 82-978

Bouchardeau, Huguette, Nathalie Sarraute, 2003

Gosselin, Monique ‘Enfance de Nathalie Sarraute: les mots de la mère’, Revue des sciences humaines, Vol. LXXXXVI, No. 222, avril-juin 1991, pp. 121-42. PER 88-428

Gratton, Johnnie ‘Autobiography and Fragmentation: the Case of NS’s Enfance’, in Nottingham French Studies, vol. 34, No. 2, 1995. PER 74-453

Gratton, Johnnie ‘Towards Narrativity: NS’s Enfance’, in Forum for Modern Language Studies, vol. XXXI, No. 4, 1995. PER 80 (also as ejournal)

Gratton, Johnnie ‘The Present Tense in NS’s Enfance’, French Studies Bulletin, 52 (Autumn 1994), pp. 15-17. PER 83.795

Lejeune, Philippe ‘Paroles d’enfance’, Revue des sciences humaines, Vol. LXXXXIII, No. 217, janvier-mars 1990, pp. 23-38. PER 88-428.

O’Beirne, Emer, Reading NS: Dialogue and Distance. Good stuff. ARTS 848.912 SARg N9

O’Callaghan, Raylene ‘The Art of the Impossible: The Autobiography of the French New Novelists’ (on Sarraute, Duras and Robbe-Grilllet), in Australian Journal of French Studies, Vol. XXV, No. 1, 1988, pp. 71-91. Unfortunately it’s not very good. PER 71-387.

Roey-Roux, F. van ‘Enfance de Nathalie Sarraute, ou de la fiction à l'autobiographie’,Etudes littéraires, Vol. XVII, No. 2, pp.273-82. PER 73-2

Rykner, Arnaud Nathalie Sarraute: solid, up-to-date general study, well worth dipping into. PB-102-919 (Santry).

Schmutz, Marianne, Enfance de NS comme autobiographie, 1999

Sheringham, M. French Autobiography: Devices and Desires (see general biblio.), pp. 156-64; good on S’s dialogical technique.

For a thorough bibiliography specifically on Enfance, see:

(c) Duras, L’Amant

Borgomano, Madeleine ‘L’Amant: une hypertextualité illimitée’, in Revue des sciences humaines, vol. LXXIII, No. 202, avril-juin 1986, pp. 66-77. PER 88-428

Calle-Gruber, Mireille ‘Pourquoi n’a -t-on plus peur de M. Duras?’, Littérature, No. 63, 1986, pp. 104-119. PER 840.

Cohen, Susan D., Women and Discourse in the Fiction of M. Duras (see especially pp. 92-102). ARTS 848.914 DURgN31

Crowley, Martin, Duras, Writing, and the Ethical: Making the Broken Whole 2000

Davis, Colin, & Fallaize, Elizabeth, French Fiction in the Mitterand Years: Memory, Narrative, Desire. Chapter on L’Amant, pp. 18-37. Not in library. Copy available from JG on request.

Duras, M., Les parleuses. Interviews with Duras. LEN 848.914 DURg L4

Gratton, Johnnie, ‘Postmodern French Fiction: Practice and Theory’, in Unwin, Timothy, The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel from 1800 to the Present, pp. 242-60. Some pages on L’Amant in the context of contemporary fiction and auto. ARTS 843.09 N7

Hellerstein, Nina S., ‘Image and Absence in MD’s L’Amant’, Modern Language Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, 271-79

Hill, Leslie, MD: Apocalyptic Desires. Good general work. PL-213-697 + ARTS 848.914 DURg N3

Hughes, Alex, Heterographies: Sexual difference in French Autobiography, 1999

Morgan, Janice, ‘Fiction and Autobiography/Language and Silence’, in The French Review, Vol. 63, No. 2, Dec. 1989, pp. 271-79. Highly recommended. PER 840

O’Callaghan, Raylene (ref. in Sarraute section)

Sankey, Margaret ‘Time and Autobiography in L’Amant by Marguerite Duras’, Australian Journal of French Studies, Vol. XXV, No. 1, 1988, pp. 58-69. PER 71-387

Selous, Trista, The Other Woman: Feminism and Femininity in the Work of MD, ARTS 848.914 DURg M8

Sheringham, M. French Autobiography: Devices and Desires (see general biblio.), pp. 316-20. Short but good.

Winston, Jane, Postcolonial Duras: Cultural Memory in Postwar France, 2001