September 11, 2013 Orlando Aero Club Meeting Minutes

·  Meeting Commenced 7:40 p.m.

·  Minutes from last meeting were read and approved by members present

General Announcements:

·  Citabria has new LED landing light

·  46D new bulb has arrived – waiting to schedule installation

·  Showalter fuel is currently listed at $7.394/gal; OAC pays $6.44/gal

·  Aviation 101: Takeoffs are optional – Landings are mandatory

·  Glider rides – south of Clermont. Take South 33 to the airport – 6L0 airport(?)

·  Chester Kennedy will check on availability of Lockheed Martin FAA Wx Briefer at a facility. Will discuss at next month’s Club meeting.

·  ORL Exec. Arpt. Tower Communication is topic at tomorrow night’s FAA Safety meeting


·  O.A.C. Financial Info, as of 08/31/2013 (compiled on 09/05/2013)

o  Income: $8990.02

o  Interest, reserve account: $ 2.50 (Aug)

o  Expenses:$7556.50

§  Showalter: $1871.19 (fuel reserve) OAS: $1082.23

§  $165.00: N53540 (Tail nav. light repair)

§  $917.23: N5060L (50 hr. service, RH tire, install LED landing light, fuel cap gaskets)

§  Alexander Aviation Assoc., Inc.: $4603.08 (50% 2014 insurance premium, balance in Sept.)

o  Account Balance:

§  General: $36590.92

§  Reserve: $29,415.32


N53540= 14.4 Annual Due: 02/28/2014

N516SP= 21.3 Annual Due: 07/31/2014

N9346D= 17.1 Annual Due: 05/31/2014

N5060L= 5.6 Annual Due: 02/28/2014

Total = 58.4

Other Info :

1.  GPS Map updates for N9346D and N516SP due: 09/19/2013

2.  Membership: 31 Active, 11 Inactive


·  Seat Rail AD in 540 and 46D. Due at Annual or at 100 hour inspection

1.  Will check if there is a permanent fix to avoid future AD’s

·  516SP – pilot door lock can drop to locked position when the door is closed. If in this position, the key will not work, and the only way in is through the baggage door. Will have maintenance look at door lock mechanism and advise.

Safety Presentation & Discussion by Joe Casalese:

·  The Orlando Aero Club is not a flight instruction facility or operation. We are member-owners. Flight instructors in the OAC are for the convenience of the members of the Club. People wishing to become OAC members have made application, and have been reviewed and accepted by the membership in order to fly Club aircraft and to receive flight instruction in the Club. The bylaws are available on the OAC website for further information.

·  Discussed Insurance point:

o  Operations for cash or commercial business is prohibited

General Airplane and Airport Operations

·  Carburetor and Carburetor Heat Operation

o  Carburetor mixes the air and gas

o  Gas atomizes and that’s what flames

o  Carburetor uses the engine’s suction through a venturi (neck down) & the liquid gas gets atomized and mixes with air

·  The first sign of carburetor icing is loss of RPM

o  Loss of manifold pressure in constant speed propeller operations

o  When applying carb heat (CH) – apply full – do not apply partial CH

·  If on an extended descent – check RPM (or MP) and occasionally apply CH

·  If idling for 10-15 minutes prior to takeoff, apply CH prior to takeoff

o  Send email to Joe if you want a copy of the safety presentation handout that has the references and figures.

·  516 SP does not have a carburetor since it is a fuel injected engine.

o  It can have filter icing. That is why it has Alternate Air.

Further safety items and discussion:

·  Airport non-movement areas

·  Low IFR markings

·  VASI types and meanings

·  LAHSO – airport lighting for night LAHSO clearance – series of pulsing white lights

·  PCL – Pilot Controlled Lighting on sectional charts.

Adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

These minutes are the interpretation of the author. Any additions, deletions, omissions, or corrections should be sent to the attention of the author and new meeting minutes will be distributed as needed.