Feedback7027B Tourism customers and colleagues
TOPIC 1: Communicating at work PAGE 8: Task
VIS task feedback
Your answers would have been similar to the following:
1.The customers would have a negative impression of the visitor information centre, based on John’s service and poor communication. They may have left the area feeling unhappy about their stay as a direct result of this encounter. Further, they may complain or speak negatively to others about the centre.
2.John was aware of the couple’s presence but continued to do his work. He should have asked them if they needed assistance first, and if not, then continued his work. He remained seated and did not initially make eye contact. He folded his arms. His desk was a mess and he was too busy looking for information they didn’t want, to address them.
3.Positive body language would have included standing to greet the customers, making eye contact from the beginning, smiling at the customers and perhaps nodding and physically moving to the brochure racks to signify active interest in the customers’ request.
4.John was too busy doing his work to listen. Since he was preoccupied, he didn’t hear the couple saying it was their first time to Dunroamin. He only picked up on the words “national park”, and obviously thought they wanted an organised tour, yet they mentioned they were driving their own car and were experienced bushwalkers.
John didn’t hear what they wanted—a map. He could have assisted the customers by asking relevant questions relating to the information they gave, and possibly extending their stay. They were first-time visitors to the area. Perhaps they needed accommodation and wanted to find out about other Dunroamin attractions.
5.John hardly asked any questions. The answer to the one he did ask: “Have you been to Dunroamin before?” had already been mentioned. This question is a closed question. He should have asked many more questions to gain all the information required to provide the customers with the details and advice that were needed.
6.How long do you plan to stay in Dunroamin?
Have you already arranged your accommodation or can I help you?
Since this is your first time in Dunroamin, please tell me your interests and I can advise you of what we have to offer.
What types of activities, apart from bushwalking, do you enjoy?
Would you prefer to stay in one place or perhaps move around?
7. How did you go rewriting the scenario? Did you remember to note down non-verbal clues that John could employ to put the customers at ease? Did you consider when to use open-ended questions and when closed questions might be more useful?
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