TASK 3 Short Film
Type: / ProductionOutcomes: / Outcome 1:Media ideas, Outcome 2: Media production
Outcome 3: Responses to Media
Duration / 6 weeks
Weighting / 45% of unit total
Major Production Media Art
Major Production: Create a 5 minute short film that incorporates techniques used in your study of media art this semester. Throughout all phases of the production you must keep ajournal (in visual diary) to record individual and group ideas, planning, & major decisions.
You have freedom to be creative, but your productions should have the following characteristics:
(1) Must be a short piece (5 minutes maximum in duration) that manipulates codes, challenges conventions, and appeals to non-mainstream audiences.
(2) Use a non-realist narrative that uses stylistic techniques found in short film, animation, and music videos (refer to the SCC Mediawebpage for examples).
(3) Must have an underlying message and theme - don't be so ambiguous that your production is meaningless!
(4) Have strong evidence of planning and pre-production such as brainstorming notes in your visual diaries, a production schedule, a written treatment, storyboards, script and other relevant documentation (i.e. release forms for actors, locations and music copyright).
This time allowed for this task is approximately 6 weeks.
Be sure to:
- Form groups of 3-4 students
- Carefully analyse the task brief, discussing possible interpretations
- Document initial ideas in a brainstorm or mind-map.
- Identify and discuss possible codes and conventions (based on previous research and analysis) and consider how these characteristics will be replicated.
- Complete the storyboard & treatment/script, carefully designing shots. Note SFX, shot length and angles, etc.
- Discuss and clarify your role(s) and responsibilities and those of all other group members. Note them in your journal.
- Familiarize yourself with production equipment and materials.
- Review the storyboard or script, making sure each group member has their own copy, and jointly plan locations, actors, costuming and props.
- Work out a timeline, including equipment bookings for out of school hours.
- Seek all permissions including actors and access to locations.
- Carefully referring to your script and storyboard, commence filming at locations within school premises. Remember to ensure that all permissions have been obtained (show your media access pass), and to avoid locations that contain signs or structures that identify the school.
- Regularly view rushes and record decisions
- Commence editing process with regular viewing and discussion of edited sequences in terms of Media Art characteristics and whether intentions have been achieved. Seek regular feedback from peers and your teacher.
- Complete editing and seek independent feedback.
- Save short film onto a DVD and label with title and names of production group members.
Your production journal should be clearly set out and include the following:
- Your completed design proposal sheet.
- Detailed, annotated individual treatment, script and storyboard explaining meanings created by your decisions.
- A complete production timeline.
- A complete props and costumes sheet.
- Regular journal entries (2 for each production phase)
- Completed team performance and personal performance sheet explaining your production processes along the way.
Outcome 1: Based on your ideas
Contexts Purposes and Audiences
Explain how your particular style communicates ideas that reinforce or challenge audience values.
Explore Media Works, Codes and Conventions
Explain how you experimented with technologies, codes and conventions to create meaning, integrating ideas drawn from research to express opinions, values or viewpoints through your film that reflects cultural contexts.
Outcome 2: Based on your production process
Apply media skills, processes and technologies
Describe how you experimented with and adapted skills, processes and technologies to meet new production challenges in different contexts than usual. (For example, use of new editing techniques).
Select and use media codes and conventions appropriate to audience, purpose and context
Describe how you experimented with the choice of codes, conventions and narrative structures to construct meanings, values and/or viewpoints in a complex film for a chosen audience, purpose and context.
Recognise and fulfil a range of production roles and responsibilities
Using your team performance and personal performance sheets as guides, describe how you fulfilled specialist roles, negotiating with others to manage and monitor production processes efficiently, and address ethical responsibilities.
What needs to be included in your Visual Diary for assessment?Completed design proposal sheet
Annotated individual script and storyboard
Completed production timeline
Completed team performance sheet, team meeting sheet, personal performance sheet
Journal entries (minimum 6 entries covering the whole process)
Short film saved onto DVD (3-10 minutes in duration)
Type: / Production
Outcomes: / Outcome 1: Media Ideas,
Outcome 2: Media Production,
Outcome 3: Responses to media
Duration / 8 weeks
Weighting / 45% of unit total
NAME ______
TASK 1: Production (Major) Media Art
9-10 /
- makes regular journal entries that clearly document group decisions throughout the process
- shows insightful reflection on strengths and limitations of all major production areas and offers constructive strategies to improve technical/performance/contribution
- clearly identifies and evaluates how the decisions are connected to learnt theory
- planned documentation of justified, experimental/creative ideas
7-8 /
- makes regular journal entries that document group decisions
- reflects on strengths and limitations, makes relevant suggestions for improvement in technical/performance/contribution
- identifies how the decisions are connected to film theory
- planned documentation of experimental/creative ideas
5-6 /
- usually makes journal entries that document group decisions
- identifies some strengths and limitations and makes some suggestions for improvement in technical/performance/contribution
- identifies some relevant links to film theory
3-4 /
- sporadic journal entries
- entries show little ability to identify strengths and/or limitations and/or ways to improve technical/performance/contribution
- superficial comments about film theory
- sporadic documentation of ideas
1-2 /
- limited journal entries
- minimal attempts at identifying strengths and/or limitations and/or ways to improve technical/performance/contribution
- no attempt to link the learning to film theory
- few ideas evident
/10 / Score
9-10 /
- demonstrated highly proficient technical skill with evidence of experimentation and manipulation of codes and conventions to a professional level.
7-8 /
- evidence of proficient application of technology and/or technique in most production processes.
5-6 /
- evidence of appropriate application of technology and/or technique in some areas of production to reflect experimental film purpose
3-4 /
- recreates some features of media art techniques
1-2 /
- limited attempt to recreate media art style
/10 / Score
9-10 /
- production demonstrates strong awareness of audience values that underpin the shaping of narrative, codes and conventions and its interrelationship with media art techniques
- strong examples of innovative use of past and/or emerging trends in film production
7-8 /
- production demonstrates awareness of audience values in the shaping of narrative, codes and conventions
- examples of using past and/or emerging trends of film in production
5-6 /
- production demonstrates some awareness of audience values in the shaping of narrative, codes and conventions
- some examples of past or emerging trends of film production used
3-4 /
- production demonstrates little awareness of audience values in the shaping of narrative, codes and conventions in film production
- very limited usage of past and/or emerging trends.
1-2 /
- influence of artistic style/characteristics limited to one or two superficial aspects of the production
- no example of past or emerging trends in production used.
/10 / Score
5 / has fulfilled the roles and responsibilities with outstanding commitment to group’s goals including being proactive in the support of others and accepting additional tasks as required
4 / has fulfilled the roles and responsibilities with consistent commitment to group’s goals including accepting additional tasks
3 / commitment to group’s goals has been intermittent
2 / minimal commitment demonstrated to the group goals
1 / No commitment demonstrated to achieving group goals
/5 / Score
/35 / Total score for Major Production
/45 / TASK WEIGHTING: Convert score to 45% of overall unit mark