Class level: Elementary – High school / Lesson Time: 55 minutes
English level: Beginner to Advanced / Expected number of students: 20 - 40
Context: Understanding and recognizing selected Sports.
Teaching aids: White/chalk board. Sports flashcards, the activity page that accompanies this lesson, and a soft foam ball for playing conversation hot-potato
Learner objectives:
For all students to recognize and understand the sports studied and for advanced students to also use English to describe how the sports are done, when they are done and who does them. Students should also have the opportunity to practice correct pronunciation. / Teacher aims:
Involve all students in an engaging lesson. Assess student learning.
Expose students to speaking English in a structured learning environment.
Procedure / Phase / Timing
Before class starts, the teacher will need to write the names of the sports you will use during your lesson. You should cover the words and reveal them as you introduce them during the lesson.
Ask the students what sports they know and which they like to do, or watch. Also ask them to describe the sports.
You can also ask them to demonstrate (pantomime) the sports.
Review the sport flashcards, one sport at a time with the class to draw upon student’s prior knowledge of sports for this lesson.
(1) Ask the class to say the sports displayed on the diagram page.
(2) The teacher models the correct pronunciation by reading the sport.
(3) The class re-reads the sport.
(4) The teacher asks the class as a whole or calls one student to demonstrate the sport. (For students who need a lot of attention from their classmates or adults, this is a great way to have them focused on the lesson, yet at the same time get the individual attention they crave.)
Play Sports Matching Game
*Before class starts the teacher will need to cut the game cards along the dotted lines and place the each set (good for two students) into a small plastic bag or clip them together.
**For beginning English classes, allow the students to use a labeled sports diagram for reference.
1. Pair the students for this game.
2. Have students place the cards face down on a table between them.
3. The students take turns upturning the cards to match a Verbs picture with the corresponding card containing the label for the sport. To keep the paired cards the person not picking asks “Do you like (sport)?” The person who correctly flipped the paired cards must answer correctly “Yes, I like (matching sport they flipped)_.” IF a match is not made, the second student will respond “No. I like (not matching sport they flipped)_.”
The blank cards are present so students can make additional cards
Closing Activity
1. The teacher demonstrates a sport studied and asks the class “What am I doing?
2. The teacher, gently toss the foam ball to a student to answer the question.
3. If the student responds correctly the teacher says “Yes, you are right, I am _(names the sport demonstrated)_. If the student does not answer correctly the teacher says “No, sorry I am _(names the sport demonstrated)_.
4. The student who answered then demonstrates a sport studied and asks the class “What sport am I doing?”
5. The student doing the action tosses the foam ball to a different classmate who did not yet answer and.
6. Again, if the responding student responds correctly the student doing the action says “Yes, you are right, I am _(names the sport demonstrated)_. If the responding student does not answer correctly the student doing the action says “No, sorry I am _(names the sport demonstrated)_.
7. The process repeats itself with the responding student then taking a turn at doing an action and asking the class to name the sport pantomimed.
Continue to toss the ball until all students have taken a turn
The point of the activity is to have students attempt speaking in English and become familiar with the sports studied. If the students do not respond correctly it is still okay as long as they are gently corrected and the class can hear the correct answer.
+If students decide they want to do sport not in the cards such as dancing, driving, snowboarding, billiards, horseback riding, etc., that is okay also. Just inform the class that the student will be doing a new sport for them and challenge the class to try to guess what new sport is being demonstrating. / Engage
Study / 10 minutes
10 minutes
20 minutes
15 min minutes
Cut these cards out to play the Verbs Matching Game
/ Boxing / / Rowing/ Swimming / / Judo
/ Karate / / Wrestling
/ Shooting/ Marksmanship / / (American)
/ Tennis / / Gymnastics
Cut these cards out to play the Verbs Matching Game
/ Ping Pong / / RollerSkating
/ Baseball / / Surfing
/ Badminton / / Sailing
/ Archery / / Basketball
/ Running / / Volleyball
Cut these cards out to play the Verbs Matching Game
/ Skiing / / Weightlifting/ Ice-skating / / Golf
/ Hockey / / Fencing
/ Soccer/ Football
/ Cycling
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