Consultation Checklist
The checklist will help teams to focus on the requirements for each particular section of the consultation. The seven principles have been adopted from a collaborative project led by the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD), the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), the Co-Intelligence Institute, and other leaders in public engagement, with the expectation of on-going dialogue and periodic revision. The principles have been adopted by over 80 organisations and are fully described and updated at
Download and save this Word checklist to create a consultation rationale for approval.
To encourage concise descriptions, a 200 word limit has been set for each text box.
1. Careful Planning & Preparation
/Reason to consult
Say clearly what the consultation is intended to find out.Answer here…
/Consultation History
Compare previous consultations’ relevance, context, independence & cost.Answer here…
/Relevant Skills
Consider requirements for all necessary relevant skills: statisticians, questionnaire writers and assessors, creative communicators, animators, artists, designers, etc.Answer here…
/Robust Programme
Describe the formal consultation timescale (min 6-12 weeks but likely longer for major projects), include this as part of project programme and show how processes have been designed to inspire continuing participation.Answer here…
/Key Groups & People
Describe how to contact key groups and people, including asking for early help and feedback on previous consultation processes and outcomes and how to invite early comments from people who are all well respected in the relevant communities to encourage early debate about the issues. Consider the requirement for an Equality Impact Assessment and complete as appropriate.Answer here…
/Media Partner
Describe how media partner(s) will be included.Answer here…
Describe the proposed process, which may combine several broad types: “hands off”, “face to face” & “sleeves up”, as described in the toolkit.Answer here…
Describe the need for specialists to design and assess questionnaires.Answer here…
Show creativity that does not simply resort to pre-set processes.Answer here…
/Digital by Default
Show that digital communication processes are augmented by other means as necessary to meet the needs of people in regard to the consultation.Answer here…
/Enough Information
Describe how all necessary information will be made available to explain the consultation to people.Answer here…
/Information Quality
Define the quality and robustness of information available.Answer here…
/Editing & Publishing
Describe processes which will be used for editing (for defamation, confidential or commercial reasons) & publication of original responses - Scotland does this within 4 weeks.Answer here…
Show resource needs, numbers of people to be consulted and length of programme. Include budget for all 7 consultation criteria, including writing up costs, internal and external staff and other resources. The toolkit’s case studies show a wide variety of consultation costs, varying between 0.1% and 2.5% of likely project cost.Refer to the Excel Spreadsheet Budget Planner which is included in the Toolkit.Answer here…
Using the consulting authority’s information technology management system, register the consultation for website publication, with formal closing date.Answer here…
2. Inclusion & Demographic Diversity
/Current Knowledge
Describe knowledge of the study area, issues, agendas, history and politics.Answer here…
Indicate how to reach all, not just usual spokespeople; how to get to ‘hard to reach’ groups, including people of different ages, and ways to do this, including use of local volunteers if they are unbiased.Answer here…
Circumstances may change during the consultation process. Show how the process could change if necessary to match circumstances.Answer here…
3. Collaboration & Shared Purpose
/Shaping a Process
Show how and when key people/groups will assist the consultation design.Answer here…
/End-users & Public
Show how the process will include the wider public as well as end-users.Answer here…
4. Openness & Learning
/Evaluation / Learning
Describe how the results will be evaluated and inform the project.Answer here…
Show how the quality of information produced will be assessed.Answer here…
Identify the principles to be used, for example the seven principles indicated in this list, those of the Green Book, Equality Commission or Cabinet Office. Show how compliance with principles is monitored.Answer here…
/Complaints / Redress
Describe procedures for complaints and redress.Answer here…
5. Transparency & Trust
Indicate how trust has been, or is being built.Answer here…
Show how the process will be impartial, listen and record opinions and evidence.Answer here…
Show how groups and individuals will be invited to give permission topublish their responses.
Answer here…
6. Impact & Action
/Likely Impacts
Describe all likely impacts and potential to change the project at this stage.Answer here…
Confirm inclusion of recommendations in the consultation report.Answer here…
/Next Steps
It is important to indicate to consultees what will happen to the information they are providing and how the project will develop beyond the consultation process – the “Next Steps”. Confirm inclusion of information about ‘Next Steps’ in the consultation report.Answer here…
/Delight and Inspire
Show how the consultation itself will be inspirational.Answer here…
7. Sustained Engagement & Participatory Culture
Describe proposals to continue involvement beyond the formal processAnswer here…
Describe how the team will meet participants again and discuss findings.Answer here…
Show how the process will respect the Concordat between the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Northern Ireland government.Answer here…