Star of the Sea School
Henley Beach
Teacher Position Information Document
Position Title:
Employment:Permanent Replacement Temporary
Commencement Date:22 Jan 2018
Full Time
Key Working Relationships
- School Leaders
- School Staff
- Students
- Parents
Broad Purpose
Work collaboratively with colleagues, parents/care givers and CESA personnel to facilitate learning by students and engage in educational reform.
Description of Position:
The teacher is responsible to the Principal directly, and/or through the relevant Team Leader:
- for the development and implementation of the designated areas of curriculum
- for the teaching of these areas to designated groups of students
- for the students, fellow employees and his/her health, safety and welfare
- for the maintenance of any place or equipment designated or chosen for specific activities.
- Operates in accordance with the code of conduct for teachers in SA Catholic Schools
- Has a commitment to uphold and contribute to the ethos of Catholic Schools
- Has a commitment to uphold and contribute to the ethos of the particular Catholic school in which the teacher works
- Understands the employer’s requirements and acts in accordance with South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) and the school’s policies, guidelines and procedures
- Completes administrative tasks accurately and on time including record keeping
- Participates in professional development activities which lead to improved student outcomes and strengthen the professionalism of the teacher
- Appropriately assists students who are hurt, sick or in distress
- Meets and teaches students at designated locations and times
- Develops and maintains effective professional partnerships with other staff
- Undertakes supervision duties including yard duty
- Attends staff meetings, parent teacher interviews and other relevant activities
- Participates in a Professional Review process. This involves self-review, seeking feedback and establishing goals for further professional development and professional reading.
- plans a comprehensive learning program utilising the Australian Curriculum documentation
- structures the program to address the individual learning needs and styles, and plans learning experiences that enable students to strive towards their full potential
- knows and understands a range of learning methodologies and technologies and their application to the classroom
- regularly monitors, reviews and responds to the effectiveness of the learning program through self-evaluation
Criteria /Indicators
Develops positive relationships with students /- Is approachable, courteous and respectful
- Displays interest and concern for students
- Displays patience and empathy
- Is sensitive to the preferred communication patterns of individuals and groups
- Avoids destructive criticism, embarrassing or demeaning comments
- Encourages students in their endeavours
- Provides positive feedback to students
Fosters positive relationships between students /
- Chooses content, behaviour management strategies, teaching methods to enhance the learning environment and to develop students’ skills
- Recognizes occasions that are significant to students
- Provides appropriate opportunities for students to contribute to class decision-making
- Acknowledges positive behaviour
- Models appropriate interpersonal and communication skills
- Assists students to manage/resolve conflict
- Supports a positive anti-harassment policy with explicit conflict resolution processes
Communicates and interacts effectively with parents, caregivers and community.
Provides information, support and encouragement /
- Interacts with parents/caregivers in a respectful and welcoming manner
- Shows sensitivity to the preferred communication patterns of individuals and groups
- Responds to advice, concerns, requests from parents/caregivers about school activities and significant matters concerning their child
- Articulates personal educational beliefs, learning programs, teaching practices, school policies and procedures willingly and positively
- Encourages parental/caregiver involvement
- Effectively manages conflict with parents/caregivers, including seeking support from leadershipwhen required
- Maintains confidentiality unless disclosures are required by law
- Keeps up to date with information about community needs
Sustains working relationships with colleagues, parents and caregivers /
- Displays courtesy and respect for other members of staff, parents/caregivers
- Listens responsibly to the issues/concerns raised by colleagues, parents/caregivers
- Demonstrates flexibility in adjusting the teaching program to incorporate school activities
- Is punctual in attending required meetings
- Works collaboratively and supports colleagues in their work and learning
- Actively participates in professional discussions
- Uses effective assertive behaviours and conflict resolution skills
- Follows through on agreed actions
Has sound and up-to-date knowledge of the curriculum areas /- Provides a quality planned learning program that is responsive to the learning needs of students
- Responds to students’ questions
- Provides feedback to students
- Takes action to upgrade curriculum knowledge when necessary eg engages in professional reading, attends PD
Encourages all students to strive to achieve their personal best /
- Provides challenges for all students through the learning program
- Promotes student self-evaluation, reflection and goal setting
- Takes into account the varying abilities and prior knowledge of students
- Fosters confidence in and enthusiasm for learning
- Encourages and reinforces student effort, initiative and improved levels of achievement
- Requires students to achieve explicit outcomes
Organises teaching program in a manner which helps students to understand /
- Assists students to appreciate the purpose and value of the planned learning outcomes
- Links learning intentions to students’ prior learning experiences
- Presents key concepts and skills in a developmental sequence
- Takes into account aspects which are potentially problematic to students
- Takes into account the requirements of curriculum documents, Australian Curriculum and school curriculum policy documents
Uses a range of effective teaching strategies /
- Uses a variety of explicit teaching methodologies to cater for a range of learning styles
- Selects teaching techniques and activities appropriate to the intended learning outcomes
- Emphasizes teaching techniques which engage students in their learning process
- Provides options which allow for the preferred learning styles and interests of individuals or groups
- Explicitly teaches key ideas, concepts and aspects so as to support students in acquiring skills
- Incorporates a range of technologies to support student learning
- Utilizes the skills of other personnel, eg. team teaching, ESOs etc
Fosters independent learning /
- Provides appropriate opportunities for negotiating the curriculum, assessment requirements and timelines
- Designs activities and tasks in accordance with student readiness
- Creates a resource-rich learning environment
- Encourages students to pose questions, develop hypotheses and plan, gather and analyse information, formulate conclusions and reflect on outcomes
- Is available to assist students when appropriate
- Encourages and supports students to make decisions about the use of ICT in their learning (is ICT an appropriate tool to use in this learning activity? How? When?)
Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness /
- Recognizes and uses learning opportunities in issues raised by students
- Explains and modifies tasks, when necessary
- Is flexible and adaptable with respect to resources and activities
- taps into students’ needs
- acknowledges individual differences
- identifies individual learning needs and styles, and plans learning experiences that enables all students to achieve individual success
- provides a safe non-threatening environment
- establishes positive and effective relationships with students
- makes all reasonable effort to manage the behaviour of students effectively – complying with the school's policy for Personal Responsibility
- ensures a safe, orderly and success-oriented learning environment – encourages positive behaviour
- encourages student self-discipline in and out of the classroom
- models effective and acceptable behaviour
- encourages students to value and appreciate the students’ rights to learn and teachers’ right to teach
- communicates with parents/caregivers about matters pertaining to personal responsibility
- maintains accurate and comprehensive records of student progress and achievement
- uses a variety of assessment and reporting methods to regularly monitor learning progress
- uses assessment tasks that are purposeful and relevant to the teaching and learning program and the learning needs of students
- provides students with positive feedback on performance that reinforces student achievement and focuses on improvement
- negotiates assessment strategies and procedures with students
- provides parents and students with detailed, accurate and informative written and oral reports at appropriate times, as required by the school
- use assessment tasks that are purposeful and relevant to the teaching and learning program and the learning needs of students
- provide students with positive feedback on performance that reinforces student achievement and focuses on improvement
- provide parents and students with detailed, accurate and informative written and oral reports at appropriate times, as required by the school
- support the development and maintenance of a best practice WH&S culture within the workplace
- Adhere to safe work practices
- encourage colleagues and others on the worksite to adhere to safe work practices
Legal and Policy Requirements
- comply with all relevant policies and procedures
- improve systems of work and safe practices
Plans and Budgets
- implement relevant actions in WH&S plans as required by their supervisor
Performance and Training
- participate in relevant OHS&W training programs
- includes OHS&W goals and responsibilities in their role descriptions and performance plans in consultation with their supervisor
Risk Management and Hazard Control
- Report hazards and unsafe workplace practices associated with the workplace to their supervisor
- suggest improvements or recommend changes to avoid, eliminate or minimise workplace hazards
Incident Reporting and Investigation
- report work related injuries and incidents in accord with the Catholic Church Safety Manual
- participate in the investigation of potential hazards, dangerous occurrences, WH&S incidents and near misses in accord with the Catholic Church Safety Manual
- raise OHS&W issues with their work colleagues, supervisor, or local WH&S committee and assist with their resolution
- regularly discuss WH&S issues with other staff at staff meetings
- regularly consult with colleagues on WH&S issues, and actively participate in WH&S committees if required
- monitor and evaluate their own WH&S performance
- monitor the health, safety and well being of work colleagues to ensure they can undertake their work safely
- participate in workplace WH&S inspections/audits, and assist in the maintenance of WH&S facilities, resources, equipment and information
- monitor workplace WH&S performance and progress of the WH&S action plan for the site
Acquire and maintain:
- Police clearance to work in Catholic Education SA
- Approved Mandatory Notification training
- First Aid training
- Teachers Registration
- Teacher Accreditation in Catholic Education SA
- Perform any other duties as required from time to time by the Principal
Professional Review is an annual process. The process will involve self review, an annual professional review discussion where short term and long term goals are formulated in collaboration with a member of the leadership team. Each individual will be supported to action these goals.
Signed (Principal or Delegate)______Date______
Signed (Employee)______Date______