Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Equality Impact Assessments Guidance Notes/ PP41 / v1
Appendix 1: Preliminary Equality Analysis
This assessment relates to: (please tick all that apply)
A change in a service to patients / A change to an existing policy / A change to the way staff work / √A new policy / Something else
(please give details) / New National Contract, terms and conditions of service for Junior Doctors
Questions / Answers
- What are you proposing to change?
- Why are you making this change?
- Who benefits from this change and how?
- Is anyone likely to suffer any negative impact as a result of this change? If no, please record reasons here and sign and date this assessment. If yes,please complete a full EIA.
- a) Will you be undertaking any consultation as part of this change?
Preliminary analysis completed by:
Name / Karen Hussey / Job Title / Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor / Date / 1.11.2016Appendix 2: Equality Impact Assessment
If you have identified any negative impact in the preliminary analysis above, please complete this full Equality Impact Assessment.
Based on the results of consultation, any data or research you have considered, please record and evidence your analysis of the implications of organisational or service change for the various groups of people affected. Please be specific about how you have arrived at your conclusion in relation to impact. Please describe the analysis undertaken and interpretation of evidence.
ATTACHED – National Equality Analysis and Junior Doctors Workforce Data
Please consider any impact that the changes may have on people because of: / Is there potential for negative impact?YES or NO / Are there opportunities for positive impact?
YES or NO / Please give details of negative impact / Please give details of positive impact
Race or culture e.g. people who are black or from a
minority ethnic background
(BME), gypsies and travellers / No / No
Age e.g.older or younger people / No / Yes / The new pay system is based on nodal points in relation to attaining competencies as opposed to the current system based on incremental progression based on length of service therefore the new contract has improved equity in relation to age.
Disability e.g.learning disabilities, physical disability, sensory impairment and mental health problems / Yes / No / As disabled staff are more likely to be absent from work or work part time, it may impact on their progression through the nodal points or have to change training programme. Therefore, there has been more support and training put in place. In addition, If the training programme has to be changed due to disability, then their previous nodal point will be protected
Gender (e.g. women, men, people who are transitioning from one gender to another) / Yes / No / The negative impact may be on part–time staff (who are more likely to be women) who may take longer to achieve the required competencies to progress through the nodal points, whereas with the current contract they progress incrementally based on length of service. However, there are measures in place to minimise this impact through innovative approaches including targeted accelerated learning, mentorship, study leave funding and specially developed training inputs. There appears to be no direct impact on pay, as initial analysis shows that a part time doctor will receive more pay on the new contract compared to the old contract.
Nationality (e.g. where English may not be the person’s first language) / No / No
Religion or belief (including those who do not have a religion or belief) / No / No
Sexual orientation e.g. lesbian, straight, gay or bisexual / No / No
Family circumstances e.g. expectant parents, pregnant women, people who are married or in a civil partnership, those with caring responsibilities e.g. for children or adult dependents / Yes / No / There may be a negative impact on those who take maternity/adoption leave, and those with caring responsibilities as they are more likely to take time out/work part-time and are more likey to be women. However, the pay system is based on equal pay for equal work (required competencies) so ultimately fairer. The issue is, compared to the current contract, where people progress incrementally whether they are part-time or full time, taking maternity leave or not, compared to the new pay system where time not at work may impact on achieving competencies. The view from the national Equality Analysis is, that this is offset by the increase to basic pay, safer working hours, equality of progression and transitional pay protection.
Other (please give details) / N/A / N/A
Full Equality Impact Assessment undertaken by:
Name / Karen Hussey / Job Title / Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor / Date / 01.11.2016Decision:
- Continue the proposal - despite potential adverse effects the proposals do not unlawfully discriminate or there is objective justification
For each impact identified, please complete the following section:
Negative Impact Identified / Can the impact be avoided?NO / If yes, what action will you take to avoid the impact? Include:
-Action to be taken
-Person responsible
-Monitoring arrangements / If you cannot avoid the impact, is there an objective justification?
The contract is being imposed and we believe there is objective justification and that the measures and monitoring put in place will ensure that any issues are mitigated
The impact on pay progression of people who are part-time or take maternity/adoption leave (which are more likely to be women) / No / The on-going pay progression will be monitored over time once the contract has been implemented and doctors are progressing through pay points. / We will monitor the impact of the new contract through Gender Pay Gap reporting and analysis of part-time workers pay progression through the nodal points.
There is objective justificationfor continuing and there is a legitimate aim.
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