Resolutions of the Future Melbourne Committee meetingheld on Tuesday 2 February 2016
Agenda item 6.1 - Ministerial Referral: TPM-2015-30, 111-125 A'Beckett Street, Melbourne
That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a letter be sent to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning advising that the Melbourne City Council supports the proposal subject to the conditions set out in the Delegate Report (refer to Attachment 4 in the report from management).
Agenda item 6.2 - Ministerial Referral: TPM-2015-14, 478-488 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a letter be sent to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning advising that the Melbourne City Council does not support the proposal on the grounds set out in the Delegate Report (refer to Attachment 4 in the report from management).
Agenda item 6.3 - Ministerial Referral: TPM-2012-2/A 212-222 La Trobe Street and 17-25 Little La Trobe Street, Melbourne
That the Future Melbourne Committeeresolves that a letter be sent to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning advising that Melbourne City Council supports the proposed changes to the internal layout, change of use to student accommodation, external alterations to the tower footprint, deletion of the proposed multi-level sky bridge and reinstatement of the existing sky bridge subject to permit conditions detailed in the Delegate Report (refer Attachment 4 of the report from management).
Agenda item 6.4 - Ministerial Referral: TPM-2014-17, 850-868 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne
That the Future Melbourne Committee resolves that a letter be sent to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning indicating that the Melbourne City Council supports the proposal subject to the conditions contained within the Delegate Report (refer to Attachment 4), with the addition of a new condition 4.q: variation to the height of the podiums to alternate between 4,5 and 6 stories.
Agenda item 7.1 - Post travel report by Lord Mayor, Robert Doyle: Travel to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2015 CEO Summit, Manila, November 2015
That the Future Melbourne Committee notes the report by the Lord Mayor on travel to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2015 CEO Summit held in Manila between 15 and 20 November 2015.
Agenda item 7.2 - Notice of Motion, Cr Mayne: Setting director fees at wholly-owned subsidiaries
- That the Future Melbourne Committee:
- Requests management to change the approval process for director fees at Citywide and Queen Victoria Market, including any necessary amendments to both company constitutions, to a model which aligns with ASX-listed companies whereby:
- Shareholders approve an overall fee cap for non-executive directors at the annual meeting, which includes any payments for committee work or other additional duties
- It is up to the board to decide the break-down in fees between different non-executive directors and workloads, provided that the overall fees paid are below the cap approved by shareholders at the AGM.
- Requests management, after consulting with the QVM and Citywide boards (and external advisers if necessary) prepare a report for the June 2016 Council meeting which recommends the overall fee cap for 2016-17, to be approved by Council, acting as the sole shareholder, at the 2016 AGMs of both companies.