Mr. Nold


Welcome to the Transitions Program at Chandler High School! Please read to ensure an excellent academic year. This information will be placed into the students file so the student/teacher/administrator can review it at any time. Keep in mind this syllabus is designed to familiarize you with the outline of the course with expectations from the teacher and school. Have a great year!

HOW DID I GET SIGNED UP FOR TRANSITIONS?: Your counselor decided what classes are to be taken for each individual student depending on the students credit situation. An administrator will evaluate students who are placed in Transitions and determine if alternative placement is necessary. A counselor and/or administrator must approve the classes you are asked to complete in the Transitions. The teacher does not determine what classes are to be taken in class.

ATTENDANCE: It is essential that you come to class each day and that you are on time. Attendance is crucial to being successful and completing the necessary classes in the Transitions Program. The teacher will follow school and district policy regarding attendance and tardies. See CHS Transitions Contract.

DEADLINES: Students will be given specific deadlines in which their class is to be finished. Students are asked to complete at least one semester class per quarter.

CLASS RULES: The students are asked to follow all school rules. Consequences will also be followed as directed by school policy. Respect others, yourself, and the classroom at all times. No Food or Drink in the classroom at any time. No Ipods or IPhone music players at any time.

SUPPLIES: Coming to class prepared is essential. These are the things you will need every day:

·  Pen or pencil

·  Spiral notebook

GRADING: The students grade in a class will be based on completion of the class and using the A+ computer software. All assignments are given a point value. There are a varying amount of assignments within each course. Mastery is set at 70%. You must achieve mastery to continue on. Students must take notes on the different classes. Students are allowed to use notes and books for all assignments and exams.

Most classes have the following components:

·  Essays

·  Mastery Tests

·  Final Exam


Damaging the computer will not be tolerated. Any student found damaging the computer will be dismissed from the program immediately. Students may not change the desktop settings, download/upload any information, use the internet or using the drives for any reason without being given permission by the instructor.

Grades from the Transitions Program go directly onto the students transcripts. They DO NOT appear on Chandler High School progress reports or report cards. Students must complete every part of each lesson. Students are not allowed to skip essays. If a student skips any part of a particular lesson, an F will be issued for the course.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______