1. Call to Order
  2. Time: 5:30PM/8:00AM
  3. Absent:
  1. Funding Requests
  2. Chapman University College Republicans–Student Org
  3. 4/0/0
  4. Accounting Society – Academic Org
  5. 4/0/0
  6. Kelena M Jue – Conference Scholarship
  7. 4/0/0
  8. Kristen S Peet – Conference Scholarship
  9. 4/0/0
  10. Chapman PRSSA – Academic Org
  11. 3/0/1
  12. APSA – Student Org
  13. 4/0/0
  14. Junk Takado – Co-Sponsorhsip
  15. 3/0/0
  1. New Business
  2. N/A
  1. Senator Reports
  2. Ana: Talking to an advisor regarding a funding request for printing credits and will present it to senate on Friday
  3. Nico: Nobody replies to Nico’s emails so he went university advancement to speak to someone in person regarding donors to fixing the Wilsontron. Is having a meeting with the campus store manager and Anabell on Wednesday
  4. Megan: Imani and Megan are hoping to make a yearbook subcommittee. Megan has a meeting with Alex and Imani regarding adding minors into Wilkinson.
  5. Kunal: Having an open forum with Megan at Wilkinson to discuss constituent’s ideas for the mobile newspaper.
  6. Peter: Found out there’s no room for furniture in Beckman because it violates the fire codes. Still waiting to hear back from IS&T for a printer in Beckman
  1. Adjournment
  2. Time: 6:45pm