Dear Parents:

There is a Social for the Riverwatch 6thgraders on Friday, February 10, 2017. The social will begin at 4:30 PM and end at 6:00 PM. Admission is $5.00 per student. Students may purchase refreshments at the concession stand. Teachers, parents, and administrators will chaperone the event. We are looking forward to a very special, fun-filled afternoon!

We ask your cooperation in making arrangements to have your child picked up promptly at 6:00 at the assigned parent pick-up area. A – L will pick up at the front of the school, M – Z will pick up on the gym side.

Rules for the social are listed below. Please take a few minutes to go over these with your child.

  1. Socials are open only to students of the stated grade level(s) who are currently enrolled at Riverwatch.
  2. Students absent or suspended from school (ISS or OSS) will not be permitted to attend the event.
  3. Students must present the signed permission slip and the $5.00 in order to be admitted to the social.
  4. Book bags will remain in students’ lockers and may be retrieved upon departure.
  5. No students may go outside of the building prior to being picked up.
  6. Students leaving early from the socialmust be signed out by a parent or legal guardian.
  7. Students are to comply with the school dress code unless another type of costume or dress has been designated for the occasion.
  8. Students are expected to behave in an acceptable manner. The Riverwatch Middle School and Forsyth County discipline and behavior policies are in effect at all after school functions.

We appreciate your cooperation and support in helping make this social a success. Please complete the needed information along with your signature. This gives permission for your student to attend the social. REMEMBER: YOUR CHILD MUST PRESENT THIS SIGNED PORTION OF THE PERMISSION SLIP AT THE DOOR, ALONG WITH $5.00, IN ORDER TO BE ADMITTED TO THE DANCE.


Student Name Warning Bell TeacherDate

I have read the rules for the social, and I give permission for my child to attend. I will make arrangements for my child to be picked up promptly at the end of the social. If not, I understand my child may lose the privilege of attending future after-school events.


Parent Signature Phone Number

*If you are interested in volunteering at the social please email me at with “6th Grade Social” in the subject line.