Dear Friend of UMW,

:Our organization is preparing a wonderful custom cookbook featuring favorite recipes from our members and friends. The cookbook will be professionally published, and titled Yellowstone UMW Legacy Cookbook-a taste of history and a bite of the future.

Please submit 1-2 of your favorite recipes so you can be represented in our group’s cookbook. Your name will be printed with each of your recipes. We are also looking for great recipes from your unit, past Conference or District officers, and pastors. Follow the instructions below.
We thank you for contributing recipes as this will help to ensure that our cookbook will be a huge success.
Return your recipes by May 10 to Cherie Mondragon or mail to:105 Cooney Dam Road, Roberts, MT 59070. Thank you!

We anticipate a great demand for our cookbooks, and we want to be certain to order plenty. You can reserve one or more for yourself and your unit at this time to be assured of receiving them. We expect them to be ready this fall and to sell for $10. Proceeds will go to the Legacy Fund. Number of books you want to reserve ______
Name ______Email ______
Phone ______

ONE RECIPE per form. Fill in on computer, save and then attach to email.Deadline May 10.

• If more room is needed, use another sheet of the same size and send together.

• If necessary, WRITE LEGIBLY in ink, as this will greatly reduce errors.
• Be consistent with the spelling of your name for each recipe you contribute.

• List all ingredients in order of use in ingredients list and directions.
• Include amounts, sizes, e.g., 1 (15-oz) can, temps, and baking/cooking times.

• Keep ingredients separate and directions in one paragraph. Do not submitrecipes in steps, columns, or charts. Recipes which cannot conform to ourchosen recipe format will be omitted.

• Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.”DO NOT use statements like, “Combine first three ingredients.”

• Include temperatures and cooking, chilling, baking, and/or freezing times.

• Any special recipe notes (anything other than ingredients, directions, contributorname, serving size, or recipe title) should be kept as a separate comment onthe bottom of this form, as they may not be included unless we pay extra for it.

• Your recipes should fit into one of the following categories

Appetizers & Beverages Soups & Salads

Vegetables & Side Dishes Main Dishes

Breads & RollsDesserts

Cookies & CandyThis & That



Name of Contributor:

Conf or District Officer/Pastor:

Ingredients – list in order of use:
Use abbreviations: pt. qt. pkg. env. c. ctn. tsp. T. oz. lb. gal. doz. sm. med. lg.


DirectionsDo not submit recipes in steps, columns, or charts:


Bake at ______for ______minutes.

Serves ______
This form can be filled in online at
To submit fill in, save to your computer, attach to email.